Adam T. Smith

Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences in Anthropology


Books and Edited Volumes

  • 2016 Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: Rethinking Community and Temporality in Eurasian Archaeology. Co-edited with L. Khatchadourian, K. Weber, E. Hite). Brill Academic Publishers.
  • 2015 The Political Machine: Assembling Sovereignty in the Bronze Age Caucasus. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • 2012 The Archaeology of Power and Politics in Eurasia: Regimes and Revolutions.  Co-edited with Charles Hartley and G. Bike Yazıcıoğlu. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 2009 The Archaeology and Geography of Ancient Transcaucasian Societies I: The Foundations of Research and Regional Survey in the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia (with R. Badalyan and P. Avetisyan).  Oriental Institute Press, Chicago.
  • 2007 Social Orders and Social Landscapes: Proceedings of the 2005 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology.  Co-edited with L. Popova and C. Hartley.  Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle.
  • 2006 Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Proceedings of the 2002 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology.  Co-edited with D. Peterson and L. Popova.  Colloquia Pontica Series.  Brill, Leiden.
  • 2003 The Political Landscape: Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities.  The University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • 2003 Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond.  Co-edited with K. Rubinson.  The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications at UCLA, Los Angeles.

Select Articles:

  • 2023 Monitoring Heritage at Risk: Caucasus Heritage Watch and the Armenian Monuments of Nagorno-Karabakh (with L. Khatchadourian and I. Lindsay). Systemizing the Past, edited by Y. Grekyan and A. Bobokhyan, pp. 428-439. Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • 2022 Unseeing the Past: Archaeology and the Legacy of the Armenian Genocide. Current Anthropology 63(S25):S56-S71.
  • 2022 Civilization Machines: Value and Recognition on the Armenian Highland from the Bronze Age to Today. Scottish Archaeological Journal 44(1): 64-87.
  • *2020    Bronze Age Metaphysics. In Constructing Kurgans: Burial Mounds and Funerary Customs in the Caucasus, Northwestern Iran, and Eastern Anatolia in the Bronze and Iron Age, edited by N. Laneri, G. Palumbi, and S. M. Celka, pp. 1-20. Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean, Florence.
  • *2018    A New Chronological Model for the Bronze and Iron Age Caucasus (with S. Manning, L. Khatchadourian, R. Badalyan, I. Lindsay, A. Greene, and M. Marshall). Antiquity 92(366): 1530-1551.
  • 2017  The Kurgans of Gegharot: A preliminary report on the results of the 2013-14 excavations of Project ArAGATS (with R. Badalyan). Aramazd.
  • 2016  A Preliminary Report on the 2008, 2010, and 2011 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia (with R. Badalyan, I. Lindsay, L. Khatchadourian, A. Harutyunyan, A. Greene, M. Marshall, B. Monahan, and R. Hovsepyan).  Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 46: 149-222
  • 2015   Objects in Crisis: Curation, Repair, and the Historicity of Things in the South Caucasus (1500-300 BC) (with L. Khatchadourian). In Counternarratives and Macrohistories: New Perspectives on the Archaeology of Complex Societies, edited by G. Emberling, pp. 231-258.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 2015  Wood resource management based on charcoals from the Bronze Age site of Gegharot (central Armenia) (with F. Jude, D. Marguerie, R. Badalyan, and A. Delwaide).  Quaternary International.
  • 2014  Divination and Sovereignty: The Late Bronze Age Shrines at Gegharot, Armenia (with J. Leon). American Journal of Archaeology 118: 549-563.
  • 2014  Geophysical Survey at Late Bronze Age Fortresses: Comparing Methods in Diverse Geological Contexts of Northwestern Armenia (with I. Lindsay, J. Leon, and C. Wiktorowicz). Antiquity 88: 578-595
  • 2012 ‘Yerevan, My Ancient Erebuni’: Archaeological Repertoires, Public Assemblages, and the Manufacture of a (Post-)Soviet Nation.  In Regimes and Revolutions: Power, Violence, and Labor in Eurasia Between the Ancient and the Modern, edited by C. Hartley, G. B. Yazıcıoğlu, and A. T. Smith. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 2012 The Caucasus and the Near East.  In Blackwell Companion to the Archaeology of the Near East, edited by Daniel Potts, pp. 668-686.  Blackwell, Oxford.
  • 2012 The Prehistory of an Urartian Landscape.  In: Biainili-Urartu edited by S. Kroll, P. Zimansky, U. Hellwag, C. Gruber, M. Roaf, pp. 39-52. Peeters, Leuven.
  • 2011 Archaeologies of Sovereignty.  Annual Review of Anthropology 40: 415-432.
  • 2010 Project ArAGATS: 10 Years of Investigations into Bronze and Iron Age Sites in the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia (with R. Badalyan and L. Khatchadourian).  TÜBA-AR: The Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology 13: 263-276.
  • 2010 Magnetic Survey in the Investigation of Sociopolitical Change at a Late Bronze Age Fortress Settlement in Northwestern Armenia (with I. Lindsay and R. Badalyan).  Archaeological Prospection 17:15-27.
  • 2008 Village, Fortress, and Town in Bronze and Iron Age Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2003-2006 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia (with R. Badalyan, I. Lindsay, L. Khatchadourian, and P. Avetisyan).  Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 40:45-105.
  • 2006 A History of Archaeological Practices in the Republic of Armenia (with I. Lindsay).  Journal of Field Archaeology 31(2):165-184.
  • 2006 Representational Aesthetics and Political Subjectivity: The Spectacular in Urartian Images of Performance.  In Spectacle, Performance, and Power in Premodern Complex Society, edited by T. Inomata and L. Coben, pp. 103-134.  Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA.
  • 2006 Before Argishti: The Roots of Complex Societies in Caucasia, Notes from the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia.  In Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Proceedings of the 2002 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology, edited by D. Peterson, L. Popova and A. T. Smith.  Colloquia Pontica Series.  Brill, Leiden.
  • 2005 Prometheus Unbound: Southern Caucasia in Prehistory. Journal of World Prehistory 19(4): 229-279.
  • 2004 The End of the Essential Archaeological Subject.  Archaeological Dialogues 11(1): 1-20.
  • 2004 Early Complex Societies in Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2002 Archaeological Investigations by Project ArAGATS in the Tsakahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia  (with R. Badalyan, P. Avetisyan, and M. Zardaryan).  American Journal of Archaeology 108(1): 1-41.
  • 2003 The Emergence of Socio-Political Complexity in Southern Caucasia (with R. Badalyan and P. Avetisyan).  In Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond, edited by A. T. Smith and K. S. Rubinson.  Cotsen Institute Publications, Los Angeles.
  • 2001 The Limitations of Doxa: Agency and Subjectivity from an Archaeological Point of View.  Journal of Social Archaeology 1(2): 155-171.
  • 2000 Rendering the Political Aesthetic: Political Legitimacy in Urartian Representations of the Built Environment.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 19: 131-163.
  • 1999 The Making of an Urartian Landscape in the Ararat Plain: A Study of State Architectonics.  American Journal of Archaeology 103(1): 43-69.  

