Katharine Lindquist

Postdoctoral Associate

Paul Kohlbry

Postdoctoral Associate


Journal Articles

"Agrarian Annihilation." Agrarian Conversations. January 12, 2024.

"Titling in the Ruins: Progress, Deferral, and Nonsovereign Property." Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 43.3 (2023): 262-274.

“Introduction: Claiming Property, Claiming Palestine.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 43.3 (2023): 245-48 (with Beshara Doumani).

"Selling Rural Palestine: Land devaluation, Ethical Investment, and the Limits of Human Rights." Antipode 55.3 (2023): 897-915.

"To Cover the Land in Green: Rain-fed Agriculture and Anti-colonial Land Reclamation in Palestine." The Journal of Peasant Studies 50.7 (2023): 2666-2684.

"Palestinian Counter‐forensics and the Cruel Paradox of Property." American Ethnologist 49.3 (2022): 374-386.

"Owning the Homeland: Property, Markets, and Land Defense in the West Bank." Journal of Palestine Studies 47.4 (2018): 30-45.


Noah Tamarkin

Associate Professor



Articles and Book Chapters:

Other Writing

Natasha Raheja

Assistant Professor


Fuzzy Borders: Media, Migration Brokerage, and State Bureaucracy. American Ethnologist. 2024

A love story that challenges nationalism in South Asia? Not so fast. Dawn News. 2023

Visualizing Citizenship in a Bureaucratic Frame. Visual Anthropology Review. 2023

Invasive Media: The Making of A Gregarious Species. Journal of Media Art Study and Theory. 2023

with Ghazal Asif. Pakistani Politicians as Hindu Gods: The Visual Excesses of a Religious National Imaginary. Political and Legal Anthropology Review.  2023

Governing by Proximity: State Performance and Migrant Citizenship on the India-Pakistan Border. Cultural Anthropology. 2022

Our Sisters and Daughters: Pakistani Hindu Migrant Masculinities and Digital Claims to Indian Citizenship. Journal of Immigration and Refugee Studies. 2022

Virtual Belonging, Digital Diaspora, and Hindu Sindhi Identity in the early 2000s. Journal of Sindhi Studies. 2022

A Pakistani Hindu demographic Migration Survey, western Rajasthan. Handbook of Refugees in India. Routledge Press. 2022

with Ghazal Asif. Unwelcome Guests and Hostages: Minority Claims on the State Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020

with Syantani Chatterjee. India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA): Citizenship and Belonging in India. Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020

Neither Here nor There: Pakistani Hindu Refugee Claims at the Interface of the International and South Asian Refugee Regimes. Journal of Refugee Studies. 2018

Warriors of Goja: Pains and Pleasures of the Sikh Male Body. Sikh Formations. 2014

Edited Collections

with Zeynep Gürsel and Karen Strassler. Bureaucratic Portraiture and Practices of Citizenship. Visual Anthropology Review. 2023

with Syantani Chatterjee. India's Citizenship Amendment Act. Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020

Films and Video Installations 

Border Trilogy -  Enemy Property (in Production); Kaagaz ke Chakkar (in Production); A Gregarious Species (Single-channel Video Installation, 9 min on loop, 2021)
Select Screenings: Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, Flaherty NYC, Mimesis Documentary Festival, Mellon Border Environments Seminar, Rhode Island School of Design; Experimenter Learning Programme; Cornell Biennial SWARM; CAMRA at Penn Screening Scholarship Media Festival

Kitne Passports? (in Production)

1982 (6 min, USA/India, in Post-Production)

Stand Stable Here with Vijayanka Nair (2-channel video installation, 8 min loop, 2019) 

Sindhi Kadhi (8 min, India/USA/France, 2018)
Produced by The Grandmas Project

Jodhpur Films (50 min, India/Australia, 2016)
Childhood and Modernity Video Workshop Facilitated by Natasha Raheja
Directed by David MacDougall (Australian National University)

Fishermen’s Right to Know (10 min, USA, 2015)
Produced by the Southern Environmental Law Center

Cast in India (26 min, USA/India, 2014)
Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources
Select Screenings: DOC NYC, Margaret Mead Film Festival, Sebastapol, Athens Ethnographic Film Festival, Sebastopol Documentary Festival, Royal Anthropological Institute Film Festival, ETNOfilm, ETHNOCINECA, International Documentary Association 

Malini Srinivasan (10 min, USA, 2012)

Sindhi Voices Project Oral History Interviews (2011-2014; archived with the 1947 Partition Archive)

Book and Film Reviews

Documenting Worker Struggle. Visual and New Media Review, Fieldsights, Cultural Anthropology Website. August 27, 2020

Mediating Mobility: Visual Anthropology in the Age of Migration. Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies (2018): 148-150.

