Maren Vitousek

Associate Professor


  • Vitousek MN, Taff CC, Ardia DA, Stedman JS, Zimmer C, and Winkler DW. 2018. The lingering impact of stress: brief acute glucocorticoid exposure has sustained, dose-dependent effects on reproduction. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 285: 20180722.
  • Taff CC, Zimmer C, and Vitousek MN. 2018. Efficacy of negative feedback in the HPA axis predicts recovery from acute challenges. Biology Letters 14: 20180131.
  • Vitousek MN, Taff CC, Hallinger KK, Zimmer C, and Winkler DW. 2018. Hormones and fitness: Evidence for trade-offs in glucocorticoid regulation across contexts. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6(42): 1-14.
  • Injaian AS, Taff CC, Pearson KL, Gin MMY, Patricelli GL, and Vitousek MN. 2018. Experimental chronic traffic noise exposure alters adult and nestling corticosterone levels, and reduces nestling body condition in a free-living bird. Hormones and Behavior: In press.
  • Taff CC, Schoenle L, and Vitousek MN. 2018. The repeatability of glucocorticoids: a review and meta-analysis. General and Comparative Endocrinology 260: 136-145.
  • Schoenle LA, Zimmer C, and Vitousek MN. 2018. Understanding context-dependence in glucocorticoid-fitness relationships: the role of the nature of the challenge, the intensity and frequency of stressors, and life history. Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.
  • Vitousek MN, and Schoenle L. 2018. Hormones and behavior: A life history perspective. The Oxford Handbook on Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology (Eds: Welling LLM, Shackleford TK). In press.
  • Vitousek MN^, Johnson MA^, Donald JW, Francis CD, Fuxjager MJ, Goymann W, Hau M, Husak JF, Kircher BK**, Knapp R, Martin LB, Miller ET, Schoenle LA, Uehling JJ, and Williams TD. 2018. HormoneBase: A population-level database of steroid hormone levels across vertebrates. Scientific Data: 5:180097.  ^co-first authors
  • Vitousek MN, Johnson MA, Husak JF. 2018. Illuminating endocrine evolution: the power and potential of large-scale comparative analyses. Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.
  • Johnson MA, Francis CD, Miller ET, Downs CJ, and Vitousek MN. 2018. Detecting bias in large-scale comparative analysis: methods for expanding the scope of hypothesis-testing with HormoneBase. Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.
  • Miles MC, Vitousek MN, Husak JF, Johnson MA, Martin LB, Taff CC, Zimmer C, Lovern MB, and Fuxjager MJ. 2018. Standing variation and the capacity for change: are endocrine phenotypes more variable than other traits? Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.
  • Martin LB, Vitousek MN, Donald J, Flock T, Fuxjager MJ, Goymann W, Hau M, Husak JF, Johnson MA, Kircher B, Knapp R, Miller ET, Schoenle LA, Williams TD, and Francis CD. 2018. IUCN conservation status does not predict glucocorticoid concentrations in reptiles and birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.
  • Francis, CD, Donald J, Downs C, Fuxjager MJ, Goymann W, Hau M, Husak JF, Johnson MA, Kircher B, Knapp R, Martin LB, Miller ET, Schoenle LA, Vitousek MN, and Williams TD. 2018. Metabolic scaling of stress hormones in vertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.
  • Garamszegi LZ, Donald J, Francis CD, Fuxjager MJ, Goymann W, Hau M, Husak JF, Johnson MA, Kircher B, Knapp R, Martin LB, Miller ET, Schoenle LA, Vitousek MN, and Williams TD. 2018. Species specific means and within-species variance in glucocorticoid hormones and speciation rate in birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.  
  • Casagrande S, Garamszegi LZ, Goymann W, Donald J, Francis CD, Fuxjager MJ, Husak JF, Johnson MA, Kircher B**, Knapp R, Martin LB, Miller ET, Schoenle LA, Vitousek MN, Williams TD, and Hau M. 2018. Do seasonal glucocorticoid changes depend on reproductive investment? A comparative approach in birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology: In press.
  • Stedman JM, Hallinger KK, Winkler DW, and Vitousek MN. 2017. Heritable variation in glucocorticoid flexibility in a free-living passerine. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (9): 1724-1735.
  • Kelly AM, and Vitousek MN. 2017. Dynamic modulation of sociality and aggression: an examination of plasticity within endocrine and neuroendocrine systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 372: 2016.0243.
  • Vitousek MN, Jenkins BR, Hubbard JK, Kaiser SA, and Safran RJ. 2017. An experimental test of the effect of brood size on glucocorticoid responses, parental investment, and offspring phenotype. General and Comparative Endocrinology 247: 97-106.
  • Vitousek MN, Tomášek O, Albrecht T, Wilkins M, and Safran RJ. 2016. Signal traits and oxidative stress: a comparative study across populations with divergent signals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4:56.
  • Taff CC, and Vitousek MN. 2016. Endocrine flexibility: optimizing phenotypes in a dynamic world? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31(6): 476-488.