Lori Khatchadourian

Associate Professor



2017  Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: The Archaeology of Eurasia (third author, with Kathryn Weber, Emma Hite, and Adam T. Smith). Brill.

2016  Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires. University of California Press.

Articles (selection):

2023 Monitoring Heritage At Risk: Caucasus Heritage Watch and the Armenian Monuments of Nagorno-Karabakh. Second author (with A.T.Smith and I. Lindsay). In Systemizing the Past: Papers in Near Eastern and Caucasian Archaeology Dedicated to Pavel S. Avetisyan. Y. Grekyan and A. Bobokhyan. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., pp. 429-439.

2022 Life Extempore: Trials of Ruination in the Twilight Zone of Soviet Industry. Cultural Anthropology, 37(2):317-348.

2020 Education Beyond Preservation: An Archaeological Camp for Girls in Armenia. Near Eastern Archaeology 83(4):248-255.

2020 False Dilemmas? Or What Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Material Theory, Responsibility and 'Hard Power'. Antiquity 94(378):1649-1652.

2020 Project ArAGATS 1998-2018: Twenty Years of Archaeological Investigations into the Bronze and Iron Ages of Armenia. Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 2016: 1-2, pp. 61-81. (fourth author with Ruben Badalyan, Alan Greene, Armine Harutyunyan, Ian Lindsay, Maureen Marshall and Adam T. Smith)

2020  “From Copy to Proxy: The Politics of Matter and Mimesis in Achaemenid Armenia.” The Art of Empire in Achaemenid Persia: Festschrift in Honor of Margaret Cool Root, eds. M. Garrison and E. Dusinberre. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, pp. 601-633.

2018  “Pottery Typology and Craft Learning in the Northern Near East.” Iranica Antiqua, LIII:179-265.

2018  “A New Chronological Model for the Bronze and Iron Age Caucasus.” Antiquity, 92(366):1530-1551. (third author with Sturt Manning, Adam T. Smith, and Ruben Badalyan, Ian Lindsay, Alan Greene, Maureen Marshall).

2015  "Objects in Crisis: Curation, Repair, and the Historicity of Things in the South Caucasus (1500-300 BC)." Social Theory in Archaeology and Ancient History: The Present and Future of Counternarratives, ed. Geoff Emberling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 231-258 (with Adam T. Smith).

2014. "Empire in the Everyday: A Preliminary Report on the 2008-2011 Excavations at Tsaghkahovit, Armenia." American Journal of Archaeology, 118(1):137-169.

2013  “An Archaeology of Hegemony: The Achaemenid Empire and the Remaking of the Fortress in the Armenian Highlands.” In Empires and Complexity: On the Crossroads of Archaeology, History, and Anthropology, ed. G. Areshian. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, 108-145.

2012  “The Achaemenid Provinces in Archaeological Perspective.” In A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World), ed. D.T. Potts. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub, 963-983.

2011  “The Iron Age in Eastern Anatolia.” In The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia, ed. S. Steadman and G. McMahon. Oxford: Oxford University Press.      

2010  “Project ArAGATS: 10 Years of Investigation of Bronze and Iron Age Sites in the Tsaghkahovit Plain.” TŰBA AR: Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology (co-authored with R. Badalyan and A.T. Smith).

2008  “Village, Fortress, and Town in Bronze Age and Iron Age Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2003-2006 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia.” Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan (co-authored with R. Badalyan, A.T. Smith, I. Lindsay, and P. Avetisyan).

2008  “The 2005-2006 Excavations of the Iron III Settlement at Tsaghkahovit.” Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 91-100.

2008  “Making Nations from the Ground Up: Traditions of Classical Archaeology in the South Caucasus.” American Journal of Archaeology, 112.2, p. 247-78.

2007  “Unforgettable Landscapes: Attachments to the Past in Hellenistic Armenia.” In Negotiating the Past in the Past: Identity, Memory, and Landscape in Archaeological Research, ed. N. Yoffee. University of Arizona Press, p. 43-75.

2005  “Seals and Sealings: Archaeological Perspectives.” In This Fertile Land: Signs and Symbols in the Early Arts of Iran and Iraq, ed. M.C. Root, p. 19-34. Kelsey Museum Catalogue.

2005  “An Overview of Place and Space.” In This Fertile Land: Signs and Symbols in the Early Arts of Iran and Iraq, ed. M.C. Root, p. 15-17 (with M.C. Root). Kelsey Museum Catalogue.

John S. Henderson



2015 The myth of Maya: archaeology and the construction of Mesoamerican histories. In Harri Kettunen and Christophe Helmke (eds.), On Methods: How We Know What We Think We Know About the Maya, pp. 7-24. Acta Mesoamericana Vol. 28. Markt Schwaben: Verlag Anton Saurwein. (with Kathryn M. Hudson)

2015 Calendar structures for Venus in Mesoamerican divinatory books: common approaches to commensuration and correction. Journal for the History of Astronomy 46(4):387-412.

