Chad Córdova

Assistant Professor of French


Selected Publications:

Ennui, Sovereignty, Revolt: The Politics of Negative Affect in Pascal and Heidegger,” The Comparatist 48 (November 2024): 36–56.

Responsibility to Other Creatures: Of Posthumanist Humanitas, in Montaigne,” Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes 46, special issue, “The environmental question” (2023):  303–40. 

From the Dialectic of Power to the Posthumanist Sublime: Rereading Kant in a Time of Climate Catastrophe,” Environmental Philosophy 20:2 (2023): 215–36. 

Life in the Grotto: Montaigne and the Meaning of Posthumanism,” Exemplaria 35:2 (2023): 163–91. 

Pascal and Melancholy,” Modern Intellectual History (2017): 1–35:  – In print: MIH 16: 2 (2019): 339–73 


Mathilde Mottet

Graduate Student

Zixiao (Zoe) Li

Graduate Student

Emily Epperson

Lecturer of French Language

Elise Finielz

Lecturer of French Language


Finielz, Elise. “Reading Pluie et Vent sur Télumée Miracle as a legend of the Just”, in “Le masque et la plume”. Intertextualités spéculatives dans les oeuvres d’André et de Simone Schwarz-Bart. RELIEF, December 2021,


Finielz, Elise. “Temporal Subversion and Political Critique in Abderahmane Sissako’s Life on Earth.JUMP CUT A Review of Contemporary Media 57, November 2016.


Justine Ruyer

Graduate Student

Josephine Haillot

Graduate Student

Alix Choinet

Graduate Student

Penelope Rosenstock-Murav

Graduate Student

Brandon Greer

Graduate Student

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