Isabel M. Perera

Assistant Professor

Uriel Abulof

Instructor, School of Continuing Education

Rachel Beatty Riedl


Bryn Rosenfeld

Associate Professor

Sabrina Karim

Associate Professor

Vivienne Shue

Professor Emerita

Christopher Robert Way

Associate Professor

Jeremy Lee Wallace




Cities and Stability: Urbanization, Redistribution, and Regime Survival in China. New York: Oxford University Press. 2014.

Articles and Chapters

2017. “Seeing Ghosts: Parsing China’s “Ghost City” Controversy.” Urban Geography. (with Max Woodworth).

2016. “Juking the Stats? Authoritarian Information Problems in China.” British Journal of Political Science. 46(1): 11–29. Media mentions: Marginal Revolution, 16 May 2014; Washington Post Monkey Cage, 30 April 2014.

2015. “The Political Geography of Nationalist Protest in China: Cities and the 2012 Anti-Japanese Demonstrations.” China Quarterly. Vol. 222, 403–429. (with Jessica Chen Weiss)

2015. “Information Politics in Dictatorships.” in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. (eds.) Robert Scott and Stephen Kosslyn. John Wiley and Sons.

2014. “Central vs. Local States: Which Matters More for China’s Urban Growth?” Land Use Policy Vol. 38, (May 2014): 487–496. (with Qian Zhang, Karen Seto, & Xiangzheng Deng)

2013. “Cities, Redistribution, and Authoritarian Regime Survival.” The Journal of Politics. Vol. 75, no. 3. (Jul 2013): 632–645. Media mentions: Foreign Policy. 15 July 2013; Wall Street Journal.
9 May 2013. 2

Nicolas van de Walle

Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Government

Sidney Tarrow

Emeritus Maxwell Upson Professor of Government and Adjunct Professor, Cornell Law School


  • 2015. War, States, and Contention. Cornell University Press.
  • 2011. Power in Movement, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press.
  • 2006. (with Charles Tilly). Contentious Politics. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers (trans: Politica conflittuale. Milan: Mondadori, 2007).
  • 2005. The New Transnational Activism. Cambridge University Press.
  • 2005. (with Donatella della Porta, eds.). Transnational Protest and Global Activism. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield.
  • 2001. (with Doug Imig, eds.) Contentious Europeans: Protest and Politics in Europeanizing Polity. Rowman and Littlefield, Inc.
  • 2001. (with Doug McAdam and Charles Tilly) Dynamics of Contention. Cambridge University Press. (trans. Dinamica de la contienda politica. Madrid: Hacer Editorial, 2005).
  • 2001. (with Ron Aminzade, et al.) Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics. Cambridge University Press.
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