2015 Weaving words and interwoven meanings: textual polyvocality and visual literacy in the reading of Copán’s Stela J. Image: Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft 22:108-128. (with Kathryn M. Hudson)

2014 Talking to the Past: endangerment, history, and the economics of language in northwest Honduras. In Patrick Heinrich and Nicholas Ostler (eds.), Indigenous Languages: Their Value to the Community, pp. 27-36. Proceedings of the 18th FEL Conference. (with Kathryn M. Hudson)

2014 Multi-proxy analysis of plant use at Formative Period Los Naranjos, Honduras. Latin American Antiquity 25(1):65-81. (with Shanti Morell-Hart and Rosemary Joyce)

2014 Life on the edge – Identity and interaction in the Land of Ulúa and the Maya World. In Janne Ikäheimo, Anna-Kaisa Salmi, and Tiina Äikäs (eds.), Sounds Like Theory, pp. 157-171. Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 2. (with Kathryn M. Hudson)

2012 The southeastern fringe of Mesoamerica. In Christopher A. Pool and Deborah L. Nichols (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Mesoamerican Archaeology, pp. 482-494. New York: Cambridge University Press. (with Kathryn M. Hudson)

2010 Being “Olmec” in Early Formative period Honduras. Ancient Mesoamerica 21(1):187-200. (with Rosemary Joyce)

2010 Forming Mesoamerican taste: cacao consumption in Formative Period contexts. In John E. Staller and Michael Carrasco (eds.), Pre-Columbian Foodways: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Food, Culture, and Markets in Ancient Mesoamerica, pp. 157-173. New York: Springer. (with Rosemary Joyce)

2007 From feasting to cuisine: implications of archaeological research in an early Honduran village. American Anthropologist 109(4):642-653. (with Rosemary Joyce)

2007 Chemical and archaeological evidence for the earliest cacao beverages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 104(48):18937–18940. (with Rosemary Joyce, Gretchen R. Hall, W. Jeffrey Hurst, and Patrick E. McGovern)

2006 Brewing distinction: the development of cacao beverages in Formative Mesoamerica. In Cameron L. McNeil (ed.), Chocolate in Mesoamerica: A Cultural History of Cacao, pp. 140-153. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. (with Rosemary Joyce)

2006 The plunder of the Ulua Valley, Honduras and a market analysis for its antiquities. In Neil Brodie, Morag Kersel, Christina Luke, Kathryn Walker Tubb (eds.), Archaeology and the Commodification of Material Culture, pp. 147-172. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. (with Christina Luke)

2001 Beginnings of village life in eastern Mesoamerica. Latin American Antiquity 12(1):5-23. (with Rosemary Joyce)

1997 World of the Ancient Maya. 2nd ed. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

1993 Lowland Maya Civilization in the Eighth Century A.D. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks. (co-edited with Jeremy A. Sabloff)

1993 Configurations of Power: Holistic Anthropology in Theory and Practice. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (co-edited with Patricia J. Netherly)

1993 Pottery of Prehistoric Honduras: Regional Classification and Analysis. UCLA Institute of Archaeology, Monograph 35. (coedited with Marilyn P. Beaudry-Corbett)

1992 Variations on a theme: a frontier view of Maya civilization. In Elin C. Danien and Robert J. Sharer (eds.), New Theories on the Ancient Maya, pp. 161-171. Philadelphia: University Museum.

1992 Elites and ethnicity along the southeastern fringe of Mesoamerica. In D.Z. Chase and A.F. Chase (eds.), Mesoamerican Elites: An Archaeological Assessment, pp. 157-68. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

1984 Archaeology in Northwestern Honduras: Interim Reports of the Proyecto Arqueologico Sula. Vol. I. Occasional Papers. LatinAmerican Studies and Archaeology Programs, Cornell University. (ed.)

1979 Atopula, Guerrero, and Olmec Horizons in Mesoamerica. Yale University Publications in Anthropology, Number 77.

1977 The Valle de Naco: ethnohistory and archaeology in northwestern Honduras. Ethnohistory 24(4): 363-77.

1974 Origin of the 260-day cycle in Mesoamerica. Science 185: 542.

Denise Green

Associate Professor


Green, Denise N. and Nancy E. Breen (accepted/in press) “Silk Mania in the Auburn Prison.” DRESS: Journal of the Costume Society of America.

Green, Denise N. (2020) “Sayach’apis and the Naani (Grizzly Bear) Crest.” In Aldona Jonaitis and Katherine Bunn-Marcuse (eds.) Unsettling Native Art Histories on the Northwest Coast. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 259-273.

Green, Denise N. and Susan B. Kaiser (2020) “Taking Offense: A Discussion of Fashion, Appropriation, and Cultural Insensitivity.” In Sara Marcketti and Elena Karpova (eds.) The Dangers of Fashion: Towards Ethical and Sustainable Solutions. London: Bloomsbury: 143 – 160.

Getman, Rachel, Denise N. Green, Kavita Bala, Utkarsh Mall, Nehal Rawat, Sonia Appasamy, and Bharath Hariharan (2020) “Machine Learning (ML) For Tracking Fashion Trends: Documenting the Frequency of the Baseball Cap on Social Media and the Runway.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. DOI:

Reddy-Best, Kelly, Denise N. Green, and Kelsie Doty, and (2020). “Fashioned Bodies in Roller Derby League Logos: Critical Analysis of Race, Gender, Body Size and Position, and Aesthetics.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. DOI:

Denham, Amanda, and Denise N. Green (2020) “Her Eyes, My Body: Negotiating Embodiment Through Maya Backstrap Weaving.” Journal of Fashion, Style, & Popular Culture, Vol. 7, No. 1, 125-141. DOI:

Green, Denise N., Jenny Leigh Du Puis, Lynda Xepoleas, Chris Hesselbein, Katherine Greder, Victoria Pietsch, Rachel Getman, and Jessica Guadalupe Estrada (2019). “Fashion Exhibitions as Scholarship: Evaluation Criteria for Peer Review.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. DOI:

Green, Denise N. (2019) “An Archival Ethnography of Sapir’s “Nootka” (Nuu-chah-nulth) Texts, Correspondence, and Fieldwork through the Douglas Thomas Drawings.” Ethnohistory, Vol. 66, Issue 2, 353-384. DOI:


Green, Denise N. (2019) “Fashion and Fearlessness in the Wharton Studio’s Silent Film Serials, 1914 - 1918.” Framework Vol. 60, issue 1, 83-115. DOI:

Green, Denise N., Susan B. Kaiser, Kelsie Doty, and Kyra Streck (2019) “Both Sides Now: Articulating Textiles and Fashioned Bodies in the Works of Joni Mitchell, 1968 – 1976.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. DOI:

Chapin, Chloe, Denise N. Green, and Samuel Neuberg (2019) “Exhibiting Gender: Exploring the Dynamic Relationships between Fashion, Gender, and Mannequins in Museum Display.” DRESS: Journal of the Costume Society of America, Vol. 45, Issue 1: 75-88. DOI:

