Selected Ecology Publications
- St. Juliana, J. R., B. P. Kotler, B. Pinshow, and N. Kronfeld-Schor (2019) Optimal foraging and physiological responses to the risk of predation: how fecal cortisol concentrations from trapped Allenby's gerbil (Gerbillus andersoni allenbyi) relate to foraging under the risk of predation. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution.
- St. Juliana, J. R., B. P. Kotler, N. Wielebnowski, and J. G. Cox (2017) Stress as an adaptation: Stress hormones are correlated with optimal foraging behavior of gerbils under the risk of predation. Evolutionary Ecology Research.
- St. Juliana, J. R., and W. A. Mitchell (2016) Optimal foraging behavior and the thermal neutral zone of Peromyscus leucopus during winter: a test using natural and controlled ambient temperatures. Journal of Thermal Biology.
- St. Juliana J. R., I. S. Khokhlova, N. Wielebnowski, B. P. Kotler, and B. R. Krasnov (2014) Ectoparasitism and stress hormones: strategy of host exploitation, common host-parasite history, and energetics matter. Journal of Animal Ecology.
- St. Juliana, J. R., B. M. Fenton, C. Korine, B. Pinshow, M. Wojciechowski, and V. Kravchenko (2008) A field assessment of the defensive responses of moths to an auditory stimulus. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution.
- St. Juliana, J. R., B. P. Kotler, J. S. Brown, S. Mukherjee, and A. Bouskila (2011) The foraging response of gerbils to a gradient of predator numbers. Evolutionary Ecology Research.
- St. Juliana, J. R., and F. J. Janzen (2007) Can phenotypic variances be estimated reliably under homogeneous laboratory conditions? Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
- St. Juliana, J. R., R. M. Bowden, and F. J. Janzen (2004) The impact of behavioral and physiological maternal effects on offspring sex ratio in the common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentine. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
Selected Education Publications
- Scanga, L., Rogers, V.S., Byrne, L., St. Juliana, J. R., Honea, J.M., Tietjen, E.S., and Middendorf, G. (In Review) Hooks for Four-Dimensional Ecology. Education (4DEE) teaching with non-major audiences Ecosphere.
- Rodgers, V.L., Scanga, S.E., St Juliana, J.R., Tietjen, E.S., Honea, J.M., Byrne, L.B., Leggett, Z.H. and Middendorf, G. (2024), Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) for everyone: teaching ecology to non-majors. Frontiers in Ecology and The Environment, 22: e2749.
- Odom, S., Boso, H., Bowling, S., Brownell, S., Cotner, S., Creech, C., Drake, A.G., Eddy, S., Fagbodun, S., Hebert, S. and James, A.C., Just, J., St. Juliana, J. R., Shuster, M., Thompson S. K., Whittington, R. Wills, B. D., Wilson, A. E., Zamudio, K. R., Zhong, M., and Balle, C. J. (2021). Meta-analysis of gender performance gaps in undergraduate natural science courses. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(3), p.ar40.
- Meaders, C., Smith, M.K., Boester, T., Bracy, A., Couch, B.A., Drake, A.G., Farooq, S., Khoda, B., Kinsland, C., Lane, A.K. and Lindahl, S.E., Livingston, W. H., Bundy, A. M., McCormic, A., Morozov, A. I., Newell-Caito, J. L., Ruskin, K. J., Savary, M. A., Stains, M., St. Juliana, J. R., Thomas, S. R., van Es, C., Vinson, E. L., Vitousek, M. N., Stetzer, M. R., 2021. What questions are on the minds of STEM undergraduate students and how can they be addressed? In Frontiers in Education Vol. 6, p. 28.
- Salehi, S., Berk, S.A., Brunelli, R., Cotner, S., Creech, C., Drake, A.G., Fagbodun, S., Hall, C., Hebert, S., Hewlett, J. and James, A.C., Shuster, M. St. Juliana, J. R., Stovall, D. B., Whittington, R. Zong, M., and Ballen, C. J. (2021). Context Matters: Social Psychological Factors That Underlie Academic Performance across Seven Institutions. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(4), p.ar68.
- Hefferon, K. L., J. R. St. Juliana, H. I. Miller (2020) College, Coursework, and Covid. City Journal.