Paul McEuen

John A. Newman Professor of Physical Science Emeritus


Graphene Kirigami, M. K. Blees, A. W. Barnard, P. A. Rose, S. P. Roberts, K. L. McGill, P. Y. Huang, A. R. Ruyack, J. W. Kevek, B. Kobrin, D. A. Muller, and P. L. McEuen, Nature 524, 204-207 (2015).

The Valley Hall Effect in MoS2 Transistors, K. F. Mak, K. L. McGill, J. Park, and P. L. McEuen, Science 344, 1489-1492 (2014).

Imaging Atomic Rearrangements in Two-Dimensional Silica Glass: Watching Silica’s Dance, P. Y. Huang, S. Kurasch, J. S. Alden, A. Shekhawat, A. A. Alemi, P. L. McEuen, J. P. Sethna, U. Kaiser, and D. A. Muller, Science 342, 224-227 (2013).

Strain Solitons and Topological Defects in Bilayer Graphene, J. S. Alden, A. W. Tsen, P. Y. Huang, R. Hovden, L. Brown, J. Park, D. A. Muller, and P. L. McEuen, PNAS 110, 11256-11260 (2013).

Imaging Grains and Grain Boundaries in Single-Layer Graphene: An Atomic Patchwork Quilt, P. Y. Huang, C. S. Ruiz-Vargas, A. M. van der Zande, W. S. Whitney, S. Garg, J. S. Alden, C. J. Hustedt, Y. Zhu, J. Park, P. L. McEuen, and D. A. Muller, Nature 469, 389-392 (2011).

Extremely Efficient Multiple Electron-Hole Pair Generation in Carbon Nanotube Photodiodes, N. M. Gabor, Z. Zhong, K. Bosnick, J. Park, and P. L. McEuen, Science 325, 1367-1371, (2009).

Terahertz time-domain measurement of ballistic electron resonance in a single-walled carbon nanotube, Z. Zhong, N. M. Gabor, J. E. Sharping, A. L. Gaeta, and P. L. McEuen, Nature Nanotechnology 3, 201-205 (2008).

Electromechanical Resonators From Graphene Sheets, J. S. Bunch, A. M. van der Zande, S. S. Verbridge, I. W. Frank, D. M. Tanenbaum, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead, and P. L. McEuen, Science 315, 490-493 (2007).

 Determination of electron orbital magnetic moments in carbon nanotubes, E. D. Minot, Y. Yaish, V. Sazonova, and P. L. McEuen, Nature 428, 536-539 (2004).

A Tunable Carbon Nanotube Electromechanical Oscillator, V. Sazonova, Y. Yaish, H. Ustunel, D. Roundy, T. A. Arias, and P. L. McEuen, Nature 431, 284-287 (2004).