Jeremy B Searle

Professor Emeritus



  • Kunerth, H.D., S.M. Bogdanowicz, J.B. Searle, R.G. Harrison, B.S. Coates, G.M. Kozak, and E.B. Dopman. in press. Consequences of coupled barriers to gene flow for the build-up of genomic differentiation: Reproductive barriers and coupling in corn borers. Evolution.

  • Sless, T.J.L., et al. 2022. Phylogenetic relationships and the evolution of host preferences in the largest clade of brood parasitic bees (Apidae: Nomadinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 166:107326.

  • Pustilnik, J.D., J.B. Searle and P.D. Curtis. 2021. The effects of red fox scent on winter activity patterns of suburban wildlife: evaluating predator-prey interactions and the importance of groundhog burrows in promoting biodiversity. Urban Ecosystems, 24, 529-547.

  • Johnson, B.B., J.B. Searle and J.P. Sparks. 2021. Genome size influences adaptive plasticity of water loss, but not metabolic rates in lungless salamanders. Journal of Experimental Biology 224:jeb242196.

  • Vara, C., et al. 2021. The impact of chromosomal fusions on 3D genome folding and recombination in the germ line. Nature Communications 12:2981.

  • Cucchi, T., et al. 2020. Tracking the Near East origins and European dispersal of the house mouse. Scientific Reports 10:8276.

  • Markova, S., M. Hornikova, H.C. Lanier, H. Henttonen, J.B. Searle, L.J. Weider, and P. Kotlik. 2020. High genomic diversity in the bank vole at the northern apex of a range expansion: the role of multiple colonizations and end-glacial refugia. Molecular Ecology 29:1730-1744.

  • Searle, J.B., P.D. Polly, and J. Zima. (eds) 2019. Shrews, Chromosomes and Speciation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  • Vara, C., et al. 2019. PRDM9 diversity at fine geographical scale in wild house mice reveals contrasting evolutionary patterns of the zinc finger domain in continental versus island populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36:1686-1700.

  • Fletcher, N.K., P. Acevedo, J.S. Herman, J. Pauperio, P.C. Alves, and J.B. Searle. 2019. Glacial cycles drive rapid divergence of cryptic field vole species. Ecology and Evolution 9:14101-14113.

  • Barbosa, S., F. Mestre, T.A. White, J. Pauperio, P.C. Alves, and J.B. Searle. 2018. Integrative approaches to guide conservation decisions: using genomics to define conservation units and functional corridors. Molecular Ecology 27:3452-3465.

  • Barbosa, S., J. Pauperio, S.V. Pavlova, P.C. Alves, and J.B. Searle. 2018. The Microtus voles: resolving the phylogeny of one of the most speciose mammalian genera using genomics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 125:85-92.

  • Ballen, C.J., C. Wieman, S. Salehi, J.B. Searle, and K.R. Zamudio. 2017. Enhancing diversity in undergraduate science: self-efficacy drives performance gains with active learning. CBE-Life Sciences Education 16:ar56.