Ishaare: Gestures and Signs in Mumbai American Anthropologist 119.4 (2017): 756-757.

With Rowena Potts. Interview with Shashwati Talukdar. Visual Anthropology Review 31.2 (2015): 201-202.

Adam T. Smith

Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences in Anthropology


Books and Edited Volumes

  • 2016 Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: Rethinking Community and Temporality in Eurasian Archaeology. Co-edited with L. Khatchadourian, K. Weber, E. Hite). Brill Academic Publishers.
  • 2015 The Political Machine: Assembling Sovereignty in the Bronze Age Caucasus. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • 2012 The Archaeology of Power and Politics in Eurasia: Regimes and Revolutions.  Co-edited with Charles Hartley and G. Bike Yazıcıoğlu. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 2009 The Archaeology and Geography of Ancient Transcaucasian Societies I: The Foundations of Research and Regional Survey in the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia (with R. Badalyan and P. Avetisyan).  Oriental Institute Press, Chicago.
  • 2007 Social Orders and Social Landscapes: Proceedings of the 2005 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology.  Co-edited with L. Popova and C. Hartley.  Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle.
  • 2006 Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Proceedings of the 2002 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology.  Co-edited with D. Peterson and L. Popova.  Colloquia Pontica Series.  Brill, Leiden.
  • 2003 The Political Landscape: Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities.  The University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • 2003 Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond.  Co-edited with K. Rubinson.  The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications at UCLA, Los Angeles.

Select Articles:

