Karen Pinkus

Professor Emerita



  • Clocking Out: The Machinery of Life in 60s Italian Cinema (University of Minnesota Press, 2020)
  • Fuel: A Speculative Dictionary. (University of Minnesota Press, 2016); Carburanti. Un dizionario per un pianeta in crisi, translated by Riccardo Donati and Caterina Ragghianti (Verona: Ombrecorte, 2021)
  • Alchemical Mercury: A Theory of Ambivalence (Stanford University Press, 2009)
  • The Montesi Scandal: The Death of Wilma Montesi and the Birth of the Paparazzi in Fellini’s Rome (University of Chicago Press, 2003)
  • Picturing Silence: Emblem, Language, Counter-Reformation Materiality (University of Michigan Press, 1996)
  • Bodily Regimes: Italian Advertising Under Fascism (University of Minnesota Press, 1995)


  • Translation and edition of Francesco Adinolfi, Mondo Exotica: Sounds, Visions and Obsessions of the Cocktail Generation (Duke University Press, 2008)
  • Renato Barilli, A Course in Aesthetics (University of Minnesota Press, 1993)
  • Giorgio Agamben, Language and Death, with Michael Hardt (University of Minnesota Press, 1991)

Selected Shorter Writings

  • (2022) “Materialità e ambivalenza: Arte Povera, Una geneologia alchemica,” in Pensiero in immagine. Forme, metodi, oggetti teorici per un Italian Visual Thought, collana Quaderni della ricerca (Università Iuav di Venezia-Mimesis), editors, Angela Mengoni and Francesco Zucconi.
  • (2021), “Four Theses for the Coming Deserts,” with Hans Baumann. In The Invention of the American Desert, eds. Lyle Massey and James Nisbet. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • (2020) “138, 462 Carbon Pyramids,” co-written with Hans Baumann. Strelka Magazine. 14.08, “The Revenge of the Real”
  • (2020) “Reflections on a Winter Scene,” Collateral Journal, invited contribution for Collisions Series (Belgium)
  • (2018) "They Would have Ended by Burning Their Own Globe." Commissioned afterward to Ecological Form: System and Aesthetics in the Age of Empire, edited by Nathan Hensley and Philip Steer. Fordham University Press
  • (2018) "Crystalline Basement," Images of Accumulation essay, co-written with artist Hans Baumann. E-flux journal
  • (2016) “Intermittent Grids,” South Atlantic Quarterly special issue on Autonomia and Anthropocene, edited by Bruce Braun and Sara Nelson
  • (2016) “Air,” (excerpt from Fuel) in Dominick Boyer and Imre Szeman, eds. The Energy Humanities Reader. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016.
  • (2016) “Humans and Fuels, Bíos and Zōe,” chapter in A Cultural History of Climate Change, eds. Tom Ford and Tom Bristow. London: Routledge (environmental humanities series)
  • (2014), “Le missive precarie di Alighiero Boetti,” volume on precariousness edited by Monica Jansen and Silvia Contarini. Verona: OmbreCorte
  • (2014) “Search for a Language: Response to Ian Baucom,” invited respondent to essay by Ian Baucom, “Postcolonial Method and Anthropocene Time,” in Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Studies, eds. Debjani Ganguly, Ato Quayson, Neil ten Kortenaar
  • (2014), “Silent Running: Notes for The Remake,” special issue of Yearbook of Comparative Literature, edited by Paul North and Eyal Peretz on “Ideas of Nature.”
  • (2014) “Risk,” essay for Fueling Culture: Politics, History, Energy, Ed. Imre Szeman, et. al. forthcoming from Fordham University Press
  • (2013)“Thinking Diverse Futures from a Carbon Present,” Symploke vol. 21, nos. 1-2 (special issue on Critical Climate)
  • (2012) “Hybrid Futures from a Carbon Present,” Symploke vol. 21, no. 1 (special issue on Critical Climate–forthcoming)
  • (2012) “Ambiguity, Ambience, Ambivalence, and the Environment,” Common Knowledge 19:1 (December) (Symposium: Fuzzy Studies, Part 4), pp. 88-95.
  • (2012) “Nature (of Betrayal),” New Centennial Review 12.1 special issue on Betrayal, editors Richard Block and Michael du Plessis
  • (2012) “Selling Gasoline in Autarchic Italy,” in Figura umana. Normkonzepte der Menschendarstellung in der italienischen Kunst 1919-1939. Eckhard Leuschner, ed. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag: 151-160
  • (2012) “Dematerialization from Arte Povera to Cybermoney through Italian Thought,” diacritics, vol. 39.3 (2009), 65-77
  • (2011)  “Antonioni, Cinematic Poet of Climate Change,” in Antonioni, Centenary Essays, edited by John David Rhodes and Laura Rascaroli.  London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011
  • (2011) “The Risks of Sustainability,” in Criticism, Crisis, and Contemporary Narrative. Textual Horizons in an Age of Global Risk, editor Paul Crosthwaite. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 62-80
  • (2010) “Sustainability: a Dialogue with Images,” with Cameron Tonkinwise, World Picture Journal (December)
  • (2010) “Carbon Management: A Gift of Time?” Oxford Literary Review 32 (July), 51-70.
  • (2010) “At the End: Cinema After Climate Change” (Udine Permanent Film Studies Conference Proceedings)
  • (2010) “The Rome of Pasolini’s Petrolio,” with Paolo Matteucci, Annali d’talianistica (special double issue on Rome)
  • (2008) “Nothing From Nothing: Alchemy and the Economic Crisis,” World Picture Journal (November)
  • (2008) “On Cars, Climate and Literary Theory,” Technology and Culture (October)

