"Leveling the world: Metaphor and deshumanización in the cinematic dissolve." Romance Quarterly 67.3 (2020): 119–135.
French Kissing the Icon: Erotic Iconoclash and Political Subversion in Deborah Castillo’s The Emancipatory Kiss (2013) (available here: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/3W5V7K9X8UWZZ8GZXHHH/full?target=10.1080/13569325.2023.2261419)
Memorias translúcidas: identidad, materialidad y pérdida en Crisálida de Pepe López (available here: https://lawebdelasalud.com/memorias-translucidas-identidad-materialidad-y-perdida-en-crisalida-de-pepe-lopez/)
La literatura nacional como anxiety bookshelf: Una conversación (pendiente) con Osdany Morales sobre Lengua materna (available here: https://latinamericanliteraturetoday.org/es/2024/06/la-literatura-nacional-como-anxiety-bookshelf-una-conversacion-pendiente-con-osdany-morales-sobre-lengua-materna/
“Leaky, Dead, and Restless: Afterdeath in Contemporary Venezuelan Fiction.” 2023, Latin American Literary Review, 50, no. 100.
"Presentación del dossier. Literatura y escritura hecha por mujeres en el siglo XXI: lenguaje y (re) posicionamientos posibles en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea." Baciyelmo Vol. 16, No. 4, 2022. Co-edited with Lorena M. Velásquez.
"Unfinished Business: Visuality, Space and the State in (Post) Socialist Venezuela." Comparative Literature Studies Vol. 59, No. 3, 2022, pp 527-548. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/863485/pdf
“‘Pequeñas rebeldías’: Cuerpo, materialidad y resistencia en Pelo malo (2013) de Mariana Rondón.” Akademos. Volume 22, number 1 and 2 (2021). Available at: http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_ak/issue/view/Akademos%2022%2C%202020/showToc
Troconis, I. R. (2021). Crafting Nationness: DIY Venezuela in Deborah Castillo’s RAW and Violette Bule’s REQUIEM200≤. Latin American Research Review, 56(2), 437–456. DOI: http://doi.org/10.25222/larr.1113
“Echoes in the Desert: Digging Out the Disappeared in the Digital Age.” The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory (MAST). Vol. 1, Issue 2: “Media, Materiality, and Emergency” (November 2020). Available at: https://www.mast-journal.org/vol-1-no-2-2020
“Violette Bule: Subversive Echoes.” In Violette Bule’s Echo Chamber Exhibit Catalogue. Houston: The Transart Foundation for Art and Anthropology (2020).
“RAW: La carne del pasado.” Trópico Absoluto (October 2019). Available at: https://tropicoabsoluto.com/?p=1961
with Alejandro Castro (eds.) Deborah Castillo: Radical Disobedience. New York: HemiPress, 2019.
Reviewed in Cuadernos de Literatura, Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana: https://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/cualit/index
“Spectral Remains: Under Hugo Chávez’s Gaze.” Esferas (May 2019): 192-201.
“Invocando el espectro: Prácticas de la memoria en la Venezuela pos-Chávez.” Revista Iberoamericana. LXXXV. 266 (January-March 2019): 85-98.
“El Iluminado: Ilan Stavans and the Incongruity of the Anti-hero.” In Stavans Unbound. Boston: Academic Studies Press (2019).
“Venezuelan Literature.” Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets. Latin American Studies. Ed. Ben Vinson. New York: Oxford University Press (2019).
with Ilan Stavans. “Venezuelan-Americans.” Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets. Latino Studies (2014).
Fiction books
Ustedes brillan en lo oscuro (You Glow in the Dark, translated by Chris Andrews, New Directions, 2024). Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2022.
Nuestro mundo muerto (Our Dead World, translated by Jessica Sequeira, Dalkey Archive Press 2017). Oaxaca: Almadía, 2016.
Vacaciones permanentes. La Paz: El Cuervo, 2010.
Edited volumes
Regiones inquietantes: Literatura de horror en Latinoamérica, coedited with Debra A. Castillo. Hispanic Issues, Fall 2024 (forthcoming).
La desobediencia. Antología de ensayo feminista. Santa Cruz: Dum Dum editora, 2019.
Latin American Speculative Fiction, Paradoxa, vol. 31. Coed. with Debra A. Castillo. 2018.
“Aparapitas del futuro: la ciencia ficción andina de Miguel Esquirol.” Ciencia ficción neoindigenista y afrofuturista en Latinoamérica: voces, identidades y transculturación, edited by Teresa López Pellisa. Kamchatka, revista de análisis cultural, December 2023, pp. 11-26.
“Cyborgs in the Margins: Indigeneity in El cementerio de elefantes, by Miguel Esquirol.” Posthumanism and Latin(x) American Science Fiction, edited by Emily A. Maguire and Antonio Córdoba. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022, pp. 167-183.
“Speculative Fiction.” Latin American Literature in Transition: Volume V (1980-2017), edited by Mónica Szurmuk and Debra A. Castillo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 79-92.
“Festín del horror: la comida siniestra en ‘Alta cocina’, de Amparo Dávila.” La obra fantástica de Amparo Dávila, edited by Teresa López Pellisa and David Rosas. Brumal, Revista de Investigación sobre lo Fantástico/ Research Journal on the Fantastic, Vol. IX, n.o 1 (primavera/spring 2021), pp. 21-31.
“Cuerpos que desaparecen: mercado, tecnología y animalidad en Los cuerpos del verano, de Martín Felipe Castagnet.” Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LXXXVI, Núm. 270, January-March 2020, pp. 143-158.
· Singular Pasts: The “I” in Historiography (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022)
· Revolution: An Intellectual History (London-New York: Verso, 2021)
· The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2018; Chicago: Haymarket, 2019)
· The New Faces of Fascism: Populism and the Far Right (London-New York: Verso, 2019)
· Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (New York: Columbia University Press, 2017)
· The European Civil War 1914-1945 (London-New York: Verso, 2016)
· The End of Jewish Modernity (London: Pluto Books, 2016)
· The Origins of Nazi Violence (New York: The New Press, 2003)
· The Jews and Germany: From the “Judeo-German Symbiosis” to the Memory of Auschwitz (Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 1995)