Félix Rosario Ortiz

Graduate Student

Alice McAdams

Lecturer of Spanish


"Leveling the world: Metaphor and deshumanización in the cinematic dissolve." Romance Quarterly 67.3 (2020): 119–135.

Emilia Illana Mahiques

Lecturer of Spanish Language


  • Illana-Mahiques, E. & Severino, C. (2021). Spanish Writing Learners’ Stances as Peer Reviewers. Journal of Response to Writing.
  • Illana-Mahiques, E. (2021). Re-Thinking Peer Reviewing in the Virtual Context: The Roles of Giving and Receiving Online Feedback in L2 Spanish Classrooms. Languages, 6(3), 151.
  • Severino, C. & Illana-Mahiques, E. (2019). Second Language Acquisition Theories and Writing Center Research. In J. Mackiewicz & R. Babcock (Eds.), Theories and Methods of Writing Center Studies. A practical guide (pp. 94-105). Routledge, NY
  • Illana-Mahiques, E. (2018). Peer reviewing in L2 Spanish classrooms: Action research. Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Symposium. The University of Minnesota, MN

Irina Troconis

Assistant Professor of Latin American Studies


French Kissing the Icon: Erotic Iconoclash and Political Subversion in Deborah Castillo’s The Emancipatory Kiss (2013) (available here: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/3W5V7K9X8UWZZ8GZXHHH/full?target=10.1080/13569325.2023.2261419)

Memorias translúcidas: identidad, materialidad y pérdida en Crisálida de Pepe López (available here: https://lawebdelasalud.com/memorias-translucidas-identidad-materialidad-y-perdida-en-crisalida-de-pepe-lopez/)

La literatura nacional como anxiety bookshelf: Una conversación (pendiente) con Osdany Morales sobre Lengua materna (available here: https://latinamericanliteraturetoday.org/es/2024/06/la-literatura-nacional-como-anxiety-bookshelf-una-conversacion-pendiente-con-osdany-morales-sobre-lengua-materna/

“Leaky, Dead, and Restless: Afterdeath in Contemporary Venezuelan Fiction.” 2023, Latin American Literary Review, 50, no. 100.

"Presentación del dossier. Literatura y escritura hecha por mujeres en el siglo XXI: lenguaje y (re) posicionamientos posibles en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea." Baciyelmo Vol. 16, No. 4, 2022. Co-edited with Lorena M. Velásquez.

"Unfinished Business: Visuality, Space and the State in (Post) Socialist Venezuela." Comparative Literature Studies Vol. 59, No. 3, 2022, pp 527-548. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/863485/pdf

“‘Pequeñas rebeldías’: Cuerpo, materialidad y resistencia en Pelo malo (2013) de Mariana Rondón.” Akademos. Volume 22, number 1 and 2 (2021).  Available at: http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_ak/issue/view/Akademos%2022%2C%202020/showToc

Troconis, I. R. (2021). Crafting Nationness: DIY Venezuela in Deborah Castillo’s RAW and Violette Bule’s REQUIEM200≤Latin American Research Review56(2), 437–456. DOI: http://doi.org/10.25222/larr.1113 

“Echoes in the Desert: Digging Out the Disappeared in the Digital Age.” The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory (MAST). Vol. 1, Issue 2: “Media, Materiality, and Emergency” (November 2020).  Available at: https://www.mast-journal.org/vol-1-no-2-2020  

“Violette Bule: Subversive Echoes.” In Violette Bule’s Echo Chamber Exhibit Catalogue. Houston: The Transart Foundation for Art and Anthropology (2020).  

“RAW: La carne del pasado.” Trópico Absoluto (October 2019). Available at: https://tropicoabsoluto.com/?p=1961   

with Alejandro Castro (eds.) Deborah Castillo: Radical Disobedience. New York: HemiPress, 2019. 
          Reviewed in Cuadernos de Literatura, Pontificia Universidad       
          Javeriana:   https://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/cualit/index  

“Spectral Remains: Under Hugo Chávez’s Gaze.” Esferas (May 2019): 192-201.