Green, Denise N. (2018) “Producing Place and Declaring Rights Through Thliitsapilthim (Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations’ Ceremonial Curtains).” Textile: Cloth and Culture, Vol. 17, Issue 1, 72-91DOI:

Mamp, Michael, Ariele Elia, Sara Tatayana Bernstein, Laurie Anne Brewer, and Denise N. Green (2018). “Scholars’ Roundtable Presentation – Engaging Labor, Acknowledging Maker.” DRESS: Journal of the Costume Society of America, Vol. 44, Issue 2: 133-151. DOI:

Green, Denise N. (2017) “The Best Known and Best Dressed Woman in America: Irene Castle and Silent Film Style.” DRESS: Journal of the Costume Society of America, Vol. 43, Issue 2: 77-98. DOI:

Green, Denise N. and Susan B. Kaiser (2017) “Introduction: Fashion and Appropriation.” Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, Vol. 4, Issue 2: 145-150. DOI:

Mida, Ingrid, Denise N. Green, and Abby Lillethun (2017) “Scholars’ Roundtable Presentation – Technology: Friend or Foe?” DRESS: Journal of the Costume Society of America, Vol. 43, Issue 2: 119 – 138. DOI:

Green, Denise N. (2016) “Fashion(s) from the Northwest Coast: Nuu-chah-nulth Design Iterations.” In Miguel Angel Gardetti and Subramanian Senthikannan (eds.) Ethnic (Aboriginal) Fashion. New York: Springer Publishing: 19 – 46.

Kaiser, Susan B. and Denise N. Green (2016) “Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Fashion Studies: Philosophical Underpinning and Multiple Masculinities.” In Heike Jenss (ed.) Fashion Studies: Research Methods, Sites and Practices. London: Bloomsbury: 160 – 180. 

Green, Denise N. (2016) “Genealogies of Knowledge in the Alberni Valley: Reflecting on ethnographic practice in the archive of Dr. Susan Golla.” In Regna Darnell and Frederic Gleach (eds.) Histories of Anthropology Annual: Local Knowledge, Global Stage. Vol. X: 273 – 301.

Green, Denise N. (2016) Cornell’s Sesquicentennial: An Exhibition of Campus Style. Catwalk: The Journal of Fashion, Beauty and Style, Vol. 5, Issue 1: 43 – 62.     

Green, Denise N. and Susan B. Kaiser (2016) “Men, Masculinity, and Style in 2008: A Study of Men’s Clothing Considerations in the Latter Aughts.” Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion, Vol. 3, Issue 2: 125 – 140. DOI:

Satinsky, Emily and Denise N. Green (2016) “Negotiating Identities in the Furry Fandom Through Costuming.” Joint special issue of Fashion, Style and Popular Culture and Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion Vol. 3, Issue 2: 107 – 124DOI:

Green, Denise N. (2014) “A Pair of Hinkiits’am (Serpent Headdresses).” Otsego Institute 2010 Alumni Review.

Green, Denise N., Van Dyk Lewis, and Charlotte Jirousek (2013) “Fashion Cultures in a Small Town: An Analysis of Fashion- and Place-Making.” Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, Vol. 4, Issue 1: 71 - 106.  DOI:

Green, Denise N. (2011) “Mamuu—La Pratique du Tissage / Mamuu—The Practice of Weaving.”  Cahiers métiers d'art / Craft Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1: 37 - 59. (Published in French and English, print only.)

Green, Denise N. and Susan B. Kaiser (2011) “From Ephemeral to Everyday Costuming: Negotiations in Masculine Identities at the Burning Man Project.” DRESS: Journal of the Costume Society of America, Vol. 37, Issue 1: 1  22DOI:

Frederic Wright Gleach

Senior Lecturer and Anthropology Collections Curator Emeritus


Selected Books

ongoing series

  • (edited with Regna Darnell) Histories of Anthropology Annual. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Volumes 1-13 published 2005-2019; volume 14  in press, volume 15 in preparation


  • (edited with Regna Darnell) Celebrating a Century of the American Anthropological Association: Presidential Portraits. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press and the American Anthropological Association.
  • (edited with Lisa J. Lefler) Southern Indians and Anthropologists: Culture, Politics, and Identities. Athens: University of Georgia Press.


  • Powhatan's World and Colonial Virginia: A Conflict of Cultures. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Selected Articles


  • Humanistic Anthropology. In Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology, John Jackson, ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Online resource:
  • Notes on the Use and Abuse of Cultural Knowledge. In Anthropology and the Politics of Representation, Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, ed. Pp. 176-190. Birmingham: University of Alabama Press.


  • (with Carolyn Podruchny and Roger Roulette) Putting Up Poles: Power, Navigation, and Cultural Mixing in the Fur Trade. In Gathering Places: Essays on Aboriginal Histories, Laura Peers and Carolyn Podruchny, eds. Pp. 25-47. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.


  • Sociology, Progressivism, and the Undergraduate Training of Anthropologists at the University of Wisconsin, 1925-30. In Histories of Anthropology Annual, volume 5. Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach, eds.  Pp. 229-250.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.


  • Cushing at Cornell: The Early Years of a Pioneering Anthropologist. In Histories of Anthropology Annual, volume 3. Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach, eds. Pp. 99-120. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.


  • Pocahontas: An Exercise in Myth-making and Marketing. In New Perspectives on Native North America: Cultures, Histories, and Representations. Sergei Kan and Pauline Turner Strong, eds. Pp. 433-455. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press


  • Theory, Practice, Life: Rethinking Americanist Anthropology for the Twenty-First Century. Reviews in Anthropology 32(3): 191-205
  • Controlled Speculation and Constructed Myths: The Saga of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. In Reading Beyond Words: Contexts for Native History, second edition. Jennifer S. H. Brown and Elizabeth Vibert, eds. Pp.39-74. Peterborough: Broadview Press
  • Pocahontas at the Fair: Crafting Identities at the 1907 Jamestown Exposition. Ethnohistory 50(3): 419-445.