  • 2023 Monitoring Heritage at Risk: Caucasus Heritage Watch and the Armenian Monuments of Nagorno-Karabakh (with L. Khatchadourian and I. Lindsay). Systemizing the Past, edited by Y. Grekyan and A. Bobokhyan, pp. 428-439. Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • 2022 Unseeing the Past: Archaeology and the Legacy of the Armenian Genocide. Current Anthropology 63(S25):S56-S71.
  • 2022 Civilization Machines: Value and Recognition on the Armenian Highland from the Bronze Age to Today. Scottish Archaeological Journal 44(1): 64-87.
  • *2020    Bronze Age Metaphysics. In Constructing Kurgans: Burial Mounds and Funerary Customs in the Caucasus, Northwestern Iran, and Eastern Anatolia in the Bronze and Iron Age, edited by N. Laneri, G. Palumbi, and S. M. Celka, pp. 1-20. Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean, Florence.
  • *2018    A New Chronological Model for the Bronze and Iron Age Caucasus (with S. Manning, L. Khatchadourian, R. Badalyan, I. Lindsay, A. Greene, and M. Marshall). Antiquity 92(366): 1530-1551.
  • 2017  The Kurgans of Gegharot: A preliminary report on the results of the 2013-14 excavations of Project ArAGATS (with R. Badalyan). Aramazd.
  • 2016  A Preliminary Report on the 2008, 2010, and 2011 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia (with R. Badalyan, I. Lindsay, L. Khatchadourian, A. Harutyunyan, A. Greene, M. Marshall, B. Monahan, and R. Hovsepyan).  Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 46: 149-222
  • 2015   Objects in Crisis: Curation, Repair, and the Historicity of Things in the South Caucasus (1500-300 BC) (with L. Khatchadourian). In Counternarratives and Macrohistories: New Perspectives on the Archaeology of Complex Societies, edited by G. Emberling, pp. 231-258.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 2015  Wood resource management based on charcoals from the Bronze Age site of Gegharot (central Armenia) (with F. Jude, D. Marguerie, R. Badalyan, and A. Delwaide).  Quaternary International.
  • 2014  Divination and Sovereignty: The Late Bronze Age Shrines at Gegharot, Armenia (with J. Leon). American Journal of Archaeology 118: 549-563.
  • 2014  Geophysical Survey at Late Bronze Age Fortresses: Comparing Methods in Diverse Geological Contexts of Northwestern Armenia (with I. Lindsay, J. Leon, and C. Wiktorowicz). Antiquity 88: 578-595
  • 2012 ‘Yerevan, My Ancient Erebuni’: Archaeological Repertoires, Public Assemblages, and the Manufacture of a (Post-)Soviet Nation.  In Regimes and Revolutions: Power, Violence, and Labor in Eurasia Between the Ancient and the Modern, edited by C. Hartley, G. B. Yazıcıoğlu, and A. T. Smith. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 2012 The Caucasus and the Near East.  In Blackwell Companion to the Archaeology of the Near East, edited by Daniel Potts, pp. 668-686.  Blackwell, Oxford.
  • 2012 The Prehistory of an Urartian Landscape.  In: Biainili-Urartu edited by S. Kroll, P. Zimansky, U. Hellwag, C. Gruber, M. Roaf, pp. 39-52. Peeters, Leuven.
  • 2011 Archaeologies of Sovereignty.  Annual Review of Anthropology 40: 415-432.
  • 2010 Project ArAGATS: 10 Years of Investigations into Bronze and Iron Age Sites in the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia (with R. Badalyan and L. Khatchadourian).  TÜBA-AR: The Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology 13: 263-276.
  • 2010 Magnetic Survey in the Investigation of Sociopolitical Change at a Late Bronze Age Fortress Settlement in Northwestern Armenia (with I. Lindsay and R. Badalyan).  Archaeological Prospection 17:15-27.
  • 2008 Village, Fortress, and Town in Bronze and Iron Age Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2003-2006 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia (with R. Badalyan, I. Lindsay, L. Khatchadourian, and P. Avetisyan).  Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 40:45-105.
  • 2006 A History of Archaeological Practices in the Republic of Armenia (with I. Lindsay).  Journal of Field Archaeology 31(2):165-184.
  • 2006 Representational Aesthetics and Political Subjectivity: The Spectacular in Urartian Images of Performance.  In Spectacle, Performance, and Power in Premodern Complex Society, edited by T. Inomata and L. Coben, pp. 103-134.  Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA.
  • 2006 Before Argishti: The Roots of Complex Societies in Caucasia, Notes from the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia.  In Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Proceedings of the 2002 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology, edited by D. Peterson, L. Popova and A. T. Smith.  Colloquia Pontica Series.  Brill, Leiden.
  • 2005 Prometheus Unbound: Southern Caucasia in Prehistory. Journal of World Prehistory 19(4): 229-279.
  • 2004 The End of the Essential Archaeological Subject.  Archaeological Dialogues 11(1): 1-20.
  • 2004 Early Complex Societies in Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2002 Archaeological Investigations by Project ArAGATS in the Tsakahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia  (with R. Badalyan, P. Avetisyan, and M. Zardaryan).  American Journal of Archaeology 108(1): 1-41.
  • 2003 The Emergence of Socio-Political Complexity in Southern Caucasia (with R. Badalyan and P. Avetisyan).  In Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond, edited by A. T. Smith and K. S. Rubinson.  Cotsen Institute Publications, Los Angeles.
  • 2001 The Limitations of Doxa: Agency and Subjectivity from an Archaeological Point of View.  Journal of Social Archaeology 1(2): 155-171.
  • 2000 Rendering the Political Aesthetic: Political Legitimacy in Urartian Representations of the Built Environment.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 19: 131-163.
  • 1999 The Making of an Urartian Landscape in the Ararat Plain: A Study of State Architectonics.  American Journal of Archaeology 103(1): 43-69.  

Vilma Santiago-Irizarry

Associate Professor Emerita


Academic Articles
2008 Transnationalism and Migration: Locating Sociocultural Practices Among Mexican Immigrants in 
the United States. Reviews in Anthropology 37(1):16-40.
2005 Language Rights. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinas and Latinos in the United States 2:466-472.
2003 Binary Oppositions: Re-Inscribing Ethnoracial Hierarchies in Institutional Settings. Journal for Latin 
American Anthropology 8(2):174-194.
2003 Environmentalism, Identity Politics, and the Nature of 'Nature'. Latino Studies 1(1):47-78.
2002 Transcending Dichotomies: How to do anthropology in real life/Transcendir les dicotomies: com fer 
antropologia a la vida real. Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya 20:64-73.
2001 Medicalizing Ethnicity: The Construction of Latino Identity in a Psychiatric Setting. Ithaca, NY: 
Cornell University Press (CUP).
2013 Labels, Genuine and Spurious: Anthropology and the Politics of Otherness in the United States. In 
Anthropology and the Politics of Representation. Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, ed. Pp. 78-97. Tuscaloosa, AL: 
The University of Alabama Press.
2007 Reflexivity and Visual Media: Entanglements as a Productive Field. In Doing Anthropology in 
Consumer Research. Patricia L. Sunderland, Rita Mary Taylor Denny, authors. Pp. 205-209. Walnut 
Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
2001 Deceptive Solidity: Public Signs, Civic Inclusion, and Language 'Rights' in New York City (and 
Beyond). In Mambo Montage: The Latinization of New York City. Agustín Laó-Montes and Arlene Dávila, 
eds. Pp. 449-473. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Lucinda E.G. Ramberg

