Joseph Fluegemann

Ph.D. Candidate

Éva Tardos

Jacob Gould Schurman Professor


Network Games and extensions

Mechanism Design

Social Networks


Clustering and facility location

Network Design

Routing Disjoint Paths and Packets in Networks


Generalized Flow

  • A. Goldberg, S. Plotkin, E. Tardos: Combinatorial algorithms for the generalized circulation problem, Mathematics of Operations Research, 16/2, 1991, 351-381. Preliminary version has appeared in the Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (1988), 432-443.
  • E. Tardos and K. Wayne. Simple Generalized Maximum Flow Algorithms. Proceedings of the 6th International Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference   (IPCO'98), Houston, 1998, pp. 310-324.

Packing and Covering Algorithms

  • P. Klein, S. Plotkin, C. Stein and E. Tardos, Faster approximation algorithms for the unit capacity concurrent flow problem with applications to routing and finding sparse cuts.  SIAM Journal on Computing, 23/3, 1994,. 466-487. Preliminary version has appeared in the proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (1990), 310-321.
  • T. Leighton, F. Makedon, S. Plotkin, C. Stein, E. Tardos, S. Tragoudas: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow Problems, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 50 (STOC'91 special issue), 1995, pp. 228--243. Preliminary version has appeared in the Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (1991), 101-110.
  • S.A. Plotkin, D. Shmoys, and E. Tardos, Fast approximation algorithms for fractional packing and covering problems, to appear in Mathematics of Operations Research. ORIE TR-999.  Preliminary version has appeared in the Proceedings of the 32nd Annual IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (1991), 495-505.

Networks with transit times

  • B. Hoppe and E. Tardos: Polynomial Time Algorithms for Some Evacuation Problems. In the proceeding of the 5th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 1994, pp. 433-441. .
  • B. Hoppe and E. Tardos: The Quickest Transshipment Problem, journal version of the paper in the proceeding of the 6th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1995 pp. 512-521.
  • L. Fleischer and E. Tardos. Efficient Continuous-Time Dynamic Network Flow Algorithms. Operations Research Letters 23 (1998) pp. 71-80.

Effective bandwidth

Finding cuts in graphs

Separating cutting planes

  • L. Fleischer and E. Tardos: Separating Maximally Violated Comb Inequalities in Planar Graphs, tech report version of the paper in the Proceedings of the 5th International Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference (IPCO), June 1996, pp. 475-489.

Other Miscellaneous papers

Edward Swartz



  • Projection volumes of hyperplane arrangements (with C. Klivans), Discrete and Computational Geometry, 46 (2011), 417-426.
  • Socles of Buchsbaum modules (with I. Novik), complexes and posets  Adv. in Math., 222 (2009), 2059-2084.
  • Face enumeration: from spheres to manifolds, J. Europ. Math. Soc., 11 (2009), 449-485.
  • Topological representations of matroids, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 16(2003), 427-442.
  • Matroids and quotients of spheres, Math. Zeit., 241 (2002), 247-269.

Karola Mészáros

Associate Professor


  • Schubert polynomials as integer point transforms of generalized permutahedra (with Alex Fink and Avery St. Dizier) Advances in Mathematics, accepted.
  • From generalized permutahedra to Grothendieck polynomials via flow polytopes (with Avery St. Dizier) preprint.
  • The polytope of Tesler matrices (with A. H. Morales and B. Rhoades), Selecta Mathematica, to appear.
  • Toric matrix Schubert varieties and their polytopes  (with L. Escobar), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, to appear.
  • Subword complexes via triangulations of root polytopes (with L. Escobar), preprint.
  • Product formulas for volumes of flow polytopes, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 no. 3, (2015), 937-954.
  • Flow polytopes of signed graphs and the Kostant partition function (with A. H. Morales), International Mathematical Research Notices  no. 3, (2015), 830-871.
  • Root polytopes, triangulations, and the subdivision algebra, II, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 363 no. 11, (2011), 6111-6141.
  • Root polytopes, triangulations, and the subdivision algebra, I, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 363 no 8, (2011), 4359-4382.