Sol Gruner

John L. Wetherill Emeritus Professor of Physics


Publications may be found at

Carl Franck

Associate Professor


Please see

J.C. Seamus Davis

James Gilbert White Distinguished Professor Emeritus


Selected Publications

  1. Quantum oscillations between two weakly coupled reservoirs of superfluid 3He S.V. Pereverzev, A. Loshak, S. Backhaus, J.C. Davis and R.E. Packard, Nature 388, 449 (1997).
  2. Direct measurement of the current-phase relationship of a superfluid 3He weak link, Backhaus S., Pereverzev S.V., Davis J.C., and Packard R.E., Science 278, 1435-1438 (1997).
  3. Discovery of a metastable  -state in superfluid 3He weak link, S. Backhaus, R. Simmonds, S. Pereverzev, A. Loshak, J.C. Davis R.E. Packard Nature 392, 687-690 (1998).
  4. Observation of Third Sound in Superfluid 3He A.M. R Schechter, R.W. Simmonds, R.E. Packard, and J.C. Davis, Nature 396, 554-557 (1998).
  5. Josephson effect and a p-state in superfluid 3He, S. Backhaus, R. W. Simmonds, A. Loshak, J. C. Davis R. E. Packard, Nature 397, 485 (1999).
  6. Atomic-scale Quasi-Particle Scattering Resonances in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, E.W. Hudson, S. H. Pan, A. K. Gupta, K-W Ng, and J.C. Davis, Science 285, 88 (1999).
  7. Imaging the Effects of Individual Zinc Impurity Atoms on Superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, S.H. Pan, E.W. Hudson, K.M. Lang, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, and J.C. Davis, Nature 403, 746 (2000).
  8. Interplay of magnetism and high-Tc superconductivity at individual magnetic impurity atoms in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+        Hudson, E.W., Lang. K, Madhavan, V., Pan, S.H., Eisaki, H., Uchida, S. Davis, J.C. Nature 411 920 (2001).
  9. Quantum Interference of Superfluid 3He, R. W. Simmonds, A. Marchenkov, J. C. Davis and R.E. Packard, Nature 412 55 (2001).
  10. Microscopic electronic inhomogeneity in the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d S. H. Pan, J. O’Neil, R.L. Badzey, H. Ding, J. R. Englebrecht, Z. Wang, H. Esiaki, S. Uchida, A. Gupta. K-W Ng, E. W. Hudson K.M. Lang and J. C. Davis, Nature 413 282 (2001).
  11.  Imaging the granular structure of high-Tc superconductivity in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d,  K. M. Lang, V. Madhavan, J. Hoffman, E.W. Hudson, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, and J.C. Davis, Nature 415, 412 (2002).
  12.  A four unit cell periodic pattern of quasiparticle states surrounding vortex cores in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d J. E. Hoffman, E.W. Hudson, K. Lang, V. Madhavan, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, and J.C. Davis, Science 266,455 (2002).
  13.  Imaging Quasiparticle Interference in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d” J. Hoffman, K. McElroy, D-H Lee, K.M. Lang, H Eisaki, S. Uchida, and J. C. Davis, Science 297, 1148 (2002).
  14. Relating atomic scale electronic phenomena to wave-like quasiparticle states in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d K. McElroy, R. W. Simmonds, J. E. Hoffman, D.-H. Lee, J. Orenstein, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida J.C. Davis., Nature 422, 520 (2003).
  15. A ‘checkerboard’ electronic crystal state in Lightly Hole-Doped Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl­2  T. Hanaguri, C. Lupien, Y. Kohsaka, D.-H. Lee,M. Takano, H. Takagi, J. C. Davis. Nature 430, 1001 (2004).
  16.  Atomic-scale Sources and Mechanism of Nanoscale Electronic Disorder in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ K. McElroy, Jinho Lee, J. Slezak, D.-H. Lee, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, J.C. Davis. Science 309, 1048 (2005).
  17. Interplay of electron-lattice interactions and superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+  Jinho Lee, K. Fujita, K. McElroy, J.A. Slezak, M. Wang, Y. Aiura, H. Bando, M. Ishikado,T. Masui, J. -X. Zhu, A. V. Balatsky, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida,andJ. C. Davis, Nature  442, 546 (2006).