Jonathan B. Monroe




Framing Bolaño: Poetry, Fiction, Literary History,  Politics. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, hardback and digital 2019, paperback 2021.

Roberto Bolaño in Context. Editor and co-author. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming August 2022.  

Demosthenes’ Legacy (prose poems, short fiction). Tokyo and Toronto: Ahadada Books, 2009.
Local Knowledges, Local Practices: Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell. Editor and co-author. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003; second edition, 2006.
Writing and Revising the Disciplines. Editor and co-author. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002.
A Poverty of Objects: The Prose Poem and the Politics of Genre. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987.



Appositional Poetics, Poetry's Knowledge: Poetry Among Discourses and Media


Poetics of Avant-Garde Poetries II. “Aftershock: Poetry and Cultural Politics Since 1989.” Editor and co-author. Poetics Today 21.1 (Spring 2000).
Poetry, Community, Movement. Editor and co-author. Diacritics 26.3–4 (Fall–Winter 1996).


“Mapping Bolaño’s Worlds.” Roberto Bolaño in Context. Ed. Jonathan B. Monroe. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming August 2022.

“Transnational, Intermedial Pressures in Roberto Bolaño’s Prose Poem Novels.” Oxford Handbook of the Latin American Novel. Ed. Juan E. DeCastro and Ignacio López-Calvo. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, forthcoming spring/summer 2022.

“Genre.” Literature Now—Key Terms and Methods for Literary History. Ed. Sascha Bru, Ben de Bruyn & Michel Delville. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016, 252-264 and 296-298.
“Urgent Matter.” “What Is a Thing?” Special issue of Konturen. Ed. Nicholas Reynolds and Jeffrey S. Librett. Vol 8, 2015, 8-39.

“Los amores y juegos del joven Berger” (on Roberto Bolaño’s El Tercer Reich). In Bolaño salvaje. Ed. Edmundo Paz Soldán y Gustavo Faverón Patriau. Canet de Mar (Barcelona): Editorial Candaya, 2ndn nd edition, 2013, 487-506.
“Autrement dire : La poussée vers l'abstraction de Rosmarie Waldrop.” In Dossier: Lorrine Niedecker-Alejandra Pizarnik- Rosmarie Waldrop. Cahier critique de poésie. Ed. Jean Daive. Marseille: Centre international de poésie. Collection, Cahier critique de poésie. Paris: Gallimard, No. 26, 2013, 86-89.
“Composite Cultures, Chaos Wor(l)ds” (on Edouard Glissant). In Tradition, Trauma, Translation: The Classic and the Modern. Ed. Timothy Mathews and Jan Parker. Oxford University Press, 2011, 155-174.
“Philosophy, Poetry, Parataxis.” In Philosophy as a Literary Art: Making Things Up. Ed. Costica Bradatan. New York and London: Routledge, 2014; rpt. from The European Legacy 14 (5), 2009, 599-611; Rpt. from The European Legacy 14.5 (2009), 599-611.