  • Gimenez, M.D., D.W. Forster, E.P. Jones, F. Johannesdottir, S.I. Gabriel, T. Panithanarak, M. Scascitelli, V. Merico, S. Garagna, J.B. Searle, and H.C. Hauffe. 2017. A half-century of studies on a chromosomal hybrid zone of the house mouse. Journal of Heredity 108:25-35.

  • Hulme-Beaman, A., K. Dobney, T. Cucchi, and J.B. Searle. 2016. An ecological and evolutionary framework for commensalism in anthropogenic environments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31:633-645.

  • Gimenez, M.D., T. Panithanarak, H.C. Hauffe, and J.B. Searle. 2016. Empirical demonstration of hybrid chromosomal races in house mice. Evolution 70:1651-1658.

  • Didion, J.P., et al. 2016. R2d2 drives selfish sweeps in the house mouse. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33:1381-1395.

  • Chmatal, L., S.I. Gabriel, G.P. Mitsainas, J. Martinez-Vargas, J. Ventura, J.B. Searle, R.M. Schulz, and M.A. Lampson. 2014. Centromere strength provides the cell biological basis for meiotic drive and karyotype evolution in mice.  Current Biology 24:2295-3000.

  • Kotlik, P., S. Markova, A. Stratil, V. Slechta, and J.B. Searle. 2014. Adaptive phylogeography: functional divergence between haemoglobins derived from different glacial refugia in the bank vole. Proceedings of the Royal Society B281:20140021

  • Martinkova, N., et al. 2013. Divergent evolutionary processes associated with colonization of offshore islands. Molecular Ecology 22:5205-5220.

  • White, T.A., S.E. Perkins, G. Heckel, and J.B. Searle. 2013. Adaptive evolution during an ongoing range expansion: the invasive bank vole (Myodes glareolus) in Ireland. Molecular Ecology 22:2971-2985.

  • Jones, E.P., H.M. Eager, S.I. Gabriel, F. Johannesdottir, and J.B. Searle. 2013. Genetic tracking of mice (and other organisms) to infer human history. Trends in Genetics 29:298-308.

  • Pauperio, J., J.S. Herman, J. Melo-Ferreira, M. Jaarola, P.C. Alves, and J.B. Searle. 2012. Cryptic speciation in the field vole: a multilocus approach confirms three highly divergent lineages in Eurasia. Molecular Ecology 21:6015–6032.

  • Herman, J.S. and J.B. Searle. 2011. Post-glacial partitioning of mitochondrial genetic variation in the field vole.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B278:3601-3607.

  • White, T.A., M. Bordewich, and J.B. Searle. 2010. A network approach to study karyotypic evolution: the chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and house mouse (Mus musculus) as model systems. Systematic Biology 59:262-276.

  • Searle, J.B., C.S. Jones, I. Gunduz, M. Scascitelli, E.P. Jones, J.S. Herman, R.V. Rambau, L.R. Noble, M.D. Gimenez, and F. Johannesdottir. 2009. Of mice and (Viking?) men: phylogeography of British and Irish house mice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B276:207-207.

  • Searle, J.B., P. Kotlik, R.V. Rambau, S. Markova, J.S. Herman, and A.D. McDevitt. 2009. The Celtic fringe of Britain: insights from small mammal phylogeography. Proceedings of the Royal Society B276:4287-4294.

  • Kotlik, P., V. Deffontaine, S. Mascheretti, J. Zima, J.R. Michaux, and J. B. Searle. 2006. A northern glacial refugium for bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus).  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 103:14860-14864.

  • Gunduz, I., M. Jaarola, C. Tez, C. Yeniyurt, P.D. Polly, and J. B. Searle. 2007. Multigenic and morphometric differentiation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus, Scuiridae, Rodentia) in Turkey, with a description of a new species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43:916-935.