  • Images of Empire: Popular Representations of the 1898 War. Latino(a) Research Review 5(1):51-79
  • Anthropological Professionalization and the Virginia Indians at the Turn of the Century. American Anthropologist 104(2):499-507.
  • Powhatan Identity in Anthropology and Popular Culture (and Vice Versa). In Southern Indians and Anthropologists: Culture, Politics, and Identities. Lisa J. Lefler and Frederic W. Gleach, eds. Pp. 5-18. Athens: University of Georgia Press.


  • Mimesis, Play, and Transformation in Powhatan Ritual. In Papers of the Twenty-sixth Algonquian Conference. David Pentland, ed. Pp. 114-23. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba.


  • A Rose by Any Other Name: Questions of Mockley Chronology. Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology 4: 85-98.


  • A Working Projectile Point Classification for Central Virginia. Archaeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin 42(2): 80-120.

Magnus Fiskesjö

Associate Professor



  • Stories from an Ancient Land: Perspectives on Wa History and Culture. New York/Oxford: Berghahn: August 2021. Series: Asian Anthropologies. ISBN  978-1-78920-887-0; eISBN 978-1-78920-888-7.
  • Interview podcast, on Stories from an Ancient Land: Perspectives on Wa History and Culture. New Books Network / Southeast Asian Studies. Hosted by Nick Cheesman. Published Jan. 1, 2023:
  • China Before China: Johan Gunnar Andersson, Ding Wenjiang, and the Discovery of China’s Prehistory.  Stockholm: Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 2004.
  • The Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon, the Death of Teddy's Bear and the Sovereign Exception of Guantánamo.  Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003.

Book Chapters

Webcast events/lectures/interviews, selection:

Academic Articles, and more:

  • "Mass Detention and Forced Assimilation of Uyghur Children in China." By Magnus Fiskesjö and Rukiye Turdush. CETNI [Centre for East Turkistan National Interest], July 19, 2024.
  • “Self-kidnappings by Chinese Students Abroad: Mystery Solved. The puzzle presented by these incidents can only be understood in the context of China’s police brutality and growing transnational repression.” The Diplomat, April 8, 2024.
  • “Cambodia’s Heritage Repatriation Successes in Global Perspective.” Southeast Asia Program Bulletin, Fall 2023, 18-19 (also note, pp. 16-17, “Visiting Cambodia and Angkor”).
  • "Now You See Me, Now You Don’t – Vanishing Acts of Chinese Companies in Xinjiang.” The Diplomat, 8 June 2023. 
  • "How a CCP Propaganda Campaign Targeted the Dalai Lama: The latest smear campaign succeeded beyond China’s wildest dreams, by playing into Western ignorance about Tibetan culture – and self-righteous “cancel culture” on social media.”  The Diplomat, May 20, 2023. 
  • + [Japanese version, June 1, 2023]: 「ダライ・ラマは小児性愛者」 中国が流した「偽情報」に簡単に騙された欧米...自分こそ正義と信じる人の残念さ - MANIPULATING BIASES - マグヌス・フィスケジョ(コーネル大学准教授、人類学), 2023年6月1日(木).
  • "Genocide and Cultural Genocide in China." YetAgain [UK], June 28, 2022. 
  • "Bulldozing Culture: China’s Systematic Destruction of Uyghur Heritage Reveals Genocidal Intent." Cultural Property News, June 23, 2021.
  • "Uyghur Women in China’s Genocide." By Rukiye Turdush and Magnus Fiskesjö.  Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 15.1 (2021): 22–43. 
  • Racism with Chinese Characteristics: How China’s Imperial Legacy Underpins State Racism and Violence in Xinjiang." China Channel, Los Angeles Review of Books, January 22, 2021. New link 2022:
  • "Forced Confessions as Identity Conversion in China's Concentration Camps." Monde Chinois Nouvelle Asie 2020/2 (n° 62), 28-43. Special issue on “Les mécanismes de la répression en région ouïghoure [The mechanisms of repression in the Uyghur region]," ed. Vanessa Frangville and Jean-Yves Heurtebise.
  • "Research ethics, violated." Allegra Lab, One-shots, Essay. May 7, 2020.
  • "Cultural genocide is the new genocide." Pen/Opp, May 5, 2020.
  • "Bury Me With My Comrades: Memorializing Mao's Sent-Down Youth." Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Volume 16, Issue 14, Number 4 (July 15, 2018).
  • "Confessions Made in China." Made in China 3.1 (January-March 2018), p. 18-22; 108-109 (list of references).
  • The Return of the Show Trial: China’s Televised “Confessions.”  Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Volume 15, Issue 13, Number 1. (June 25, 2017). 
  • “The Legacy of the Chinese Empires: Beyond ‘the West and the Rest.’” Education About Asia 22.1 (Spring 2017), 6-10. Special issue on “Contemporary Postcolonial Asia.”
  • “People First: The Wa World of Spirits and Other Enemies.” Anthropological Forum: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Comparative Sociology. Published online: 19 Apr 2017.
  • "Self and Subjectivity in a World of Diasporas: Nicholas Tapp's Anthropology of Hmong Identities." Journal of Social Science (Chiang Mai University, Thailand), (Special issue: "Ethnicity and Mobility: Nicholas Tapp's Anthropology," ed. Aranya Siriphon). 28 (2017), 125-148.
  • "Foreword." In Samak Kosem, ed. Border Twists and Burma Trajectories: Perceptions, Reforms, and Adaptations. Chiang Mai: Center for ASEAN Studies, Chiang Mai University, 2016, pp. iii-v.
  • "Lyxkonsumtion och utrotningskrig" [Luxury consumption and wars of extinction]. Kina-Rapport (Göteborg: Svensk-Kinesiska Föreningen) no. 4 (2015), 32-35. (In Swedish; on the Chinese smuggling and trade in elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn from Africa)
  • "Terra-cotta Conquest: The First Emperor's Clay Army's Blockbuster Tour of the World." Verge: Studies in Global Asias 1 (2015): 162-183.
  • "Universal Museums." Article for "World Heritage" section, ed. Helaine Silverman, in _Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology_. Claire Smith, general editor. New York: Springer, 2014, pp. 7494-7500.
  • "Oscar Montelius and Chinese archaeology." Co-authored with Chen Xingcan. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology [Melbourne, Australia] 24:10 (2014).
  • "Wa Grotesque: Headhunting Theme Parks and the Chinese Nostalgia for Primitive Contemporaries." Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 79 (2014): 497-523.
  • "Introduction to Wa Studies." Journal of Burma Studies 17 (2013): 1 -27.
  • "Outlaws, Barbarians, Slaves: Critical Reflections on Agamben's homo sacer." Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2 (2012): 161-180.
  • "Slavery as the Commodification of People: Wa 'Slaves' and Their Chinese 'Sisters.'" Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 59 (2011): 3-18.
  • "The Reluctant Sovereign: New Adventures of the US Presidential Thanksgiving Turkey." Anthropology Today 26 (2010): 13-17.
  • "Mining, History, and the Anti-State Wa: The Politics of Autonomy Between Burma and China." Journal of Global History 5 (2010): 241-264.
  • "Participant Intoxication and Self–Other Dynamics in the Wa Context."  The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 11 (2010): 111-127.
  • "The global repatriation debate and the new 'universal museums,'" in The Handbook of Postcolonialism and Archaeology, eds. Jane Lydon and Uzma Rizvi. World Archaeological Congress Research Handbooks. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 2010, in Part III, "Addressing/Redressing the Past: Restitution, Repatriation, and Ethics," 303-310. 
  • "The Trouble with World Culture: Recent Museum Developments in Sweden." Anthropology Today 23.5 (October 2007), 6–11. 
  • "Collections of Chinese Antiquities Outside China: Problems and Hopes." Public Archaeology 5 (2006): 111-126.
  • "Rescuing the Empire: Chinese Nation-Building in the Twentieth Century." European Journal of East Asian Studies 5 (2006): 15-44.
  • "A Foreign Bird in a Golden Cage: Sweden's Asia Collections." Res Publica 65 (2005): 68-80. In Swedish.
  • "Lost Civilizations, Lost Choices." Dushu 4 (2003), 72-75. In Chinese.
  • "The Barbarian Borderland and the Chinese Imagination -- Travellers in Wa Country." Inner Asia 4.1 (2002): 81-99.
  • "Rising From Blood-Stained Fields: Royal Hunting and State Formation in Shang China." Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 72 (2001): 48-192.
  • "The barbarian borderland and the Chinese imagination—Travellers in Wa country." Inner Asia [ISSN: 1464-8172] 4.1 (2002): 81-99. 
  • "The Question of the Farmer Fortress: On the ethno-archaeology of fortified settlements in northern Southeast Asia." Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 21. Special issue: Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers V, 124-31. 
  • "On the 'Raw' and the 'Cooked' Barbarians of Imperial China." Inner Asia 1.2 (1999), 139-68. 