Natalie Melas

Associate Professor


  • All the Difference in the World: Postcoloniality and the Ends of Comparison (Stanford UP, 2007) (ACLA René Wellek Prize Honorable Mention 2008)
  • co-editor of The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature (Princeton UP, 2009). 
  • "Poetry's Circumstance and Racial Time (Aimé Césaire, 1935-1945 or thereabouts)" special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly on Cesaire and Negritude, July 2016
  • "Afterlives of Comparison: Equivalence, Value, Literature" for Ronan McDonald, ed, The Values of Literary Studies: Critical institutions, Scholarly Agendas. Cambridge University Press 2015
  • "Comparative Non-Contemporaneities: Ernst Bloch and C.L.R. James" in Daniel Stout and Jason Potts, ed. Theory Aside. Duke University Press, 2014.

Tracy McNulty




Emancipation by Relay: Transmission in Psychoanalysis (nearing completio).

Libertine Mathematics: Perversions of the Linguistic Turn (nearing completion).

Wrestling with the Angel: Experiments in Symbolic Life (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014). 

The Hostess: Hospitality, Femininity, and the Expropriation of Identity (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007). 

Edited volumes:

Erin Graff-Zivin and Tracy McNulty, guest editors, Women in Theory?, special issue of diacritics with papers by Maria del Rosario Acosta, Kendra Atkin, Natalie Belisle, Karen Benezra, Valeria Campos Salvaterra, Penelope Deutscher, Norah Fulton, Zakiyyah Iman Jackson, Adriana Johnson, Anna Kornbluh, Christina León, Julia Ng, Erin Graff-Zivin, Elissa Marder, and Rocio Zambrana. Diacritics volume 49, no 2 (2021). 

Tracy McNulty, editor, “Constructing the Death Drive,” special issue of Differences with essays by Willy Apollon, Lucie Cantin, Jeffrey Librett, Tracy McNulty, Steven Miller, and Daniel Wilson. Differences 28:2 (Spring 2017).

Jason Frank and Tracy McNulty, guest editors, “Taking Exception to the Exception,” special issue of diacritics with papers by Susan Buck-Morss, Jason Frank, Dominiek Hoens, Bonnie Honig, Jeffrey Librett, Tracy McNulty, Andrew Norris, Kam Shapiro, and Erik Vogt. Diacritics volume 37, nos. 2-3 (Spring 2008).

Journal Articles and Chapters in Books:

“Language, Hors langage, Act, Aesthetics,” in A Psychoanalysis for the Human: Willy Apollon's Renewal of Metapsychology After Freud and Lacan, ed. Lucie Cantin and Jeffrey Librett. Forthcoming 2023.

“Emancipation by Relay: The Transmission of Political Acts in Freud, James, and Kant,"  forthcoming in Theory & Event (2022).

“The Traversal of the Fantasy as an Opening to Humanity,” in Michelle Rada, editor, 
“Psychoanalysis and Solidarity.” Special issue of Differences (Volume 32, nos. 2-3) (2022). 

“The Anxiety at the Heart of Perverse Experience: A Clinical Perspective,” in Lacan’s Cruelty, ed. Meera Lee (London: Palgrave, 2022). 133-161.

“A Mass Psychology Beyond the Ego: Sympathy, Enthusiasm, and Unconscious Transmission in the Age of Revolution,” in a special issue of Psychoanalytische Perspectieven on the centennial of Sigmund Freud’s Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, ed. Alexander Miller (Fall 2021), 555-576.

“Feeling at a Distance, or the Aesthetics of Unconscious Transmission,” in Parallax: The Dialectics of Mind and World, ed. Dominik Finkelde, Christoph Menke, and Slavoj Žižek (London: Bloomsbury, 2021), 227-237.