  • Pialek, J., H.C. Hauffe, and J.B. Searle. 2005. Chromosomal variation in the house mouse: a review. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84:535-563.

  • Gage, M.J.G., C.P. Macfarlane, S. Yeates, R.G. Ward, J.B. Searle, and G.A. Parker. 2004. Spermatozoal traits and sperm competition in Atlantic salmon: relative sperm velocity is the primary determinant of fertilization success. Current Biology 14:44-47.

  • Jaarola, M. and J.B. Searle. 2002. Phylogeography of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in Eurasia inferred from mitochrondrial DNA sequences.  Molecular Ecology 11:2613-2621.

  • Garagna, S., N. Marziliano, M. Zuccotti, J.B. Searle, E. Capanna, and C.A. Redi. 2001. Pericentromeric organization at the fusion point of mouse Robertsonian translocation chromosomes.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 98:171-175.

  • Britton-Davidian, J., J. Catalan, M.G. Ramalhinho, G. Ganem, J.-C. Auffray, R. Capela, M. Biscoito, J.B. Searle, and M.L. Mathias. 2000. Rapid chromosomal evolution in island mice. Nature 403:158.

  • Bilton, D.T., P.M. Mirol, S. Mascheretti, K. Fredga, J. Zima, and J. B. Searle. 1998. Mediterranean Europe as an area of endemism for small mammals rather than a source for northwards postglacial colonization. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B265:1219-1226.

Robert D. Reed

Professor; Associate Curator of Lepidoptera, Cornell University Insect Collection


Please follow this link for a current list of publications:

Amy R. McCune

Professor Emerita


  • Funk, E., E. Birol, and A.R. McCune.  2021. Does the bowfin gas bladder represent an intermediate stage during the lung-to-gas bladder evolutionary transition?  J. Morphology 282:600–611. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21330
  • Funk, E., C. Breen, N. Kurpios, and A. R. McCune. 2020. Changes in Nkx2.1, Sox2, Bmp4 and Bmp16 expression underlying the lung-to-gas bladder evolutionary transition in ray-finned fishes.  Evolution and Development 22 (5): 384-402.
  • Funk, E. E. Lencer, and A.R. McCune. 2020. Dorsal-ventral inversion in the air-filled organ (lungs, gas bladder) of vertebrates: RNA-sequencing of laser capture micro-dissected embryonic tissue. J. Experimental Zoology, Part B- Molecular and Developmental Evolution 334 (6): 325-338.
  • Lencer, E. S., M. Riccio and A. R. McCune. 2016. Changes in growth rates of oral jaw elements produce evolutionary novelty in bahamian pupfish. Journal of Morphology 277:935-47.
  • Longo, S. J., M. Riccio, and A. R. McCune. 2013. Homology of lungs and gas bladders: insights from arterial vasculature. Journal of Morphology 274:687-703.
  • Cass, A. N., M. D. Servetnick, and A. R. McCune. 2013. Expression of a lung developmental cassette in the adult and developing zebrafish swimbladder. Evolution and Development 15(2):119-132.
  • Wagner, C. E., A. R. McCune, and I. J. Lovette. 2012. Recent speciation in sympatric Tanganyikan cichlid colour-morphs. Molecular Ecology 21:3283-3292.
  • McCune, A. R. and J. C. Schimenti. 2012. Using Genetic Networks and Homology to Understand the Evolution of Phenotypic Traits. Current Genomics 13(1):74-84.
  • Rabosky, D. and A. R. McCune. 2010. Reinventing species selection with molecular phylogenies.  Trends in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 25(2):68-74.
  • Wagner, C. E. and A. R. McCune. 2009. Contrasting patterns of spatial genetic structure in sympatric rock-dwelling cichlid fishes.  Evolution 63(5):1312-1326.
  • McCune, A. R. 2004. Diversity and speciation of semionotid fishes in Mesozoic rift lakes.  In: Adaptive Speciation, U. Dieckman, M. Doebli, and J. A. J. Metz (eds.).  Cambridge University Press pp. 362-379.
  • McCune, A. R. and R. L. Carlson. 2004. Twenty ways to lose your bladder: Common natural mutants in zebrafish and widespread convergence of swim bladder loss among teleost fishes.  Evolution and Development 6(4):246-259.
  • McClure, M. and A. R. McCune. 2003. Evidence for developmental linkage of pigment patterns with body size and shape in Danios (Teleostei:  Cyprinidae).  Evolution 57(8):1863-1875.
  • McCune, A. R., R. C. Fuller, A. A. Aquilina, R. M. Dawley, J. M. Fadool, D. Houle, J. Travis, and A. S. Kondrashov. 2002. A low genomic number of recessive lethals in natural populations of bluefin killifish and zebrafish.  Science 296:2398-2401.
  • McCune, A. R. and N. R. Lovejoy. 1998. The relative rate of sympatric and allopatric speciation in fishes: Tests using DNA sequence divergence between sister species and among clades.  In: Endless Forms: Species and Speciation, D. Howard and S. Berloccher (eds.).  Oxford University Press pp. 172-185.
  • McCune, A. R. 1996. Biogeographic and stratigraphic evidence for rapid speciation in semionotid fishes.  Paleobiology 22(1):34-48.
  • Normark, B. B., A. R. McCune, and R. G. Harrison. 1991. Phylogenetic relationships of neopterygian fishes inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 8:819-834.
  • McCune, A. R. 1990. Morphological anomalies in the Semionotus complex: Relaxed selection during colonization of an expanding lake.  Evolution 44(1):71-85.