Opinion pieces (on the Chinese genocide against the Uyghurs since 2017; on China's kidnapping of Swedish citizen Gui Minhai, since 2015, etc.) Mostly left out here. --Samples of pieces in English:


Select book (and exhibit) reviews:

  • "Cycles of History: Review Essay on Alfred McCoy's To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change." International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter, June 2024.
  • Review of Bertil Lintner, The Wa of Myanmar and China’s Quest for Global Dominance (Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books: 2021), Journal of Asian Studies 82.4 (2023), 759-61. 
  • Review of two books:  by Darren Byler, In the Camps: Life in China’s High-Tech Penal Colony (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021), and by Gulbahar Haitiwaji, How I Survived a Chinese "Re-education" Camp: A Uyghur Woman's Story (New York and Oakland: Seven Stories Press, 2022). Journal of Asian Studies 82.4 (2023), 663-665. 
  • Review of Gregory Forth, Between Ape and Human: An Anthropologist on the Trail of a Hidden Hominoid (New York: Pegasus,2020; 336 pp. ISBN 978-163-936-143-4). Kvartal, 1 dec. 2022. [In Swedish]. 
  • Review of Justin M. Jacobs, The Compensations of Plunder: How China Lost Its Treasures (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020; vii, 348 pp. ISBN 978-0-226-71201-7). American Historical Review 127.3 (Sept. 2022), 1496–1497. Published: 29 November 2022. 
  • Review of John McWhorter, Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America (New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2021). Kvartal, 11 augusti 2022.  [In Swedish]. 
  • Review of Enze Han, Asymmetrical Neighbors: Borderland State Building between China and Southeast Asia (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019; 240 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-006078-7). South East Asia Research [Great Britain], Online, 24 Feb 2021. 
  • Review of Jonathan Friedman, PC Worlds: Political Correctness and Rising Elites at the End of Hegemony (New York: Berghahn, 2019). Kvartal, 8 sept. 2020.
  • Review of Haiming Yan, World Heritage Craze in China: Universal Discourse, National Culture, and Local Memory. (New York: Berghahn Books, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78533-804-5). Asian Perspectives 58.2 (2019), 401-404.
  • Review article: "Ancient China reconsidered." Review of Katheryn M. Linduff, Yan Sun, Wei Cao, & Yuanqing Liu, Ancient China and its Eurasian neighbors: Artifacts, Identity, and Death in the Frontier, 3000-700 BCE (Cambridge University Press, 2018); Roderick Campbell, Violence, Kinship and the Early Chinese State: The Shang and Their World (Cambridge, 2018); and Xiaolong Wu, Material Culture, Power, and Identity in Ancient China (Cambridge, 2017). Antiquity, Volume 92, Issue 366 (Dec. 2018), pp. 1671-1673.
  • Review of Alice Yao, The Ancient Highlands of Southwest China: From Bronze Age to the Han Empire (Oxford 2016); & Erica Brindley, Ancient China and the Yue: Perceptions and Identities on the Southern Frontier, c.400 BCE-50 CE (Cambridge 2015), for the Zhejiang University Journal of Art and Archaeology (Hangzhou, China), Vol. 3 (2018), 260-272.
  • Review of Pál Nyíri and Danielle Tan, eds., Chinese Encounters in Southeast Asia: How People, Money, Ideas from China are Changing a Region (Seattle, WA and London: University of Washington Press, 2017). ISBN: 9780295999302; 9780295999296. China Quarterly 234 (2018), 577-578.
  • Review of Craig Clunas, Chinese Painting and Its Audiences (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017). The Art Newspaper, 295 (Nov. 2017), p. 22.
  • Review of Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney, Flowers That Kill: Communicative Opacity in Political Spaces (Stanford 2015). American Anthropologist 118.3 (2016), 685-686.
  • Review of Tamara T. Chin, Savage Exchange: Han Imperialism, Chinese Literary Style, and the Economic Imagination (Cambridge, 2014). Journal of Asian Studies 75.3 (2016), 806-807.
  • Review of Sarah Turner, Christine Bonnin, and Jean Michaud, Frontier Livelihoods: Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22.3 (2016), 750-751.
  • Review of David Faure and Ho Ts'ui-p'ing, eds. Chieftains into Ancestors: Imperial Expansion and Indigenous Society in Southwest China (Vancouver 2013). Asian Highlands Perspectives 40 (2016), 479-488.
  • Review essay: "The Museum Boom in China and the State efforts to Control History" (on Marzia Varutti, Museums in China: The Politics of Representation after Mao [Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, 2014]; Kirk Denton, Exhibiting the Past: Historical Memory & the Politics of Museums in Postsocialist China [Honolulu, 2014]; Amy Jane Barnes, Museum Representations of Maoist China: From Cultural Revolution to Commie Kitsch [Surrey, UK, 2014]. Museum Anthropology Review 9.2 (2015), 96-105.