  18. The Ground State of Pseudogap in Cuprates: La1.875Ba0.125CuO4, T. Valla, A. V. Fedorov, J. C. Davis , Jinho Lee, and G. D. Gu, Science  314, 1914  (2006).
  19. An intrinsic bond-centered electronic glass with disperse unidirectional domains in underdoped cuprates, Y. Kohsaka, C. Taylor, A. Schmidt, K. Fujita, C.  Lupien, T. Hanguri, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, H. Takagi and J. C. Davis, Science 315, 1380 (2007).
  20. How Cooper pairs vanish approaching the Mott insulator in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+dY. Kohsaka, C. Taylor, P. Wahl, A. Schmidt, Jhinhwan Lee, K. Fujita, J. Alldredge, Jinho Lee, K. McElroy, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, D.-H. Lee, J.C. Davis, Nature 454, 1072 (2008).
  21. Evidence for a ‘Superglass’ State in Solid 4He, B. Hunt, E. Pratt, V. Gadagkar, M. Yamashita, A. V. Balatsky J.C. Davis, Science 324, 632 (2009).
  22. Spectroscopic Fingerprint of Phase Incoherent d-Wave Superconductivity in the Cuprate Pseudogap State, Jhinhwan Lee, K. Fujita, C.K. Kim, A. Schmidt, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, J.C. Davis, Science 325, 1099 (2009).
  23. Nematic Electronic Structure in the ‘Parent’ State of Iron-based Superconductor Ca(Fe1-xCox)2As2, T.-M. Chuang, M.P.  Allan, J.Lee, Ni Ni, S. Bud’ko, G. Boebinger, P.C. Canfield J.C. Davis, Science 327, 181 (2010).
  24. Imaging the Fano Lattice to Hidden Order transition in URu2Si2, A.R. Schmidt, Mohammad H. Hamidian, P. Wahl, F. Meier, A.V. Balatsky, T.J. Williams, G.M. Luke and J.C. Davis, Nature 465, 570 (2010).
  25. Intra-unit-cell Electronic Nematicity of the High-Tc Cuprate Pseudogap States, M. J. Lawler, K. Fujita, Jhinhwan Lee, A.R. Schmidt, Y. Kohsaka, Chung Koo Kim, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida,  J.C. Davis, J.P. Sethna, and Eun-Ah Kim, Nature  466, 374 (2010).
  26. Interplay of Rotational, Relaxational, and Shear Dynamics in Solid 4He, E.J. Pratt, B. Hunt, V. Gadagkar, M. Yamashita, M. J. Graf, A. V. Balatsky and J.C. Davis, Science 332 821, (2011).
  27. Topological Defects Coupling Smectic Modulation to Intra-Unit–Cell Nematicity in Cuprates A. Mesaros, K. Fujita, H. Eisaki, S.I. Uchida, J.C. Seamus Davis, Subir Sachdev, Jan Zaanen, M.J. Lawler and Eun-Ah Kim, Science 333, 426 (2011).
  28. Anisotropic Energy-Gaps of Iron-based Superconductivity from Intra-band Quasiparticle Interference in LiFeAs M. P. Allan, A. W. Rost, A. P. Mackenzie, Yang Xie, J. C. Davis, K. Kihou, H. Eisaki, and T.-M. Chuang, Science 336, 563, (2012).
  29. Simultaneous Transitions in Cuprate Momentum-Space Topology and Electronic Symmetry Breaking.  K. Fujita, C.K. Kim, Inhee Lee, Jinho Lee, M. H. Hamidian, I. Firmo, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, M.J. Lawler, E.-A. Kim, and J.C. Davis. Science 344, 612 (2014).
  30. Detection of a Cooper-Pair Density Wave in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x, M. Hamidian et al, Nature 532, 343 (2016).
  31. Discovery of Orbital Selective Cooper pairing in FeSe, P.O. Sprau et al,  Science 357, 75 (2017).
  32. Magnetic-field Induced Pair Density Wave State in the Cuprate Vortex Halo. S.D. Edkins, A. Kostin, K. Fujita, A. P. Mackenzie, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, M. J. Lawler, E-A. Kim, S. A. Kivelson, J.C. Séamus Davis,  and M. H. Hamidian, Science 364, 976 (2019). 
  33. Machine Learning in  Electronic Quantum Matter Visualization Experiments, Yi Zhang, A. Mesaros, K. Fujita, S.D. Edkins, M.H. Hamidian, K. Ch'ng, J.C. Séamus Davis, E. Khatami and Eun-Ah Kim, Nature 570, 484 (2019).
  34. Magnetic Monopole Noise, Ritika Dusad, Franziska K.K. Kirschner, Jesse C. Hoke, Benjamin Roberts, Anna Eyal, Felix Flicker, Graeme M. Luke, Stephen J. Blundell and J.C. Séamus Davis, Nature 571, 234 (2019).
  35. Imaging the energy gap modulations of the cuprate pair-density-wave state Zengyi Du, Hui Li, Sang Hyun Joo, Elizabeth P. Donoway, Jinho Lee, J. C. Séamus Davis, Genda Gu, Peter D. Johnson & Kazuhiro Fujita Nature 571, 234 (2020).