“The Bond Uniting Pleasure and Pain,” special issue of Syndicate on Nathan Brown’s Rationalist Empiricism: A Theory of Speculative Critique, ed. Robert Lehman (October 2021). 

“What if the Fetish could Speak?,” special issue of Syndicate on Jacques Lezra’s On the Nature of Marx’s Things, ed. Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz (July 2020). https://syndicate.network/symposia/literature/on-the-nature-of-marxs-things/

“Untreatable: The Freudian Act and its Legacy,” in Agon Hamza and Frank Ruda, editors, “Jacques Lacan: Psychoanalysis, Politics, Philosophy and Science.” Special issue of Crisis and Critique, Volume 6, issue 1 (April 2019), 227-251.

“Psychoanalysis and Law,” in The Oxford Handbook of Law and Humanities, ed. Maksymilian Del Mar, Bernadette Meyler, and Simon Stern (London: Oxford University Press, 2019), 163-180.

“Beyond the Oedipus Complex: Dora, Antigone, and the Gift of the Symbolic Father,” in Ahnki Mukherjee, editor, After Lacan: Literature, Theory and Psychoanalysis in the 21st Century (Cambridge University Press, 2019), 58-73.

“Hysteria," in Jeffrey Di Leo, editor, The Bloomsbury Handbook to Literary and Cultural Theory (Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2018).

“Unbound: The Speculative Mythology of the Death Drive,” Differences 28:2 (2017), 86-115.

“Constructing the Death Drive,” Differences 28:2 (2017), 1-4.

“Speculative Fetishism,” Konturen VIII (2015), 99-132. Special issue on “The Thing.”

“Modernist Political Theologies: Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology and Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’,” in Jean-Michel Rabaté, editor, 1922: Literature, Culture, Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 248-260.

“The New Man’s Fetish,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Volume 51, Spindel Supplement (2013), 17-39.

“Desuturing Desire: The Work of the Letter in the Miller-Leclaire Debate,” in Peter Hallward and Knox Peden, editors, Concept and Form Volume II: Interviews and Essays on the Cahiers pour l’Analyse (London: Verso, 2012), 89-104.

“Enabling Constraints: Toward an Aesthetics of Symbolic Life,” Umbr(a) (2010), 35-63.

“Demanding the Impossible: Desire and Social Change,” Differences Volume 20, no. 1 (Spring 2008), 1-39.

“The Event of the Letter: Two Approaches to the Law and its Real” [on Alain Badiou], Cardozo Law Review Volume 29:5 (April 2008), 2209-2238.

“The Gap in the Law and the Border-Breaching Function of the Exception” [on Carl Schmitt and Jacques Lacan], Konturen volume I, 2008. (http://konturen.uoregon.edu/volume1.html)

“The Commandment Against the Law: Writing and Divine Justice in Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’,” diacritics volume 37, nos. 2-3 (Spring 2008), 34-60.

“Weibliche Liebe und der Paulinische Universalismus,” in Verschränkungen von Symbolischem und Realem. Zur Aktualität von Lacans Denken in den Kulturwissenschaften, eds. Jochen Bonz, Gisela Febel, Insa Härtel (Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2006).

“Mit dem Engel ringen,” in Wieder Religion ? Christentum im zeitgenössischen kritischen Denken (Lacan, Zizek, Badiou u.a.), eds. Marc De Kesel and Dominiek Hoens (Wenen: Turia + Kant, November 2005), 66-80.

“Feminine Love and the Pauline Universal,” in Alain Badiou: Philosophy and its Conditions, ed. Gabriel Riera (Albany: SUNY Press, 2005), 185-212. 

“Hospitality after the Death of God” [on Pierre Klossowski], diacritics volume 35, no. 1 (Spring 2005), 71-98.

“The Exceptional Father,” in (a): a journal of culture and the unconscious, volumes I and II (2005), 23-33. 

“Wrestling with the Angel” [on Emmanuel Lévinas and Saint Paul], Umbr(a), 2005, 73-84.

Signed, Dionysus: Nietzsche’s Lost Letter to Freud,” (a): a journal of culture and the unconscious, Volume II, no. 1, Fall 2002, 7-24.

