Below are selected publications. Please visit Professor Stoye's personal website for a full list, preprints, supporting files, and current working papers.
NSF Grants SES-1260980 (*) and SES-1824375 (**) are gratefully acknowledged.
"Revealed Price Preference: Theory and Empirical Analysis" (with Rahul Deb, Yuichi Kitamura, and John Quah), Review of Economic Studies 90, 707-743,2023.*,**
"Constraint Qualifications in Partial Identification" (with Hiroaki Kaido and Francesca Molinari), Econometric Theory 38, 596 - 619, 2022.**
"Bounding Infection Prevalence by Bounding Selectivity and Accuracy of Tests: With Application to Early COVID-19," Econometrics Journal 25, 1-14, 2022.
"Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: It is Not Who You Teach, But How You Teach" (with George Orlov, Douglas McKee, James Berry, Austin Boyle, Tom DiCiccio, Tyler Ransom, and Alex Rees-Jones), Economics Letters 202, 109812, 2021.
"Confidence Intervals for Projections of Partially Identified Parameters" (with Hiroaki Kaido and Francesca Molinari), Econometrica 87, 1397-1432, 2019.*,**
"Nonparametric Analysis of Random Utility Models" (with Yuichi Kitamura), Econometrica 86, 1883-1909, 2018.*
"Choice Theory when Agents Can Randomize," Journal of Economic Theory 155, 131-151, 2015.*
"Revealed Preferences in a Heterogeneous Population," (with Stefan Hoderlein), Review of Economics and Statistics 96, 197–213, 2014.
"Minimax Regret Treatment Choice with Limited Validity of Experiments or with Covariates," Journal of Econometrics 166, 138-156, 2012.
"Axioms for Minimax Regret Choice Correspondences," Journal of Economic Theory 146, 2226–2251, 2011.
"Partial Identification of Spread Parameters," Quantitative Economics 1, 323-357, 2010.
"Minimax Regret Treatment Choice with Finite Samples," Journal of Econometrics 151, 70-81, 2009.
"More on Confidence Intervals for Partially Identified Parameters," Econometrica 77, 1299-1315, 2009.