Itai Cohen



  1. Liu, Qingkun, Wei Wang, Michael F. Reynolds, Michael C. Cao, Marc Z. Miskin, Tomas A. Arias, David A. Muller, Paul L. McEuen, and Itai Cohen. "Micrometer-sized electrically programmable shape-memory actuators for low-power microrobotics." Science Robotics 6 no. 52 (2021).
  2. Miskin, M.Z., Cortese, A.J., Dorsey, K., Esposito, E.P., Reynolds, M.F., Liu, Q., Cao, M., Muller, D.A., McEuen, P.L. and Cohen, I., 2020. Electronically integrated, mass-manufactured, microscopic robots. Nature, 584(7822), pp.557-561.
  3. Niu, Ran, Meera Ramaswamy, Christopher Ness, Abhishek Shetty, and Itai Cohen. "Tunable solidification of cornstarch under impact: How to make someone walking on cornstarch sink." Science Advances 6, no. 19 (2020): eaay6661.
  4. Cohen, Itai, and Melanie Dreyer-Lude. Finding Your Research Voice: Story Telling and Theatre Skills for Bringing Your Presentation to Life. Springer Nature, 2020.
  5. Niu, Ran, Chrisy Xiyu Du, Edward Esposito, Jakin Ng, Michael P. Brenner, Paul L. McEuen, and Itai Cohen. "Magnetic handshake materials as a scale-invariant platform for programmed self-assembly." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 49 (2019): 24402-24407.
  6. Miskin, Marc Z., Kyle J. Dorsey, Baris Bircan, Yimo Han, David A. Muller, Paul L. McEuen, and Itai Cohen. "Graphene-based bimorphs for micron-sized, autonomous origami machines." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 3 (2018): 466-470.
  7. Pikul, J. H., S. Li, H. Bai, R. T. Hanlon, I. Cohen, and R. F. Shepherd. "Stretchable surfaces with programmable 3D texture morphing for synthetic camouflaging skins." Science 358, no. 6360 (2017): 210-214.
  8. Lin, Neil YC, Matthew Bierbaum, Peter Schall, James P. Sethna, and Itai Cohen. "Measuring nonlinear stresses generated by defects in 3D colloidal crystals." Nature Materials (2016).
  9. Tunable Shear Thickening Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2016).
  10. Silverberg, Jesse L., Aliyah R. Barrett, Moumita Das, Poul B. Petersen, Lawrence J. Bonassar, and Itai Cohen. "Structure-function relations and rigidity percolation in the shear properties of articular cartilage." Biophysical journal 107, no. 7 (2014): 1721-1730.
  11. Silverberg, Jesse L., Arthur A. Evans, Lauren McLeod, Ryan C. Hayward, Thomas Hull, Christian D. Santangelo, and Itai Cohen. "Using origami design principles to fold reprogrammable mechanical metamaterials." Science 345, no. 6197 (2014): 647-650.
  12. Cheng, Xiang, Jonathan H. McCoy, Jacob N. Israelachvili, and Itai Cohen. "Imaging the microscopic structure of shear thinning and thickening colloidal suspensions." Science 333, no. 6047 (2011): 1276-1279.
  13. Ristroph, Leif, Attila J. Bergou, Gunnar Ristroph, Katherine Coumes, Gordon J. Berman, John Guckenheimer, Z. Jane Wang, and Itai Cohen. "Discovering the flight autostabilizer of fruit flies by inducing aerial stumbles." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, no. 11 (2010): 4820-4824.

Eberhard Bodenschatz

Adjunct Professor

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