View articles by Daniel R. Schwarz published in The Cornell Daily Sun
Framing Bolaño: Poetry, Fiction, Literary History, Politics. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, hardback and digital 2019, paperback 2021.
Roberto Bolaño in Context. Editor and co-author. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming August 2022.
Demosthenes’ Legacy (prose poems, short fiction). Tokyo and Toronto: Ahadada Books, 2009.
Local Knowledges, Local Practices: Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell. Editor and co-author. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003; second edition, 2006.
Writing and Revising the Disciplines. Editor and co-author. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002.
A Poverty of Objects: The Prose Poem and the Politics of Genre. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987.
Appositional Poetics, Poetry's Knowledge: Poetry Among Discourses and Media
Poetics of Avant-Garde Poetries II. “Aftershock: Poetry and Cultural Politics Since 1989.” Editor and co-author. Poetics Today 21.1 (Spring 2000).
Poetry, Community, Movement. Editor and co-author. Diacritics 26.3–4 (Fall–Winter 1996).
“Mapping Bolaño’s Worlds.” Roberto Bolaño in Context. Ed. Jonathan B. Monroe. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming August 2022.
“Transnational, Intermedial Pressures in Roberto Bolaño’s Prose Poem Novels.” Oxford Handbook of the Latin American Novel. Ed. Juan E. DeCastro and Ignacio López-Calvo. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, forthcoming spring/summer 2022.
“Genre.” Literature Now—Key Terms and Methods for Literary History. Ed. Sascha Bru, Ben de Bruyn & Michel Delville. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016, 252-264 and 296-298.
“Urgent Matter.” “What Is a Thing?” Special issue of Konturen. Ed. Nicholas Reynolds and Jeffrey S. Librett. Vol 8, 2015, 8-39.
“Los amores y juegos del joven Berger” (on Roberto Bolaño’s El Tercer Reich). In Bolaño salvaje. Ed. Edmundo Paz Soldán y Gustavo Faverón Patriau. Canet de Mar (Barcelona): Editorial Candaya, 2ndn nd edition, 2013, 487-506.
“Autrement dire : La poussée vers l'abstraction de Rosmarie Waldrop.” In Dossier: Lorrine Niedecker-Alejandra Pizarnik- Rosmarie Waldrop. Cahier critique de poésie. Ed. Jean Daive. Marseille: Centre international de poésie. Collection, Cahier critique de poésie. Paris: Gallimard, No. 26, 2013, 86-89.
“Composite Cultures, Chaos Wor(l)ds” (on Edouard Glissant). In Tradition, Trauma, Translation: The Classic and the Modern. Ed. Timothy Mathews and Jan Parker. Oxford University Press, 2011, 155-174.
“Philosophy, Poetry, Parataxis.” In Philosophy as a Literary Art: Making Things Up. Ed. Costica Bradatan. New York and London: Routledge, 2014; rpt. from The European Legacy 14 (5), 2009, 599-611; Rpt. from The European Legacy 14.5 (2009), 599-611.