Associate Professor



Given to the Goddess: South Indian Devadasis and the Sexuality of Religion (Duke University Press, 2014).

Conjugality and Beyond: Sexual Economy, State Regulation and the Marital Form in India, edited with Srimati Basu (Delhi:Women Unlimited Press, 2015).


“Casting Religion and Sexing Gender in South India”, Caste and the Imagination of Equality, Anupama Rao (editor) Delhi: Women Unlimited Press, 2018.

“Who and What is Sex For?” Notes on Theogamy and the Sexuality of Religion” for “Sex and Religion” Mayanthi Fernando and Joan Scott (eds), a special issue of History of the Present: A

Journal of Critical History, 2017, Vol. 7(2).

“Backward Futures and Pasts Forward: Queer Time and Dalit Conversion in South India” for “Area Impossible” Anjali Arondkar and Geeta Patel (eds.), a special issue of Gay and Lesbian Quarterly, 2016, Vol. 22 (2).

“Clinical Encounters and Citizenship Projects” Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, November 2014, Vol. 33 (6).

“Troubling Kinship: Sacred Marriage and Gender Configuration in South India” American Ethnologist, November 2013, Vol. 40 (4).

“When the Devi is Your Husband: Sacred Marriage and Sexual Economy in South India” Feminist
Studies, Spring 2011, Vol. 37 (1). (Awarded the Clare Goldberg Moses Award by the Feminist Studies Collective).

“Magical Hair as Dirt: Ecstatic Bodies and Postcolonial Reform in South India” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, December 2009, Vol. 33 (4). (Awarded the Kenneth W. Payne prize by the Association for Queer Anthropology).

Paul Nadasdy





Chapters in Edited Volumes


Viranjini P Munasinghe

Associate Professor


Academic Articles

2007 Dougla logics and nation building in Trinidad. South Asian Review. Special issue on “Empire and Racial Hybridity”. Edited by Deepika Bhari. 27(1):182-204.

2006 Claims to purity in theory and culture: Pitfalls and promises. American Ethnologist 33(4): 588-592.

2006 Theorizing World Culture through the New World: East Indians and Creolization. American Ethnologist 33(4): 549-562.

2005 Narrating a Nation through Mixed Bloods. Social Analysis 49(2): 155-163.

2002 Nationalism in Hybrid Spaces: The Production of Impurity out of Purity. American Ethnologist 29(3): 663-692.

2001 Redefining the Nation: The East Indian Struggle in Trinidad. Journal of Asian American Studies 4(1):1-34.

1997 Culture Creators and Culture Bearers: The Interface Between Race and Ethnicity in Trinidad. Transforming Anthropology 6(1):72-86.


2001 Callaloo or Tossed Salad?: East Indians and the Cultural Politics of Identity in Trinidad. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press (CUP).


2009 Foretelling Ethnicity in Trinidad: The Post Emancipation Labor Problem. In Clio/Anthropos: Exploring the Boundaries between History and Anthropology. Eric Tagliacozzo and Andrew Willford, eds. Pp 139-186. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

2008 Rescuing Theory from the Nation. In Knowing How to Know: Fieldwork and the Ethnographic Present. Narmala Halstead, Eric Hirsch and Judith Okely, eds. Oxford: Berghahn Books.


Stacey A. Langwick

Associate Professor



Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing. Co-edited with Hansjoerg Dilger and Abdoulaye Kane  Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 2012

Bodies, Politics, and African Healing: The Matter of Maladies in Tanzania. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2011

Journal Articles

in press. “Properties of (Dis)Possession: Therapeutic Plants, Intellectual Property, and Questions of Justice in Tanzania,” Special issue on Therapeutic Properties: Global Medical Cultures, Knowledge, and Law edited by Helen Tilley, Osiris, expected 2021.