“Solving the Sexual Impasse: Female Orgasm, Viagra, and the ‘Natural Law’ of Jouissance,” Savoir Volume 5, no. 1, September 2000, 75-100.

“Klossowski, ce soir,” (a): a journal of culture and the unconscious, Volume I, no. 1, Spring 2000,  81-103.

“Israel as Host(ess): Hospitality in the Bible and Beyond,” Jouvert: A Journal of Post-Colonial Studies, Volume 3, issues 1 and 2, 1999 (unpaginated).  

“The Other Jouissance, a Gay Sçavoir,” in Qui Parle, Volume 9, No. 2, Spring/Summer 1996, 126-159.

Paul Fleming

L. Sanford and Jo Mills Reis Professor of Humanities



  • Exemplarity and Mediocrity: The Art of the Average from Bourgeois Tragedy to Realism (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009).
  • The Pleasures of Abandonment: Jean Paul and the Life of Humor (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006). 

Book Translations

  • Hans Blumenberg, The Saint Matthew Passion (Cornell: Cornell University Press, 2022)
  • Hans Blumenberg, Care Crosses the River (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010)
  • Peter Szondi, An Essay on the Tragic (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002).

Selected Articles

  • “Where to Begin?” a special section on Close Reading, in: symploke 32 (forthcoming)
  • “Reading for the Gesture,“ in Internationalen Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der Deutschen Literatur, November 2023, 231-240.
  • “The End of the Road: New Nomads after the American Dream,” Im Fuhrpark der Literatur, Festschrift for Eva Geulen, Wallstein Verlag 2022
  • “Ein Bund von Sternen: Konstellation bei Kommerell,“ Lektürepraxis und Theoriebildung: Zur Aktualität Max Kommerells, Wallstein Verlag, ed. Christoph König (April 2018)
  •  “Tragedy, for Example: Distant Reading and Exemplary Reading (Moretti),” New Literary History, special edition “For Example” (Fall 2017)
  • “Dilettantenkunsthochschule,” in Neue Rundschau, special edition on “Strategischer Dilettantismus” ed. U. Wirth (Fall 2017)
  • “Witz,” Handbuch: Psychoanalyse und Literatur, eds. F. Berndt and E. Goebel, Berlin: De Gruyter (Fall 2017)
  • “Verfehlungen: Hans Blumenberg and the United States,” New German Critique (Fall 2017)
  • “Secret Germany / Crooked Germany: Ernst H. Kantorowicz.” Telos special issue on Stefan George “The Poet and the University: Stefan George among the Scholars” (Fall 2016)
  • “Beside Oneself: Parapraxis as a Paradigm of Everyday Life (Freud).” in Between Exemplarity and Singularity: Literature, Philosophy, Law, eds. A. Haverkamp, M. Lowrie, S. Luedemann, Routledge Press, 2015.
  • “The Art of Flirtation: Simmel’s Coquetry without End.” In Flirtations: Rhetorics and Aesthetics this side of Seduction, eds. D. Hofmann-Schwartz, B. N. Nagel, L. Stone. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015.
  • “Belatedness: A Theory of the Epic.” in MLN: A Festschrift for Rainer Nägele (2014)
  • “Vom Kasus zum Fall: Heyses ‘Auf Tod und Leben’ und Storms ‘Ein Bekenntnis’.” In: Wirklichkeit und Wahrnehmung: Neue Perspektiven auf Theodor Storm. Zeitschrift für Germanistik, Neue Folge, Bd. 27. eds. E. Strowick and U. Vedder (2013).
  •  “Bodies. Ernst H. Kantorowicz.” In Escape to Life. German Intellectuals in New York. A Compendium on Exile after 1933, eds. Eckart Goebel and Sigrid Weigel, Berlin/ New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012 
  •  “On the Edge of Non-Contingency: Lifeworld and Anecdotes,” a special Telos issue on Hans Blumenberg (Spring 2012)

