- Fictions féminines: Mme de Staël et les voix de la sybille. Saratoga, California: ANMI Libri, 1987
· Singular Pasts: The “I” in Historiography (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022)
· Revolution: An Intellectual History (London-New York: Verso, 2021)
· The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2018; Chicago: Haymarket, 2019)
· The New Faces of Fascism: Populism and the Far Right (London-New York: Verso, 2019)
· Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (New York: Columbia University Press, 2017)
· The European Civil War 1914-1945 (London-New York: Verso, 2016)
· The End of Jewish Modernity (London: Pluto Books, 2016)
· The Origins of Nazi Violence (New York: The New Press, 2003)
· The Jews and Germany: From the “Judeo-German Symbiosis” to the Memory of Auschwitz (Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 1995)
Selected Shorter Writings
In Progress: Healing Voices and Transformative Experiences.
2006: Soigner les morts pour guérir les vivants. Paris, Le Seuil.
2011: Invisibles orphelins. Comprendre, accompagner. Paris, Editions Autrement.
2007: La Psychanalyse. Points de vue pluriels. Auxerre, Editions Sciences Humaines.
2016: Molinié M., Marie J.-M., “Entendeurs de voix plutôt que schizophrène : une voie vers l’émancipation”, Valérie Boucherat-Hue, Denis Leguay, Bernard Pachoud, Florence Weber, Arnaud Plagnol (Eds) Handicap psychique, actualités, problèmes et perspectives, Toulouse, ERES: 215-231
2016: Molinié M., Demassiet V., “Des groupes d’entendeurs de voix, pour qui, pourquoi, pour quoi faire ?”, Jardri R. Laroi F., Favrod J., Psychothérapies des hallucinations, Issy les Moulineaux, Elsevier Masson: 93-106.
2013: Molinié M., “Grandir orphelin ou l’invisible gestation du parent défunt” (grow up fatherless), Ben Soussan (dir.) L’Enfant confronté à la mort d’un parent (The Child Confronted with The Death of a Parent), Paris, Erès: 47-62
2009: “Pratiques de deuil, fabrique de vie.” Pascal Dreyer (dir.) Faut-il faire son deuil ? Perdre un être cher… et vivre, Paris, Editions Autrement: 24-36.
2006: “L’hôpital, le deuil et la migration des âmes face à la médicalisation du mourir”. Jacqueline Lalouette (dir.) L’hôpital entre religion et laïcité. Paris, Editions Letouzey et Ané.
Emancipation by Relay: Transmission in Psychoanalysis (nearing completio).
Libertine Mathematics: Perversions of the Linguistic Turn (nearing completion).
Wrestling with the Angel: Experiments in Symbolic Life (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014).
The Hostess: Hospitality, Femininity, and the Expropriation of Identity (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007).
Edited volumes:
Erin Graff-Zivin and Tracy McNulty, guest editors, Women in Theory?, special issue of diacritics with papers by Maria del Rosario Acosta, Kendra Atkin, Natalie Belisle, Karen Benezra, Valeria Campos Salvaterra, Penelope Deutscher, Norah Fulton, Zakiyyah Iman Jackson, Adriana Johnson, Anna Kornbluh, Christina León, Julia Ng, Erin Graff-Zivin, Elissa Marder, and Rocio Zambrana. Diacritics volume 49, no 2 (2021).
Tracy McNulty, editor, “Constructing the Death Drive,” special issue of Differences with essays by Willy Apollon, Lucie Cantin, Jeffrey Librett, Tracy McNulty, Steven Miller, and Daniel Wilson. Differences 28:2 (Spring 2017).
Jason Frank and Tracy McNulty, guest editors, “Taking Exception to the Exception,” special issue of diacritics with papers by Susan Buck-Morss, Jason Frank, Dominiek Hoens, Bonnie Honig, Jeffrey Librett, Tracy McNulty, Andrew Norris, Kam Shapiro, and Erik Vogt. Diacritics volume 37, nos. 2-3 (Spring 2008).