2018. “A Politics of Habitability: Plants, Healing and Sovereignty in a Toxic World.” Cultural Anthropology 33(3): 415-443.

2017. Liwa, A., R. Roediger, H. Jaka, A. Bougaila, L. Smart, S. Langwick and R. Peck. “Herbal and Alternative Medicine Use in Tanzanian Adults Admitted with Hypertension-related Diseases: A Mixed-methods Study,” International Journal of Hypertension 3:1-9.

2015. “Partial Publics: The Political Promise of Traditional Medicine in Africa.”  Current Anthropology 63(4) August, with commentaries by by Rajshree Chandra, Rosemary Coombe, Ruth Prince, Noelle Sullivan, and Claire Wendland.

2012. "Agitating for Hope, Learning to Care." Comments on Clare Wendland's article, "Animating Biomedicine's Moral Order: The Crisis of Practice in Malawian Medical Training," Current Anthropology

2010. From Non-Aligned Medicines to Market-based herbals: China's relationship to the Shifting Politics of Traditional Medicine in Tanzania. Medical Anthropology

2008. Articulate(d) Bodies: Traditional Medicine in a Tanzanian Hospital. American Ethnologist.

2007. Devils, Parasites and Fierce Needles: Healing and the Politics of Translation in Southeastern Tanzania. Science, Technology, and Human Values.

Book Chapters

forthcoming. “The Garden: New Objects of Medicine in the More-than-Human Anthropocene,” in Anna Harris and John Notts (eds) Between Blackboards and Formaldehyde: The Matters of Medical Knowledge. Intellect.

2018. “Healing in the Anthropocene.” In Keiichi Omura, Atsuro Morita, Shiho Satsuka and Grant Jun Otsuki (eds.) The World Multiple: Politics of Knowing and Generating Entangled Worlds. Routledge.

2017. “The Value of Secrets: Pragmatic Healers and Proprietary Knowledge.” In William Olsen and Carolyn Sargent (eds.) African Medical Pluralism. Indiana University Press. Pp. 31-49.

2012. “The Choreography of Global Subjection: The Traditional Birth Attendant in Contemporary Configurations of World Health.”  In Dilger, Kane, and Langwick (eds.) Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing. Indiana University Press.

2012. “Introduction,” Transnational Medicine, Mobile Experts: Globalization, Health and Power In & Beyond Africa (co-written with Hansjoerg Dilger and Abdoulaye Kane). In Dilger, Kane, and Langwick (eds.) Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing. Indiana University Press.

2011 hardcover/2017 paperback. “Healers and Scientists: The Epistemological Politics of Research about Medicinal Plants in Tanzania, or “Moving Away from Traditional Medicine.”” In Geissler and Molyneux (eds.) Evidence, Ethos and Experiment: The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa. Berghahn Books. Pp. 263-295.

2006. “Geographies of Medicine: Interrogating the Boundary between ‘Traditional’ and ‘Modern’ Medicine in Colonial Tanganyika.” In Tracy J. Luedke and Harry G. West (eds.)  Borders and Healers: Brokering Therapeutic Resources in Southeast Africa. Indiana University Press. Pp. 143-165.

Photo Essay

2018. “Cultivating Vitality: A Photo Essay,” Anthropology News website, 24 January.

News and Events

"Stacey Langwick receives fellowship for work on toxicity and healing" https://www.einaudi.cornell.edu/news/stacey-langwick-receives-fellowship-work-toxicity-and-healing

Food and Healing Justice workshop I, Ecological Learning Collaboratory http://news.cornell.edu/stories/2018/06/collaboratory-shares-ideas-food-healing-justice

"Anthropologist explores toxicity and healing in East Africa" http://news.cornell.edu/stories/2017/05/anthropologist-explores-toxicity-and-healing-east-africa

Planting Futures Garden, Qualities of Life working group http://news.cornell.edu/essentials/2016/12/campus-pauses-reflect-future

"Langwick Awarded Institute for Social Sciences Grant" http://anthropology.cornell.edu/langwick-awarded-institute-social-sciences-grant

"Langwick wins grant to study African Law" http://news.cornell.edu/stories/2013/01/langwick-wins-grant-study-african-law-medicine

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