  • "Hail to the King!" Review of two books by David N. Keightley: Working for His Majesty: Research Notes on Labor Mobilization in Late Shang China (ca.1200-1045 B.C.), as Seen in the Oracle-Bone Inscriptions, with Particular Attention to Handicraft Industries, Agriculture, Warfare, Hunting, Construction, and the Shang's Legacies (Berkeley: University of California-Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies, 2012); and The Ancestral Landscape: Time, Space, and Community in Late Shang China, ca. 1200-1045 B.C. (Berkeley: University of California-Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies, 2000). Early China 37.1 (2014), 567-573. DOI:
  • Review of Unearthing the Nation: Modern Geology and Nationalism in Republican China. By Grace Yen SHEN. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. Journal of Asian Studies 73.4 (2014), 1120-1122. DOI:
  • Review of Mandy Sadan, Being and Becoming Kachin: Histories Beyond the State in the Borderworlds of Burma. (Oxford & London: Oxford University Press & the British Academy, 2013; with an accompanying website, "Research Notes: Fieldwork Notes, Photographs and Translations" ). Thailand-Laos-Cambodia [TLC] network/New Mandala Review LXX.  In: New Mandala: New Perspectives on Southeast Asia, May 16, 2014.
  • Review of Michael Oppitz et al, eds. Naga Identities: Changing Local Cultures in the Northeast of India (Gent: Snoeck Publishers, 2008). Asian Highlands Perspectives 28 (2013): 299-304.
  • Review of Gunnar Skirbekk, Multiple Modernities: A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences (Hong Kong: Chinese Univ. Press, 2011). Journal of World History 24.3 (2013), 707-10.
  • Review of Berma Klein Goldewijk et al, eds. Cultural Emergency in Conflict and Disaster (Rotterdam: NAI Publishers, 2011). Anthropological Forum: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Comparative Sociology (2012); iFirst article, pp. 1–3.
  • Review of Michael Keevak, Becoming Yellow: A Short History of Racial Thinking (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011). Journal of World History 23.3 (2012), 676-80.  
  • Review of Koen Wellens, Religious Revival in the Tibetan Borderlands: The Premi of Southwest China (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2010). Anthropos 107.1 (2012), 314-15. 
  • Review of Flora Sapio, Sovereign Power and the Law in China: Zones of Exception in the Criminal Justice System (Leiden: Brill, 2010). Journal of Asian Studies 70.4 (2011), 1143-44. 
  • Review essay, "Writing identities—or weaving the social fabric?" on Writing With Thread: Traditional Textiles of Southwest Chinese Minorities by Angela Sheng, et al. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Art Gallery, 2009. Museum Anthropology Review 4.2 (2010), 196-201.
  • Review of Perry Johansson, Sinofilerna. Kinakunskap, samlande och politik från Sven Hedin till Jan Myrdal [The sinophiles: China studies, collecting and politics from Sven Hedin to Jan Myrdal]. Stockholm: Carlssons, 2008. China Review International 16.2 (2009), 216-219. (Issue appeared in 2010)
  • "The Reappearance of Yangshao? Reflections on Unmourned Artifacts." (Review essay, on the 2007 Chinese documentary Cutting through the fog of history: The re-appearance of the Yangshao cultural relics). China Heritage Quarterly 23 (2010)
  • Review of Navigators of the Contemporary: Why Ethnography Matters, by David Westbrook. Journal of World History 21.1 (2010), 172-76.
  • Review of Fieldwork Connections: The Fabric of Ethnographic Collaboration in China and America, by Bamo Ayi, Stevan Harrell, & Ma Lunzy. Journal of Asian Studies 68.3 (2009), 927-28.
  • Review of Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000-250 BC) by Lothar von Falkenhausen. American Anthropologist 110.1 (2008), 150–51. 
  • Review of the exhibit "Treasures of the Sons of Heaven: The Imperial Collection from the National Palace Museum, Taipei," Altes Museum, Berlin, 2003. East Asian Journal [London], 1.2 (2003/2), 98-100. 
  • Review of 1421: The Year China Discovered the World by Gavin Menzies. Axess [Stockholm, Sweden], February 25, 2003, 42-43 (In Swedish). 
  • Review of Exploring China's Past: New Discoveries and Studies in Archaeology and Art, ed. R. Whitfield and Wang Tao (London, 2001). Arts Asiatiques 57 (2002), 240-41. 
  • Review of Leshi yanjiu [Studies on the History of the Le Kingdom] and Daizu shenling chongbai mizong [Dai spirits worship] by Zhu Depu. Crossroads–An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 12.2 (1999), 115-18. 
  • Review of An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of China, by James S. Olson. H-NET Book Review, published by H-Asia, the H-Net list for Asian History and Culture, Dec. 15, 1998; archived at:
  • Review of The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia by Charles Higham. Journal of Asian Studies 56.1 (1997), 251-53.



Sherene Baugher

Professor Emeritus




2017      Urban Archaeology, Municipal Government and Local Planning: Preserving Heritage within the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States (Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss, editors). Springer, New York.

2014      The Archaeology of American Cemeteries and Gravemarkers. (Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit).  University Press of Florida: Gainesville.

2010      Archaeology and Preservation of Gendered Landscapes (Sherene Baugher and Suzanne Spencer-Wood, editors).  Springer: New York.