Journal Articles and Chapters in Books:
“Language, Hors langage, Act, Aesthetics,” in A Psychoanalysis for the Human: Willy Apollon's Renewal of Metapsychology After Freud and Lacan, ed. Lucie Cantin and Jeffrey Librett. Forthcoming 2023.
“Emancipation by Relay: The Transmission of Political Acts in Freud, James, and Kant," forthcoming in Theory & Event (2022).
“The Traversal of the Fantasy as an Opening to Humanity,” in Michelle Rada, editor,
“Psychoanalysis and Solidarity.” Special issue of Differences (Volume 32, nos. 2-3) (2022).
“The Anxiety at the Heart of Perverse Experience: A Clinical Perspective,” in Lacan’s Cruelty, ed. Meera Lee (London: Palgrave, 2022). 133-161.
“A Mass Psychology Beyond the Ego: Sympathy, Enthusiasm, and Unconscious Transmission in the Age of Revolution,” in a special issue of Psychoanalytische Perspectieven on the centennial of Sigmund Freud’s Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, ed. Alexander Miller (Fall 2021), 555-576.
“Feeling at a Distance, or the Aesthetics of Unconscious Transmission,” in Parallax: The Dialectics of Mind and World, ed. Dominik Finkelde, Christoph Menke, and Slavoj Žižek (London: Bloomsbury, 2021), 227-237.
“The Bond Uniting Pleasure and Pain,” special issue of Syndicate on Nathan Brown’s Rationalist Empiricism: A Theory of Speculative Critique, ed. Robert Lehman (October 2021).
“What if the Fetish could Speak?,” special issue of Syndicate on Jacques Lezra’s On the Nature of Marx’s Things, ed. Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz (July 2020).
“Untreatable: The Freudian Act and its Legacy,” in Agon Hamza and Frank Ruda, editors, “Jacques Lacan: Psychoanalysis, Politics, Philosophy and Science.” Special issue of Crisis and Critique, Volume 6, issue 1 (April 2019), 227-251.
“Psychoanalysis and Law,” in The Oxford Handbook of Law and Humanities, ed. Maksymilian Del Mar, Bernadette Meyler, and Simon Stern (London: Oxford University Press, 2019), 163-180.
“Beyond the Oedipus Complex: Dora, Antigone, and the Gift of the Symbolic Father,” in Ahnki Mukherjee, editor, After Lacan: Literature, Theory and Psychoanalysis in the 21st Century (Cambridge University Press, 2019), 58-73.
“Hysteria," in Jeffrey Di Leo, editor, The Bloomsbury Handbook to Literary and Cultural Theory (Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2018).
“Unbound: The Speculative Mythology of the Death Drive,” Differences 28:2 (2017), 86-115.
“Constructing the Death Drive,” Differences 28:2 (2017), 1-4.
“Speculative Fetishism,” Konturen VIII (2015), 99-132. Special issue on “The Thing.”
“Modernist Political Theologies: Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology and Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’,” in Jean-Michel Rabaté, editor, 1922: Literature, Culture, Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 248-260.
“The New Man’s Fetish,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Volume 51, Spindel Supplement (2013), 17-39.
“Desuturing Desire: The Work of the Letter in the Miller-Leclaire Debate,” in Peter Hallward and Knox Peden, editors, Concept and Form Volume II: Interviews and Essays on the Cahiers pour l’Analyse (London: Verso, 2012), 89-104.
“Enabling Constraints: Toward an Aesthetics of Symbolic Life,” Umbr(a) (2010), 35-63.
“Demanding the Impossible: Desire and Social Change,” Differences Volume 20, no. 1 (Spring 2008), 1-39.
“The Event of the Letter: Two Approaches to the Law and its Real” [on Alain Badiou], Cardozo Law Review Volume 29:5 (April 2008), 2209-2238.
“The Gap in the Law and the Border-Breaching Function of the Exception” [on Carl Schmitt and Jacques Lacan], Konturen volume I, 2008. (
“The Commandment Against the Law: Writing and Divine Justice in Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’,” diacritics volume 37, nos. 2-3 (Spring 2008), 34-60.