“Invocando el espectro: Prácticas de la memoria en la Venezuela pos-Chávez.” Revista Iberoamericana. LXXXV. 266 (January-March 2019): 85-98.  

El Iluminado: Ilan Stavans and the Incongruity of the Anti-hero.” In Stavans Unbound. Boston: Academic Studies Press (2019).

“Venezuelan Literature.” Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets. Latin American Studies. Ed. Ben Vinson. New York: Oxford University Press (2019).

with Ilan Stavans. “Venezuelan-Americans.” Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets. Latino Studies (2014).

Liliana Colanzi

Assistant Professor


Fiction books
Ustedes brillan en lo oscuro (You Glow in the Dark, translated by Chris Andrews, New Directions, 2024). Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2022.

Nuestro mundo muerto (Our Dead World, translated by Jessica Sequeira, Dalkey Archive Press 2017). Oaxaca: Almadía, 2016.
Vacaciones permanentes. La Paz: El Cuervo, 2010.

Edited volumes

Regiones inquietantes: Literatura de horror en Latinoamérica, coedited with Debra A. Castillo. Hispanic Issues, Fall 2024 (forthcoming). 

La desobediencia. Antología de ensayo feminista. Santa Cruz: Dum Dum editora, 2019.

Latin American Speculative Fiction, Paradoxa, vol. 31. Coed. with Debra  A. Castillo. 2018.



“Aparapitas del futuro: la ciencia ficción andina de Miguel Esquirol.” Ciencia ficción neoindigenista y afrofuturista en Latinoamérica: voces, identidades y transculturación, edited by Teresa López Pellisa. Kamchatka, revista de análisis cultural, December 2023, pp. 11-26.

“Cyborgs in the Margins: Indigeneity in El cementerio de elefantes, by Miguel Esquirol.” Posthumanism and Latin(x) American Science Fiction, edited by Emily A. Maguire and Antonio Córdoba. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022, pp. 167-183. 

“Speculative Fiction.” Latin American Literature in Transition: Volume V (1980-2017), edited by Mónica Szurmuk and Debra A. Castillo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 79-92.

“Festín del horror: la comida siniestra en ‘Alta cocina’, de Amparo Dávila.” La obra fantástica de Amparo Dávila, edited by Teresa López Pellisa and David Rosas. Brumal, Revista de Investigación sobre lo Fantástico/ Research Journal on the Fantastic, Vol. IX, n.o 1 (primavera/spring 2021), pp. 21-31.

“Cuerpos que desaparecen: mercado, tecnología y animalidad en Los cuerpos del verano, de Martín Felipe Castagnet. Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LXXXVI, Núm. 270, January-March 2020, pp. 143-158. 

Julia Chang

Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies


Itziar Rodriguez de Rivera

Senior Lecturer of Spanish


  • “Backward Modernity? The Masculine Lesbian in Spanish Sicaliptic Literature.” Kiosk Literature in Silver Age Spain: Modernity and Mass Culture. Eds. Susan Larson and Jeffrey Zamostnny (Forthcoming).
  • “Placer solitario y homoerotismo femenino en La Condesita (Memorias de una doncella) de Francisco de Sales Mayo: otro peligroso suplemento.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (2014)

Enzo Traverso

Susan and Barton Winokur Professor in the Humanities


· Singular Pasts: The “I” in Historiography (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022)

· Revolution: An Intellectual History (London-New York: Verso, 2021)

· The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2018; Chicago: Haymarket, 2019)

· The New Faces of Fascism: Populism and the Far Right (London-New York: Verso, 2019)

· Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (New York: Columbia University Press, 2017)

· The European Civil War 1914-1945 (London-New York: Verso, 2016)

· The End of Jewish Modernity (London: Pluto Books, 2016)

· The Origins of Nazi Violence (New York: The New Press, 2003)

· The Jews and Germany: From the “Judeo-German Symbiosis” to the Memory of Auschwitz (Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 1995)

Brisa Teutli

Senior Lecturer of Spanish Language

Mary K. Redmond

Senior Lecturer of Spanish Language

Subscribe to Spanish