  •  “Kannitverstan: The Contingent Understanding of Anecdotes.” In Oxford German Studies (Special issue on Johann Peter Hebel) vol. 40 (1), 2011, pp. 72-81.
  • “The Perfect Story: Anecdote and Exemplarity in Linnaeus and Blumenberg.” In Thesis 11 (Special issue on Hans Blumenberg) vol. 104 (1), 2011, pp.72-86.
  • “Dream Chamber: Poe, Baudelaire, Benjamin.” In Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, 4/2010, pp. 579-92. 
  • “The Promises of Childhood: Autobiography in Goethe and Jean Paul.” In Goethe-Yearbook, vol. 14 (2007), pp. 27-37.
  • “Forgetting – Faust: Adorno and Kommerell.” In Adorno and Literature, eds. David Cunningham and Nigel Mapp. London: Continuum, 2006, pp. 133-44.
  •  “Die üblichen Verdächtigen. Das Bild des Kriminellen bei Quetelet und Galton.” In Intellektuelle Anschauung. Figurationen von Evidenz zwischen Kunst und Wissen, eds. Sibylle Peters and Martin Schäfer. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2006, pp. 225-38.
  •  “Kill Kiddo. Superman und die Maske der Mittelmäßigkeit.” In Unfinished Business. Quentin Tarantinos Kill Bill und die offenen Rechnungen der Kulturwissenschaft, eds. Achim Geisenhanslüke and Christian Steltz. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2006, pp. 173-81.
  • “The Secret Adorno.” In Qui Parle 15.2 (Fall 2005), pp. 97-114.

  • “Am Rande: Verlassenheit und Lust. Robert Minders Aufsätze zu Jean Paul.” In Kultur, Literatur und Wissenschaft in Deutschland und Frankreich. Zum 100. Geburtstag Robert Minders, eds. Albrecht Betz and Richard Faber. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2004, pp. 279-88.

  •  “Mikroskopische Belustigungen: Jean Paul und die Selbstbehauptung der Kleinen.” In “Für viele stehen, indem man für sich steht.” Formen literarischer Selbstbehauptung in der Moderne, eds. Eckart Goebel and Eberhard Lämmert. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2004, pp. 50-62.
  • “June 10, 1796: An Alien Fallen from the Moon.” In The New History of German Literature, eds. David Wellbery et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004, pp. 465-70.
  •  “Die Moderne ohne Kunst: Max Kommerells Gattungspoetik in Jean Paul.” In Max Kommerell: Leben – Werk – Aktualität, eds. Walter Busch and Gerhart Pickerodt. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2003, pp. 54-73.
  • “Paragramm: Grimmelshausens Poetik der Unbeständigkeit.” In Die Endlichkeit der Literatur, eds. Eckart Goebel and Martin von Koppenfels. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2002, pp. 35-49.
  • “Das Gesetz: Hölderlin und die Not der Ruhe.” In Hölderlin-Jahrbuch (2000/01), pp. 273-92.
  • “The Crisis of Art: Max Kommerell and Jean Paul’s Gestures.” In Modern Language Notes, vol. 115, no. 3 (2000), pp. 519-43.

Laurent Dubreuil

Professor of French, Francophone & Comparative Literature




Edited Journal Issues


Andrea Bachner




The Mark of Theory: Inscriptive Figures, Poststructuralist Prehistories (forthcoming from Fordham University Press 2017).

Beyond Sinology: Chinese Writing and the Scripts of Culture (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014).

Edited Volumes and Special Issues

The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures, co-edited with Carlos Rojas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

“Between Asia and Latin America: New Transpacific Perspectives,” Special Issue of Verge: Studies in Global Asias (University of Minnesota Press), co-edited with Pedro Erber (forthcoming 2017).

Journal Articles 

“Editors’ Introduction: Remapping the Transpacific: Critical Approaches between Asia and Latin America” (with Pedro Erber) (forthcoming in Verge: Global Asias, 2017).

“Nexus,” (forthcoming in Verge: Global Asias, 2017) (part of the collective article “Fieldtrip: Between Asia and Latin America—A Critical Renga”).

“Violent Media, Chinese Fantasies: Salvador Elizondo’s ‘Execution by Shooting in China’,”(forthcoming in Verge: Global Asias, 2017).

“Hymenologics: Membrane Politics and the (Un)Making of Difference” (article for a special issue of Theory@Buffalo on “Difference: Cultural/Sexual/Universal,” forthcoming 2017).

