Simone Pinet

Professor of Spanish and Medieval Studies



  • The Task of the Cleric: Cartography, Translation, and Economics in Thirteenth-Century Iberia (University of Toronto Press, 2016)
  • Archipelagoes: Insularity and Fiction in Medieval and Early Modern Spain (University of Minnesota Press, 2011).
  • Courting the Alhambra: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to the Hall of Justice, coedited with Cynthia Robinson (Brill: Leiden, 2009).
  • El baladro del sabio Merlín: Notas para la historia y caracterización del personaje en España. México: JGH, 1997. Bibliotheca Litterarum Humaniorum, Krinein, no. 2.

Selected Chapters and Articles:

  • “The Chivalric Romance in the Sixteenth Century.” In A History of the Spanish Novel. Ed. J.G. Ardila. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • “Between the Seas: Apolonio and Alexander.” In In and Of the Mediterranean. Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies, edited by Michelle M. Hamilton and Nuria Silleras-Fernández, Vanderbilt University Press, 2014.
  • “Los tapices de la Historia de Amadís de Gaula,” in Amadís de Gaula: 1508 (quinientos años de libros de caballerías), Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España/Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, 2008 [October 9, 2008-January 19, 2009], 403-405.
  • “Literature and Cartography in Spain: Etymologies and Conjectures,” in The History of Cartography: The Renaissance, vol. 3, part I. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007, 469-476.
  • “Where One Stands: Shipwrecks, Perspective, and Chivalric Fiction,” special issue of e-Humanista 16 (2010): 381-394.
  • “Towards a Political Economy of the Libro de Alexandre,” in Theories of Medieval Iberia, special issue of diacritics 36.3 (Fall 2006): 44-63.
  • “Para leer el espacio en el Poema de Mio Cid: breviario teórico,” La corónica, Vol. 33.2 (Spring 2005): 195-208.
  • “On the Subject of Fiction: Islands and The Emergence of The Novel,” in Robert A. Davidson and Joan Ramon Resina, eds., New Coordinates: Spatial Mappings, National Trajectories, special issue of diacritics, 33.3-4 (2003): 173-187.

Edmundo Paz-Soldan

Distinguished Professor of Arts & Sciences in Latin American Literature


Recent Fiction

  • Área Protegida. 2024. Spain and Mexico: Almadía. Bolivia: Nuevo Milenio.
  • La mirada de las plantas. 2022. Mexico: Almadía. L’aspetto delle piante. Italy: Future Fiction, 2024.
  • La vía del futuro. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2021.
  • Allá afuera hay monstruos. Santiago: Los Libros de la Mujer Rota, 2020.
  • Los días de la peste. Barcelona: Malpaso, 2017. France: Gallimard, 2020. Serbia: Laguna, 2019.
  • Desencuentros. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2018.
  • Trazado (anthology of stories). Santiago: Cuneta, 2016.
  • Las visiones. Madrid: Páginas de espuma, 2016.
  • Tiburón (anthology of stories). México: Almadía, 2016. Perú: Animal de invierno, 2016.
  • Los otros (anthology of stories). Miami; Suburbano, 2015.
  • Las dos ciudades (anthology of stories). Buenos Aires: Metalúcida, 2014.
  • Iris. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2014.

Recent Stories in Anthologies

  • “Erin, the Local Version.” Tr. Jenna Tang. Epoch. Forthcoming, Spring 2025.
  • “I am a Turtle.” Tr. Joaquín Gavilano. Southwest Review. Forthcoming, Winter 2025. 
  • “La casa del ataúd.” Revista de la Universidad de México, nov. 2023.
  • “La muñeca japonesa.” Revista de la Universidad de México, 2023.
  • “El astronauta Michel Garcia.” Carátula 112 (2022).
  • “The Mother.” Tr. Jenna Tang. Southwest Review 107.3 (2022).
  • “The Next Move.” Tr. Jessica Sequeira. The Best of World Science Fiction, Vol 2. Lavie Tidhar, ed. Gloucestershire: Head of Zeus, 2022.
  • “The Señor of La Palma.” Tr. Jenna Tang. McSweeney’s. “Plundered” issue. 65 (2021), 183-200.
  • “El Señor de La Palma.” Casapaís.ñor%20de%20la%20palma
  • “Billie Ruth.” Olfato de gol. Nuevos cuentos de fútbol. Antonio Sánchez Jiménez and José Domínguez Búrdalo, eds. Madrid: Reino de Cordelia, 2021. 153-66. 
  • “Robot Poet.” Tr. Roy Youdale. Storythings.

Academic Books

  • Segundas oportunidades. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Diego Portales, 2015.

  • with Gustavo Faverón, eds. Bolaňo salvaje.  Barcelona: Candaya, 2008.

  • Editor (Prologue, Timeline , and Bibliography). Alcides Arguedas.  Raza de Bronce. Caracas: Bibioteca Ayacucho, 2006
  • Alcides Arguedas y la narrativa de la nación enferma. La Paz: Plural, 2003.
  • (with Debra Castillo, eds), Latin American Literature and Mass Media. New York: Garland, 2000.

