- The Contemporary as Method: Chronopolitics, Globalization, Comparison (in preparation).
- Breaching the Frame: The Rise of Contemporary Art in Brazil and Japan. Oakland: University of California Press, 2014.
- Política e verdade no pensamento de Martin Heidegger. São Paulo: Editora P.U.C.–Rio/Edições Loyola, 2003.
Recent Journal Articles
- “The Aesthetics of Speculation” in Revista Hispánica Moderna (forthcoming).
- “The Politics of Strolling.” Latin American Perspectives (May 2016). (Awarded Mention of Honor by LASA-Brazil Section, 2016)
- “Contemporaneity and its Discontents” in Diacritics 41.1 (September 2013).
- “Gutai and Brazilian Concrete Art” in Gutai: Splendid Playground. Exhibition Catalogue. Guggenheim Museum, 2013
- “Art and/or Revolution: The Discourse of Painting in 1950s Japan” in ARTMargins v. 2.1, February 2013.
- “The Word as Object: Concrete Poetry, Ideogram, and the Materialization of Language” in Luso-Brazilian Review v. 49, n. 2, December 2012.
Recent Articles in books and exhibition catalogues / book chapters
- “O Espaço Cósmico de Yutaka Toyota / The Cosmic Space of Yutaka Toyota” in Yutaka Toyota (artist catalogue). Text by Pedro Erber (forthcoming December 2017).
- “The Contemporary in Performance” in The Emergence of the Contemporary: Avant-garde Art in Japan 1950-1970 / A Emergência do Contemporâneo: Vanguarda no Japão: 1950-1970. Exhibition Catalogue. Bilingual edition (English-Portuguese), 2017.
- “Out of Words: The Spacetime of Concrete Poetry” in Postwar: Between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Exhibition Catalogue, 2016.
- “Crise da crítica e economia do espetáculo” in Literatura e artes na crítica contemporânea. Ed. Heidrun Krieger Olinto; Karl Erik Schollhammer, Mariana Simoni. Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC-Rio, 2016, 275-281.
- “A busca do concreto” [The Search for Concreteness] in Artevida. Exhibition Catalogue (forthcoming).
- “Arte e crítica, crítica de arte, arte-crítica” [Art and Criticism, Critique of Art, Artcritique] in Diálogos Transdisciplinares: Arte e Pesquisa. Ed. Gilbertto Prado, Monica Tavares, and Priscila Arantes. São Paulo: Escola de Comunicação e Artes – USP, 2016, 454-465.
- “O medo do contemporâneo revisitado: arte e contemporaneidade” [The fear of contemporaneity revisited; art and contemporaneity] in Espaços do Afeto. Ed. Heidrun Krieger Olinto and Karl Erik Schollhammer. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2015.
- “A moda e o medo do contemporâneo” [The fashion and the fear of contemporaneity] in Cenários contemporâneos da escrita. Ed. Heidrun Krieger Olinto and Karl Erik Schollhammer. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2014, 83-95.
- “Gutai and Brazilian Concrete Art,” in Gutai: Splendid Playground. Exhibition Catalogue. New York: Guggenheim Museum, 2013, 270-274.
- “A comparação desmedida: teoria, universalismo, e estudos literários” [Comparison’s Dismeasure: Theory, Universalism, and Literary Studies] in Literatura e Criatividade Ed. Heidrun Krieger Olinto and Karl Erik Schollhammer. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2012, 121-130.
- “Die Politik der Abstraktion: Avantgardekunst, Kunstkritik und Zeitgenossenschaft in Japan und Brasilien während der 50er Jahre” [The Politics of Abstraction: Avant-Garde Art, Criticism, and Contemporaneity in 1950s Brazil and Japan] (revised and expanded version of “Políticas da Abstração: Pintura e Crítica no Brasil e Japão Anos 50”) in Kulturelle Übersetzungen [Cultural Translations]. Berlin: Reimer Verlag, 2012, 98-122.
Edited volumes and journal issues
- Heidegger Today? Issue of Diacritics (with Facundo Vega) (in preparation).
- Verge: Studies in Global Asias 3.2 “Between Asia and Latin America: New Perspectives in Transpacific Studies” (with Andrea Bachner). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017.