“Cannibal Translations: Culture and Alterity in Early Modern China and Latin America” (forthcoming in Journal for Early Modern Studies, 2017, special issue on China edited by David Porter).

“Cultural Margins, Hybrid Scripts: Bigraphism and Translation in Taiwanese Indigenous Writing,” Journal of World Literature 1 (2016): 226-244; special issue on “Scriptworlds and World Literature.”

“Theses on the Translation of (Chinese) Architecture.” Verge: Global Asias 2: 1 (Spring 2016): 106-140; special issue on “Asian Urbanisms.”

What Original? Origin Stories, Script Teratologies, and Leibniz’s Hexagrammatology.” Comparative Literature. Special issue: “Original Languages.” 65: 1 (Winter 2013): 26-35.

“Graphic Germs: Mediality, Virulence, Chinese Writing.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 23: 1 (Spring 2011): 197-225.

“The Remains of History: Gao Xingjian’s Soul Mountain and Wuhe’s The Remains of Life.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 37: 1 (March 2011): 99-122.

“La corrosión del sentido: Quebrada de Guadalupe Santa Cruz” (“The Corrosion of Sense: Quebrada by Guadalupe Santa Cruz”). Taller de Letras 47 (November 2010): 69-88.

“‘Chinese’ Intextuations of the World.” Comparative Literature Studies 47: 3 (2010): 318-345.

“Thomas Hettche’s Wound Ethics.” The German Quarterly 82: 2 (Spring 2009): 212-230.

“Cinema as Heterochronos: Temporal Folds in the Work of Tsai Ming-liang.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 19: 1 (Spring 2007): 60-90.

“New Spaces for Literature: Can Xue and Hélène Cixous on Writing.” Comparative Literature Studies 42: 3 (2005): 155-182.

“Anagrams in Psychoanalysis: Retroping Concepts by Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, and Jean-François Lyotard.” Comparative Literature Studies 40: 1 (2003): 1-25. (Winner of the 2002 Owen A. Aldridge Prize).

Book Chapters

“Globally Queer? Taiwanese Homotextualities in Translation”in Queer in Translation. Ed. B.J. Epstein and Robert Gillett. London and New York: Routledge, 2017. 77-86.

“Chinese Literatures in Conjunction.” The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures. Ed. Andrea Bachner and Carlos Rojas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 866-80.

“The Secrets of Language: Chen Li’s Sinographic Anagrams.” The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese. Ed. Andrea Bachner and Carlos Rojas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 112-30.

“Between the Visual and the Sonic: Rewriting Rilke’s ‘Urgeräusch’.” Un/translatables. Ed. Bethany Wiggins and Catriona MacLeod. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2016. 229-39.

“Concretely Global? Visual Poetry against Translation.” Globalizing Literary Genres: Literature, History, Modernity. Ed. Jernej Habjan and Fabienne Imlinger. London and New York: Routledge, 2016. 155-168.

“1899: Oracle Bones, that Dangerous Supplement…” (forthcoming in A New Literary History of Modern China, edited by David Wang, Harvard University Press, March 2017).

“1986: The Writer and the Mad(wo)man.” (forthcoming in A New Literary History of Modern China, edited by David Wang, Harvard University Press, March 2017).

“Queer Affiliations: Mak Yan Yan’s Butterfly as Sinophone Romance.” Queering Sinophone Studies. Ed. Ari Larissa Heinrich and Howard Chiang. London and New York: Routledge, 2013. 201-220.

“Found in Translation: Gao Xingjian’s Multi-Medial Sinophone.” Sinophone Studies: A Critical Reader. Ed. Brian Bernards, Shih Shu-mei, and Tsai Chien-hsin. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. 364-374.

“Reinventing Chinese Writing: Zhang Guixing’s Sinographic Translations.” Globalizing Modern Chinese Literature: Critical Essays on Sinophone and Diasporic Writings. Ed. Jing Tsu and David Wang. Leiden and Boston: BRILL, 2010. 177-195.

“De/signar: Grafías paradójicas en la obra de Diamela Eltit” (“De/signar: Graphic Paradoxes in the Work of Diamela Eltit”). Diamela Eltit: Redes locales, redes globales. Ed. Rubí Carreño. Madrid and Frankfurt/Main: Iberoamericana and Vervuert, 2009. 273-281.