Irby J Lovette

Fuller Professor of Ornithology; Senior Director for Academic Affairs and Director of the Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology; Director, Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates


  • Aguillon, S. M., L. Campagna, R. G. Harrison, and I. J. Lovette (2018). A flicker of hope: Genomic data distinguish Northern Flicker taxa despite low levels of divergence. The Auk 135:748–766. doi: 10.1642/AUK-18-7.1
  • Berv, J. S., and D. J. Field (2018). Genomic Signature of an Avian Lilliput Effect across the K-Pg Extinction. Systematic Biology 67:1–13. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syx064
  • Campagna, L., M. Repenning, L. F. Silveira, C. S. Fontana, P. L. Tubaro, and I. J. Lovette (2017). Repeated divergent selection on pigmentation genes in a rapid finch radiation. Science Advances 3:e1602404. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1602404
  • Toews, D. P. L., N. R. Hofmeister, and S. A. Taylor (2017). The Evolution and Genetics of Carotenoid Processing in Animals. Trends in Genetics 33:171–182. doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2017.01.002
  • Van Doren, B. M., L. Campagna, B. Helm, J. C. Illera, I. J. Lovette, and M. Liedvogel (2017). Correlated patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation across an avian family. Molecular Ecology 26:3982–3997. doi: 10.1111/mec.14083
  • Walsh, J., I. J. Lovette, V. Winder, C. S. Elphick, B. J. Olsen, G. Shriver, and A. I. Kovach (2017). Subspecies delineation amid phenotypic, geographic and genetic discordance in a songbird. Molecular Ecology 26:1242–1255. doi: 10.1111/mec.14010
  • Campagna, L. (2016). Supergenes: The Genomic Architecture of a Bird with Four Sexes. Current Biology 26:R105–R107. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.12.005
  • Taylor, S., and L. Campagna (2016). Avian supergenes. Science 351:446–447. doi: 10.1126/science.aae0389
  • Toews, D. P. L., L. Campagna, S. A. Taylor, C. N. Balakrishnan, D. T. Baldassarre, P. E. Deane-Coe, M. G. Harvey, D. M. Hooper, D. E. Irwin, C. D. Judy, N. A. Mason, et al. (2016). Genomic approaches to understanding population divergence and speciation in birds. The Auk 133:13–30. doi: 10.1642/AUK-15-51.1
  • Toews, D. P. L., S. A. Taylor, R. Vallender, A. Brelsford, B. G. Butcher, P. W. Messer, and I. J. Lovette (2016). Plumage Genes and Little Else Distinguish the Genomes of Hybridizing Warblers. Current Biology 26:2313–2318. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.06.034

Brian Lazzaro

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor


Please see a list of publications here.