“Weibliche Liebe und der Paulinische Universalismus,” in Verschränkungen von Symbolischem und Realem. Zur Aktualität von Lacans Denken in den Kulturwissenschaften, eds. Jochen Bonz, Gisela Febel, Insa Härtel (Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2006).
“Mit dem Engel ringen,” in Wieder Religion ? Christentum im zeitgenössischen kritischen Denken (Lacan, Zizek, Badiou u.a.), eds. Marc De Kesel and Dominiek Hoens (Wenen: Turia + Kant, November 2005), 66-80.
“Feminine Love and the Pauline Universal,” in Alain Badiou: Philosophy and its Conditions, ed. Gabriel Riera (Albany: SUNY Press, 2005), 185-212.
“Hospitality after the Death of God” [on Pierre Klossowski], diacritics volume 35, no. 1 (Spring 2005), 71-98.
“The Exceptional Father,” in (a): a journal of culture and the unconscious, volumes I and II (2005), 23-33.
“Wrestling with the Angel” [on Emmanuel Lévinas and Saint Paul], Umbr(a), 2005, 73-84.
“Signed, Dionysus: Nietzsche’s Lost Letter to Freud,” (a): a journal of culture and the unconscious, Volume II, no. 1, Fall 2002, 7-24.
“Solving the Sexual Impasse: Female Orgasm, Viagra, and the ‘Natural Law’ of Jouissance,” Savoir Volume 5, no. 1, September 2000, 75-100.
“Klossowski, ce soir,” (a): a journal of culture and the unconscious, Volume I, no. 1, Spring 2000, 81-103.
“Israel as Host(ess): Hospitality in the Bible and Beyond,” Jouvert: A Journal of Post-Colonial Studies, Volume 3, issues 1 and 2, 1999 (unpaginated).
“The Other Jouissance, a Gay Sçavoir,” in Qui Parle, Volume 9, No. 2, Spring/Summer 1996, 126-159.
Recent Publications
Hermaphrodites in Renaissance Europe (Ashgate, 2006; Reprint, Routledge, 2016)
Edited volumes
Gender and Scientific Discourse in Early Modern Culture (Ashgate, November 2010; Reprint, Routledge, 2016)
Religious Differences in France (Truman State University Press, Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies series, 2006)
High Anxiety: Masculinity in Crisis in Early Modern France (Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, 2002)
Articles and Book Chapters (since 2017)
“Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592): Elephant Theologians,” for a volume on Animal Theologians, Clair Linzey, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2023).
“Seeing the Forest for the Trees: The Ethics and Politics of Environmentalism in Early Modern France,” Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales et Humanistes, special issue on La question environnementale (2024).
“Disorientation as a Conversion Machine in The Island of Hermaphrodites (1605) and the Scenographiae of Hans Vredeman de Vries (1560-1601),” for the volume, Conversion Machines, Bronwen Wilson and Paul Yachnin, eds. (University of Edinburgh Press, 2023).
“Bringing up the Dead: The Role of the Grotesque in Literature after the Wars of Religion in France,” in Violence, Trauma and Memory: Warfare from the Hundred Years’ War to the Thirty Years’ War, ed. Alexandra Onuf and Nicholas Ealy (Lexington Books, 2022) 67-94.
“Dining with the Hermaphrodites: Courtly Excess and Dietary Manuals in Early Modern France,” Romanic Review, special issue on literature and medicine, Colette Winn and Julia Singer, editors (May 2022).
“Shaping Bodies, Reimagining the World: Sartorial Prosthesis in L’Isle des hermaphrodites (1605),” L’Esprit Créateur, special issue on Disability’s Worldmaking (December 2021)
“Intersex and Transgender: The Case of Marin le Marcis,” for a volume on Trans Historical: Gender Plurality Before the Modern, Anna Klosowska, Greta LaFleur, and Masha Raskolnikov, eds. (Cornell University Press, 2021).
