The Department of History is committed to pursuing excellence in historical scholarship and teaching across many different time periods and research interests. Its outstanding faculty specializes in a wide array of historical issues and themes that transcend particular regions and periods. Courses connect undergraduate and graduate students with the excitement of historical discovery and provide a rigorous training in researching and analyzing the human past.

The department thrives on its close relationship with many other departments, centers and area studies programs in the humanities and social sciences at Cornell. The faculty includes more than a dozen prize-winning authors as well as winners of Cornell’s prestigious teaching and advising awards.

Department website

Christy Hyman

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow

Jacob Anbinder

Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow


Academic publications:


Selected writing for popular audiences:

Camille Suárez

Assistant Professor

Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik

Assistant Professor



Maghreb Noir: The Militant-Artists of North Africa and the Struggle for a Pan-African, Postcolonial Future (Stanford University Press, 2023).

Articles and Book Chapters

“’Collecting Bosoms:’ Sex, Race, and Masculinity at the Pan-African Festival of Algiers, 1969,” Arab Studies Journal, XXIX, no. 2, (Fall 2021), 96-117.

““Between their hands a fabulous geography is born”: The Maghreb generation and the fight to decolonize and unite Africa’s minds,” in Visions of African Unity, Frank Gerits and Matteo Grilli (eds.), (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 237-259, invited to contribute by editors.

“The Quest for a Pan-African Groove: Saxophones and Stories from the Pan-African Festival of Algiers (1969),” World Art, 9 (1), July 2018, 1-14.

“Flickering Fault Lines: The 1969 Pan-African Festival of Algiers and the Struggle for a Unified Africa” in Monde(s), 2016/1 (N° 9)

Op-eds and Shorter Pieces

“Puigaudeau and Sénones: A Graphic Novel on Mauritania Circa 1933” in a special edition on Comix of The Markaz Review, August 2021, contribution solicited by editors,

“On Decolonial Studies,” or in French translation “Des Études Décoloniales,” Jadaliyya, April 19th, 2021,

Run naked towards the sun/Raise your barricades/Make your revolution: Poetic Revolution and Postcolonial Discourse,” Yoav di-Capua and Cyrus Schayegh (eds.), invited contribution to a roundtable in the International Journal of Middle East Studies, Volume 52, Issue 1 (Spring 2020), 161-6.

Academic Podcasts:

“The Mad-for-Maghreb Generation: the Maghreb in the Pan-African Cultural Project,” Maghreb in the Past and Present Series, Episode 55, recorded November 2018.

“The History of Pan-Africanism in the Postcolonial Period: The Pan-African Festival of Algiers of 1969,” Maghreb in the Past and Present Series, Episode 53, recorded June 2018.

Oral History Online Publications:

Contributor to PANAFEST Archives, Paris, France,, 2018-2020.

Rachel Sandwell

Assistant Professor


National Fantasies: Gender and the Politics of Exile in South Africa. Book manuscript under contract with Ohio University Press, New African Histories Series. Forthcoming 2025.

“South African Women and the Politics of Peace in the 1950s,” South African Historical Journal (forthcoming 2024).

“Fantasy States: Nationalism, Intimacy, and Transgression in South African Women’s Political Memoirs", Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Vol 47, no 3, (Spring 2022): 765-787.

"The Travels of Florence Mophosho: The African National Congress and Left Internationalism,” Journal of Women’s History, vol 30, no 4 (2018): 84-108.

“If Not Feminism, Then What? Women’s Work in the African National Congress, 1980-1990,” in Women’s Activism and "Second Wave" Feminism: Transnational Histories, (eds) Jennifer Nelson and Barbara Molony. (London, Bloomsbury Press: 2017).

 “Love I Cannot Begin to Explain: The politics of reproduction in the ANC in Exile, 1976-1990.” Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol 4, No 1 (2015): 63-81.

Henry Lyu Cheng

Graduate Student

Saomai Phuong Nguyen

Graduate Student

Fidellithy Tan

Graduate student

Quinn Searsmith

Graduate Student

William Maines

Graduate Student

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