2007     Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups (John H. Jameson, Jr. and Sherene Baugher, Editors).  Springer: New York.


Selected Articles and Book Chapters

2021    Discovering Enfield Falls: A Community Initiated Archaeological Heritage Project in Ithaca, New York Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage 8 (3): 1-17.

2020    Advances in Gravestone and Cemetery Studies in the United States and the Commonwealth of Nations (Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit).  In The Routledge Handbook of Historical Archaeology, edited by Charles E. Orser, Andres Zarankin, Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Susan Lawrence, and James Symonds, pp: 553-572. Routledge, London, UK.

2020    In Search of the Tutelo Town of Coreorgonel: From Excavation to Creation of a Commemorative Park (Sherene Baugher and George Frantz). The Bulletin, Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association 134: 1-11

2017      Reflections on the New York City Archaeology Program (1980-2016).  In Urban Archaeology, Municipal Government and Local Planning: Preserving Heritage within the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States, edited by Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss, pp: 227-255. Springer, New York.

2017    Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Exploring the Relationships Between Community, Archaeological Heritage and Local Government (Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss).  In Urban Archaeology, Municipal Government and Local Planning: Preserving Heritage within the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States, edited by Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss, pp: 1-13. Springer, New York.

2014      Communicating Archaeology: Education, Ethics, and Community Outreach in North America.  In the Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, vol. 3, edited by Claire Smith, pp: 1580-1588.  Springer, New York.

2013     The Inlet Valley Project: Reflections on an Early Model for Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Service-Learning Courses in Landscape Architecture  (Sherene Baugher and George Frantz).  Landscape Journal 32 (1): 113-130.

2013      John Zuricher, Stone Cutter, and His Imprint on the Religious Landscape of Colonial New York (Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit).  In Tales of Gotham: Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Microhistory of New York City, edited by Meta F. Janowitz and Diane Dallal, pp: 225-247.  Springer: New York.

2013      Confirming Relevance: How American and Canadian Archaeologists are Training Youth and Adults in Archaeology, Heritage Studies, and Community Partnerships. In Training and Practice for Modern Day Archaeologists, edited by John H. Jameson and James Eogan, pp: 105-124.  Springer: New York.

2010      Landscapes of Power: Middle Class and Lower Class Power Dynamics in a New York Charitable Institution.  International Journal of Historical Archaeology 14 (4): 475-497.

2010      Sailors’ Snug Harbor: A Landscape of Gender and Power. In Archaeology and Preservation of Gendered Landscapes, edited by Sherene Baugher and Suzanne Spencer-Wood, pp: 165-187.  Springer: New York.

2010      The Archaeology of the Matron’s Cottage: A Household of Female Employees at Sailors’ Snug Harbor, Staten Island, New YorkNortheast Historical Archaeology 37: 1-20.

2009      The John Street Methodist Church: An Archaeological Excavation with Native American Cooperation. Historical Archaeology 43(1): 46-64.

2009      Benefits of and Barriers to Archaeological Service Learning: Examples from New York.  In Archaeological and Community Service Learning, edited by Michael Nassaney and Mary Ann Levine, pp: 36-58.  University Press of Florida: Gainesville.

2009     Historical Overview of the Archaeology of Institutional Life. In the Archaeology of Institutional Life, edited by April M. Beisaw and James G. Gibb, pp: 5-13. University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa.

2007    Service-Learning: Partnering with the Public as a Component of Archaeology Courses.  In Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups, edited by John H. Jameson, Jr. and Sherene Baugher, pp. 187-202.  Springer: New York.

2007     A Hierarchy of Poverty: The Life of Retired Seamen at Sailors’ Snug Harbor, Staten Island, New York.  Northeast Anthropologist, 73: 69-95.

2007    New York Odyssey: Forging Partnerships in American Archaeological Outreach.  Northeast Anthropologist, 73: 43-60.

2007      The Separation of Church and Site: Old First Church, Middletown, New Jersey (Gerry Scharfenberger and Sherene Baugher).  Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology, vol 23: 35-60.

2005       Sacredness, Sensitivity, and Significance: The Controversy Over Native American Sacred Sites.In Heritage of Value, Archaeology of Renown: Reshaping Archaeological Assessment and Significance, edited by Clay Mathers, Tim Darvill, and Barbara Little, pp: 248-275.University Press of Florida: Gainesville.

2003      What is It?  Archaeological Evidence of Nineteenth-Century Agricultural Drainage Systems.  Northeast Historical Archaeology, vol 30-31: 23-40.

2003      Addressing an Historic Preservation Dilemma:  The Future of Nineteenth-Century Farmstead Archaeology in the Northeast (Terry Klein and Sherene Baugher). Northeast Historical Archaeology, vol 30-31: 167-180.

2002      Archaeological Perspectives on and Contributions to the Study of Colonial American Gardens (Sherene Baugher and Lu Ann De Cunzo). Landscape Journal 22 (1): 68-85

2001      Visible Charity: The Archaeology, Material Culture, and Landscape Design of New York City’s Municipal Almshouse Complex, 1736-1797.  International Journal of Historical Archaeology, vol. 5 (2): 175-202.

2001      Turning Archaeological Problems into Archaeological Assets.In Construction in Cities: Social, Environmental, Political, and Economic Concerns edited by Patricia Lancaster, Edward Plotkkin, Jill Lerner, and M. D. Morris, pp: 135-155.C.R.C. Press: Boca Raton, Florida.

1999      The Indians and New York State: Separate Nations or Ethnic Minorities (Sherene Baugher and Robert W. Venables).  In New York in the 21st. Century, edited by Thomas A.  Hirschl and Tim B. Heaton, pp. 75-93. Praeger: Westport, Connecticut.

1997       Anatomy of an Almshouse Complex (Sherene Baugher and Edward J. Lenik). Northeast Historical Archaeology, vol. 26: 1 - 22.

l997       Ancient and Modern United: Archaeological Exhibits in Urban Plazas (Sherene Baugher and Diana Wall). In Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths edited by John H. Jameson Jr., pp: 114 - 129.  AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, California.

1987      Ceramics as Indicators of Class and Status in Eighteenth Century New York (Sherene Baugher and Robert W. Venables).  In Socio- Economic Status and Consumer Choices in Historical Archaeology, edited by Suzanne Spencer Wood pp. 31-53.  Plenum: N. Y.


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