“Re/coiling Inscription: Incisive Moments in Diamela Eltit and Jacques Derrida.” Democracy in Latin America: The Legacy of September 11, 1973. Ed. Silvia Nagy-Zekmi and Fernando Leiva. Brighton, Portland: Sussex University Press, 2005. 202-213.


Translation of Salvador Elizondo, “Execution by Shooting in China” (“Fusilamiento en China”), forthcoming in Verge: Global Asias 3:2 (2017) (Spanish to English).

Translation of Mei Chia-ling, “Voice and the Quest for Modernity in Chinese Literature” The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures. Ed. Andrea Bachner and Carlos Rojas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 149-171. (Chinese to English).

Translation of Chen Pingyuan, “The Story of Literary History.” The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures. Ed. Andrea Bachner and Carlos Rojas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 92-111. (Chinese to English).

Translation of Ji Jin, “Modern Chinese Literature and Literature in Translation” The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures. Ed. Andrea Bachner and Carlos Rojas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 521-30. (Chinese to English).

Translations of “草莓果园” (“Strawberry Fields”) by Liao Weitang, “音乐山谷” (“Valley of Music”) by Song Lin, “古相思曲” (“An Ancient Lovesong”) by Xi Murong, and “星期日独唱” (“Solo on a Sunday”) by Yi Lei, Chinese to German, for “Time Shadows: Music” Goethe-Institute Washington, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library, and the Chinatown Community Cultural Center in Washington, DC, February 23, 2012. http://www.goethe.de/ins/us/lp/kul/mag/tri/map/enindex.htm.

Translations of “Danza del alacrán” (“Scorpion Dance”), “Serpiente de vidrio” (“Glass Serpent”), and “Autorretrato de la mujer invisible” (“Self-Portrait of the Invisible Woman”) by Julia Piera, Spanish to English. The Poetry Ireland Review. 91 (2007): 62-64.

Translation of “洋蔥” (“Onion”) by Yesi (Leung Ping-kwan), Chinese to Spanish. ABC Cultural Supplement, Spain. 752 (July 1st, 2006): 20.

Reviews, Shorter Pieces, and Interviews

Review of Young China by Mingwei Song for Canadian Review of Comparative Literature.

Review of Homesickness by Carlos Rojas for Frontiers of Literary Studies in China; Chinese translation by Li Juan forthcoming in Xuewen.

Interview with Carla Nappi on Beyond Sinology for New Books in East Asian Studies, http://newbooksineastasianstudies.com/2014/03/23/andrea-bachner-beyond-sinology-chinese-writing-and-the-scripts-of-culture-columbia-up-2014/

Interview with Ilon Huang on Beyond Sinology for the weekend magazine of Radio Taiwan International, August 2, 9, and 16, 2014 (in German).

Review of A Common Strangeness by Jacob Edmond. CLEAR 53 (2013): 240-242.

Review of Lin Shu, Inc. by Michael Hill. Chinese Literature Today 3: 1/2 (2013): 168-170.

Review of Perfect Worlds: Utopian Fiction in China and the West by Douwe Fokkema. The Comparatist 37 (May 2013): 319-321.

Review of Sound and Script in Chinese Diaspora by Jing Tsu, MCLC Resource Center. http://mclc.osu.edu/rc/pubs/reviews/bachner2.htm, Summer 2011.

Review of Ideographic Modernism by Christopher Bush, MCLC Resource Center. http://mclc.osu.edu/rc/pubs/reviews/bachner.htm, Spring 2011.

Review of Sinographies. Ed. Eric Hayot, Haun Saussy, and Steven Yao. China Review International. 16: 3 (2009): 341-344.

“另類書寫系統:張貴興《猴杯》和黃錦樹〈魚骸〉裡的肉體銘刻” (“Corporeal Inscription in Zhang Guixing’s Simian Cup and Ng Kim-chew’s ‘Fish Bones’”). Trans. Tsai Chien-hsin. SinChew Daily, Literary Supplement, August 27, 2006.

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