Anne Berger

Adjunct Professor of French Literature



  •  Scènes d’aumône. Misère et Poésie au XIXe siècle, Paris: Champion, 2004
  •  Le Banquet de Rimbaud. Recherches sur l’oralité, Champ-Vallon, France, Coll. L’or d’Atalante, Spring 1992. (287 pp.)

Edited Collections

  • Algeria in Other(s)’ Languages, Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2002 (246pp.)
  • Lectures de la différence sexuelle, Conference Proceedings, coedited with Mara Negron, Paris, Des Femmes, 1994. (317 pp.)

Articles, Prefaces and Interviews

  • “Popularity of Language: Rousseau and the MotherTongue,” in Emergencies, M.McQuillan ed., Routledge, 2004.
  • “Pas de deux,” spécial Derrida, Cahiers de l’Herne, M.L. Mallet and G.Michaud, eds, Paris: 2004.
  • “L’amour sans hache,” special issue on George Sand, Littérature, Spring 2004.
  • “The Impossible Wedding: Nationalism, Languages and the Mother-tongue in Post-Colonial Algeria,” in Algeria in Others’ Languages. Cornell UP, 2002.
  • “The Newly Veiled Woman: Irigaray, Specularity and the Islamic Veil,” Diacritics, Spring 1998, vol.28. Pp.93-120.
  • “Comment peut-on être Persanse?,” Contretemps n.2/3, Paris:Galilée, 1997.
  • “The Latest Word from Echo” (translation of “Dernières nouvelles…” by R.Gabarra), New Literary History, 1996, Vol.27. Pp.621- 40.
  • “Le sexe du coeur. Essai de stéthoscopie de la poésie lyrique” (on Rimbaud, Rilke and Hofmannsthal), in Lectures de la différence sexuelle, op.cit, pp.125-138.
  • “Comment un hérisson de paroles” (on Derrida and poetry), in Le Passage des Frontières. Autour de Jacques Derrida, Paris, Galilée, 1994. (Pp.111-119.)
  • “L’idole maternelle en régime poétique bourgeois,” in Du Féminin (Actes du Colloque international de Kingston), Montréal/Presses Univ. de Grenoble, Coll. “Trait d’Union”,1992. Pp. 203-220.
  • “L’apprentissage selon George Sand,” Littérature No 67, Paris, Oct, l987. (Pp. 73-83.)
  • “Celui qui fait éclore la fleur travaille si simplement” (on India, Satyajit Ray and Tagore), Fruits, No.4, Paris (l986). (Pp. 3-9.)
  • “Une conversation avec Jacques Derrida,” Fruits, No. 1, Paris, (l983). Pp. 74-91 (republished in Points de suspension, Entretiens de Jacques Derrida, Paris: Galilée, 1992. (Pp. 141-165)

Ti Alkire

Senior Lecturer of French and Italian Language


Gerard Aching

Professor Emeritus


Selected Publications:

Freedom from Liberation: Slavery, Sentiment, and Literature in Cuba (Indiana University Press, 2015)

"No Need for Apology: Fanon's Untimely Critique of Political Consciousness." South Atlantic Quarterly. 112:23-38. 2013

"The 'Right to Opacity' and World Literature." 1616: Anuario de Literatura Comparada. 2. 2012

"The Slave's Work: Reading Slavery Through Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic." PMLA. 127:912-917. 2012

"The Temporalities of Modernity in Spanish American Modernismo." The Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms. 109-128. 2012



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