“Styling Sedition in The Island of Hermaphrodites (L’Isle des Hermaphrodites, 1605),” for a volume on Sedition.The Spread of Controversial Literature and Ideas in France and Scotland, c. 1550-1610, ed. Marc Schachter and John O’Brien (Brepols, 2021).
“Monsters and the Monstrous: Witches and Werewolves in Early Modern French and Italian Tales,” in A Cultural History of Fairy Tales (The Age of the Marvelous), Suzanne Magnanini, ed. (Bloomsbury Press, 2021).
“Rereading Space in The Island of Hermaphrodites,” Early Modern Visions of Space: France and Beyond, Dorothea Heitsch and Jeremie Korta, eds. (University of North Carolina Press, 2021).
“La Mollesse cultivée dans L’Isle des Hermaphrodites,” Mollesses renaissantes. Défaillances et assouplissement du masculine, Daniele Maira et Teodoro Patera, eds. (Droz, 2021).
“Montaigne, théoricien de la monstruosité,” Théories critiques et littérature de la Renaissance, Todd W. Reeser and David LaGuardia, eds. (Garnier, 2021).
“Cities of the Dead: Utopian Spaces, the Grotesque, and the Work of Melancholy,” for the Lovis Corinth Colloquium IX, Landscape and the Visual Hermeneutics of Place, 1500-1700, Walter Melion and Karl Enenkel, eds. (Brill, 2020).
“Afterword,” Exceptional Bodies in Early Modern Culture, Maja Bondestam, ed. (Amsterdam University Press, 2020).
“‘The Beauty of Violence in the Seventh Tale of François de Rosset’s Histoires tragiques and Jules Amédée Barbey d’Aurevilly’s ‘Une Page d’Histoire.’” The Dark Thread: From Histoires tragiques to Gothic Novel, John Lyons, ed. (University of Delaware Press, 2019).
“From Monstrosity to Postnormality: Montaigne, Canguilhem, Foucault,” for a volume on Monstrosity, Disability, and the Posthuman in the Medieval and Early Modern World, Asa Mittman and Rick Godden (Palgrave, 2019).
“Violent Words for Violent Times: Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques,” in Polemic and Literature Surrounding the French Wars of Religion, Katherine S. Maynard and Jeff Kendrick, eds. (Medieval Institute Publications, 2019).
“Illegible Bodies: Reading Intersex and Transgender in Early Modern France (The Case of Isaac de Benserade’s Iphis et Iante),” Transversions of Iphis and Ianthe, Valerie Traub, Peggy McCracken, and Patricia Badir, eds. (Edinburgh University Press, 2019).
“Intersex/ Transgender.” Bloomsbury Handbook of Twenty-First Century Feminist Theory, Robin Truth Goodman, ed. (Bloomsbury, 2019).
“‘Trans*historicities’: A Roundtable Discussion,” with M. W. Bychowski, Howard Chiang, Jack Halberstam, Jacob Lau, Marcia Ochoa, and C. Riley Snorton, Transgender Studies Quarterly, 4 (November 2018), 658-685.
“L’épopée au féminin,” Les Tragiques: 1616-2016. Littérature, violence, et politique. Actes du Colloque Internationale de Niort, 21-23 Septembre 2016, Jean Raymond-Fanlo, ed. (Albineana, December, 2018).
“Montaigne’s Mercurial Masculinity: The Alchemy of Gendered Identity in the Essais.” Monstrous Borders, Jana Byars and Hans Broedel, eds. (Routledge, 2018).
“Montaigne, Monsters, and Modernity,” Itineraries in French Renaissance Literature, Jeff Persels, Kendall Tarte, and George Hoffman, eds. (Leiden: Brill, 2017).
“Using Cruelty to teach Empathy in Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques,” Emotional and Affective Narratives in pre-Modern Europe/ Late-Medieval and Renaissance France, Charles-Louis Morand-Métivier and Andreea Marculescu, eds. (Palgrave, 2017).
Grants and Awards (2008-present)
Administrative Service to the College (current)
Service to the Profession (current)
Select Articles
Edited Journal Issues