Anthony Graves-McCleary

Ph.D. Candidate

Alice Nadeau

NSF Postdoctoral Associate (Visiting Assistant Professor)


  • Stable asymmetric ice belts in an energy balance model of Pluto, (with E. Jaschke), Icarus. 331: (2019), p. 15-25. 
  • A simple formula for calculating a planet's mean annual insolation by latitude, (with R. McGehee), Icarus. 291: (2017) p. 46-50.

Mark Dalthorp

Ph.D. Candidate

Kimia Kazemian

Ph.D. Student

Emily Dautenhahn

Ph.D. Candidate

Peter Vang Uttenthal

Visiting Assistant Professor


  • Density of Selmer ranks in families of even Galois representations, Wiles’ formula, and global reciprocity, arXiv:2301.09760, accepted for publication in Journal of Number Theory. 
  • Level-raising of even representations of tetrahedral type and equidistribution of lines in the projective plane, arxiv:2310.14352, preprint.
  • Existence of p-adic representations and flatness of even deformation rings in balanced global settings of rank one,, preprint.

Itamar Sales de Oliveira Filho

Ph.D. Candidate

Max Lipton

Ph.D. Candidate

Max Hallgren

Ph.D. Candidate

Andres Fernandez Herrero

Ph.D. Candidate

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