Recent Articles

  • “Formas de narrar el cambio climático en la ficción latinoamericana.” Poshumanismo en la ficción especulativa latinoamericana. Manuel Santana, Ed. Vizcaya: Ediciones Reichenberger. Forthcoming, 2025.

  • “New Media and New Media Technologies in Latin American Writing.” The World Inside: Latin American Literatures in Global Markets. Mabel Moraña and Ana Gallego, Eds. Leiden: Brill, 2023.

  • “Horror y tecnología en Nefando, de Mónica Ojeda.” Recalibrando los circuitos de la máquina. Ciencia ficción e imaginarios tecnológicos en la narrativa en español del siglo XXI. Jonatan Martin Gomez and Patricio Sullivan, eds. Valencia: Albatrós, 2022.

  • “Roberto Bolaño After the Fall of the Wall: 1989-2001.” Roberto Bolaño in Context. Jonathan Monroe, Ed. Cambridge UP, 2022.

  • “Por favor rebobinar: a veinte años de McOndo y Se habla español.McCrack: McOndo, el Crack y los destinos de la literatura latinoamericana. Pablo Brescia y Oswaldo Estrada, Eds. Valencia: Albatrós, 2018. 23-28.

  • “Hilda Mundy y la ‘Dislocadura de la Lógica.” Un asombro renovado: Vanguardias contemporáneas en Latinoamérica. Luis Hernán Castañeda and Matthew Bush, eds. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2017. 21-36.

  • “Afterword: Latin American Tecnoculture Today.” Technology, Literature, and Digital Culture Today: Mediatized Sensibilities in a Globalized Era. Matt Bush and Tania Gentic, Eds. New York: Routledge, 2015.

  • “Hilda Mundy, la vanguardista pirómana.” Prologue. Hilda Mundy. Pirotecnia. 1936. Santiago: Los libros de la mujer rota, 2015.

  • “Art’s Place in Narco Culture: Yuri Herrera’s Kingdom Cons.” Review 86 (Spring 2013). Issue Guest-Edited by Carmen Boullosa and Jorge Volpi.


Nilsa B. Maldonado-Mendez

Visiting Senior Lecturer of Spanish

Cecelia Lawless

Senior Lecturer of Spanish Language and Literature, Stephen H. Weiss Provost’s Teaching Fellow, Director of the Summer in Madrid program



  • Making Home in Havana, Rutgers Press, 2002

Patricia Keller

Associate Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature


Selected Articles


María Antonia Garcés

Professor Emerita of Hispanic Studies



  • Cervantes in Algiers: A Captive's Tale. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2002.
  • Cervantes en Argel: historia de un cautivo. Madrid: Gredos, 2005. (The author’s own revised and expanded translation of Cervantes in Algiers, 2002.)
  • Con cagüinga y con callana. Rescatando la cocina perdida del Valle del Cauca, 2nd ed. Bogotá: Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia, 2013, 142 pp.

Raymond B. Craib

Associate Chair & Marie Underhill Noll Professor of History



Adventure Capitalism: A History of Libertarian Exit, from the Era of Decolonization to the Digital Age (PM Press/Spectre, 2022). Spanish translation (Escapes Libertarios: Historias del del Sueño de Países Privados) forthcoming in 2025 with Editorial Prometeo  (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

The Cry of the Renegade: Politics and poetry in interwar Chile (Oxford University Press, 2016) Published in translation as:  Santiago Subversivo 1920: Anarquistas, universitarios y la muerte de José Domingo Gómez Rojas. Trans. by Pablo Abufom Silva, LOM Ediciones, Chile, 2017

Cartographic Mexico: A History of State Fixations and Fugitive Landscapes (Duke University Press, 2004).  Published in translation as: México Cartográfico: Una historia de límites fijos y paisajes fugitivos. Trans. by Rossana Reyes, UNAM/Inst. de Geografía/CISAN, Mexico, 2014

Martirio, memoria, historia:  Sobre los subversivos y la expulsión de Casimiro Barrios, 1920 (Santiago: Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Serie Signos de la Memoria, 2015)

Edited books:

No Gods No Masters No Peripheries: Global Anarchisms [co-edited with Barry Maxwell] (PM Press, 2015). German translation, edition assemblage, forthcoming.

Recent essays:

Escape Therapy,Los Angeles Review of Books (January 2023)

“Blast Off,” Anarchist Review of Books (Fall 2022) 

The Brief Life and Watery Death of a ‘70s Libertarian Micronation,” Slate (May 21, 2022) 

Crypto Bros are Trying to Buy an Island in the Pacific,Jacobin (April 22, 2022)

Egotopia,Counterpunch (Aug. 23, 2018) 

"Lxs anarquistas," Latin American Research Review (2023)



Tomás J. Beviá

Senior Lecturer of Spanish Language

Monica Bevia

Senior Lecturer of Spanish Language

Silvia Amigo-Silvestre

Senior Lecturer of Spanish Language

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