Jonathan A. Rottenberg


Gordon Pennycook

Associate Professor and Himan Brown Faculty Fellow

Anthony Ong


Corinna Loeckenhoff

Janet and Gordon Lankton Professor of Psychology and Professor of Gerontology in Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine


Edited Books

  • Ong, A.D., & Löckenhoff, C.E. (Eds.). (2016). Emotion, Aging, and health. American Psychological Association.
  • Hess, T., Strough, J., & Löckenhoff, C.E. (Eds.). (2015). Aging and decision making: Empirical and applied perspectives. Elsevier.

Other Publications

See Google Scholar for a complete list of publications.

Vanessa Bohns


Laura Niemi

Assistant Professor

Will Hobbs

Assistant Professor

Cindy Hazan

Andrew H. & James S. Tisch Distinguished University Associate Professor

Tove Hammer


Neil Lewis Jr.

Assistant Professor of Communication

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