Lionel Levine



  • Formation of large-scale random structure by competitive erosion (with S. Ganguly and S. Sarkar), Annals of Probability, to appear.
  • Sandpiles on the square lattice (with B. Hough and D. C. Jerison), Communications in Mathematical Physics (2019) 367:33--87
  • The Apollonian structure of integer superharmonic matrices (with W. Pegden and C. Smart), Annals of Mathematics (2017) 186:1--67
  • Apollonian structure in the abelian sandpile (with Wesley Pegden and Charles K. Smart), Geometric and Functional Analysis 26 (2016), no. 1, 306-336.
  • Threshold state and a conjecture of Poghosyan, Poghosyan, Priezzhev and Ruelle, Communications in Mathematical Physics 335 no. 2 (2015), 1003–1017.
  • Internal DLA and the Gaussian free field (with D. Jerison and S. Sheffield), Duke Mathematical Journal 163 no. 2 (2014), 267–308.
  • Equations solvable by radicals in a uniquely divisible group (with C.J. Hillar and D. Rhea), Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 45 (2013), 61–79.
  • Logarithmic fluctuations for internal DLA (with D. Jerison and S. Sheffield), Journal of the American Mathematical Society 25 (2012), 271–301.
  • Parallel chip-firing on the complete graph: devil's staircase and Poincaré rotation number, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), 891–910.
  • Driving sandpiles to criticality and beyond (with A. Fey and D. B. Wilson), Physical Review Letters 104 (2010), 145703.

Allen Knutson



  • Complete moduli spaces of branchvarieties (with Valery Alexeev), Crelle's Journal (to appear).
  • Four positive formulae for type A quiver polynomials (with Ezra Miller and Mark Shimozono), Inventiones Mathematicae 166 (2006), no. 2.
  • Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials (with Ezra Miller), Annals of Mathematics 161 (2005), 1245–1318.
  • Puzzles and (equivariant) cohomology of Grassmannians (with Terence Tao), Duke Math. J. 119 (2003), no. 2, 221–260.
  • The honeycomb model of GL(n) tensor products I: proof of the saturation conjecture (with Terence Tao), Journal of the AMS 12(1999), no. 4, 1055–1090.

Robert Kleinberg

Associate Professor

Jon M. Kleinberg

Tisch University Professor of Computer Science and Information Science and Interim Dean of Computing and Information Science


  • Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World (with D. Easley), Cambridge University Press, (2010).
  • Algorithm Design (with E. Tardos). Addison Wesley, (2005).

Tara Holm



  • The topology of toric origami manifolds (with Ana Rita Pires), Math. Research Letters, 20 no. 5 (2013), 885–906.
  • Orbifold cohomology of torus quotients (with Rebecca Goldin and Allen Knutson), Duke Math. J. 139 no. 1 (2007), 89–139.
  • Computation of generalized equivariant cohomologies of Kac-Moody flag varieties (with Megumi Harada and Andre Henriques), Adv. in Math. 197 no. 1 (2005), 198–221.
  • Conjugation spaces (with Jean-Claude Hausmann and Volker Puppe), Algebr. Geom. Topol. 5 (2005), 923–964.
  • Distinguishing chambers of the moment polytope (with Rebecca Goldin and Lisa Jeffrey), J. Symp. Geom. 2 no. 1 (2003), 109–131.

Robert Connelly



  • Straightening polygonal arcs and convexifying polygonal cycles (with E. Demaine and G. Rote), in preparation.
  • The Kneser-Poulsen conjecture for spherical polytopes (with K. Bezdek), submitted.
  • The Kneser-Poulsen conjecture (with K. Bezdek), Crelle's Journal, J. reine angew. Math. 553 (2002), 221–236.
  • Tensegrity structures: Why are they stable?; in Rigidity Theory and Applications (M.F. Thorpe and P.M. Duxbury, eds.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum (1999), pp. 47–54.
  • Mathematics and tensegrity (with A. Back), American Scientist March-April (1998), 142–151.
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