Monica Ann Geber

Professor Emeritus


Selected Publications

  • Eisen, K. E., A. C. Wruck, and M. A. Geber. 2020. Floral density and co-occurring congeners alter patterns of selection in annual plant communities. Evolution 74: 1682-1698.
  • James, A. R. M., T. E. Burnette, J. Mack, D. E. James, V. M. Eckhart, and M. A. Geber. 2020. Germination predicts spatial distribution and coexistence more than adult hydrological traits do in four closely related annual flowering plants. Journal of Ecology 108: 2584-2600.
  • Petipas, R. H., A. C. Wruck, and M. A. Geber. 2020. Microbe-mediated local adaptation to limestone barrens in context dependent. Ecology 101:e03092.
  • Eisen, K. E., and M. A. Geber. 2018. Ecological sorting and character displacement contribute to the structure of communities of Clarkia species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:1440-1458.
  • Benning, J. W., Eckhart, V. M., M. A. Geber, and D. A. Moeller. 2018. Biotic interactions limit the geographic range of an annual plant: herbivory and phenology mediate fitness beyond a range margin. American Naturalist 192:786-797.
  • Moeller, D. A., R. D. Briscoe Runquist, M. A. Geber, C. Goodwillie, A. M. Moe, P-O Cheptou, C. G. Eckert, E. Elle, M. O. Johnston, S. Kalisz, J. K. Kelly, E. Porcher, R. H. Ree, R. D. Sargent, M. Vallejo-Marin, and A. A. Winn. 2017. Global biogeography of mating system variation in seed plants. Ecology Letters 20:375-384.
  • Briscoe Runquist, R. D., M. A. Geber, M. Pickett-Leonard, and D. A. Moeller. 2017. Mating system evolution under strong pollen limitation: evidence of disruptive selection through male and female fitness in Clarkia xantiana. American Naturalist 189:549-563.
  • Anderson, J. A., V. M. Eckhart, and M. A. Geber. 2015. Experimental studies of adaptation in Clarkia xantiana. III. Phenotypic selection across a subspecies border. Evolution 69:2249-2261.
  • Gould, Billie, S. McCouch, and M. A. Geber. 2015. De novo transcriptome assembly and identification of gene candidates for rapid evolution in response to soil aluminum tolerance in Anthoxanthum odoratum at the long-term Park Grass Experiment. PLoS One 10:e0124424; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124424.
  • Moeller, D. A., M. A. Geber, V. M. Eckhart, and P. Tiffin. 2012. Reduced pollinator service and elevated pollen limitation at the geographic range limit of an annual plant. Ecology 93:1036-1048.
  • Geber, M. A. Ecological and evolutionary limits on species geographic ranges. 2011. American Naturalist 178:S1-S5.
  • Eckhart, V. M, Geber, M. A., Morris, W. F., Fabio, E. S., Tiffin, P. L., and D. A. Moeller. 2011. The geography of demography: Long-term demographic studies and species distribution models reveal a species border limited by adaptation. American Naturalist 178:S26-S43.
  • Ellner, S. P., Geber, M. A., and N. G. Hairston Jr. Does rapid evolution matter? Measuring the rate of contemporary evolution and its impacts on ecological dynamics. 2011. Ecology Letters 14:603-614.
  • Moeller, D. A., Geber, M. A., and P. L. Tiffin. 2011. Population genetics and the evolution of geographic range limits in an annual plant. American Naturalist 178:S44-S61.

Stephen Paul Ellner

Horace White Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


For a complete list of publications, please see my Google scholar page here.

Abby Grace Drake

Senior Lecturer

Andre Alfons Dhondt

Professor and Edwin H. Morgens Professor of Ornithology, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

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