Justine Modica

Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow

Mayer Juni

Bruce Slovin Assistant Professor

Kelsey Jennings Roggensack

Graduate Student

Lyrianne González

History Ph.D. Candidate


González, Lyrianne. Review. Sarah Coleman, The Walls Within: The Politics of Immigration in Modern America (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021), in Journal of American Ethnic History (Spring 2022).

González, Lyrianne. “Listening to Migrant Workers and Material Culture,” Cornell Public History Initiative, Website, Cornell University, September 2021. https://phi.history.cornell.edu/news-and-stories/listening-to-migrant-workers-and-material-culture/.

González, Lyrianne. “Joy and Aspirations: How Black Female Farmers Revolutionized How I Approach Oral Histories,” Humanities New York Community Partnership Grant, Society for the Humanities’ Rural Humanities, Website, Cornell University, August 2021. https://rural.as.cornell.edu/news/community-partnership-gonzalez.

González, Lyrianne E. “Centering Climate Disaster: A Labor Immigration Driving Force.” Latin American Literary Review 48, no. 96 (Summer 2021): 119–22. https://www.lalrp.net/articles/abstract/10.26824/lalr.259/


Cristina Florea

Assistant Professor


Peer-reviewed Articles

"Frontiers of Civilization in the Age of Mass Migration from Eastern Europe," Past and Present, 21 February 2022. https://doi.org/10.1093/pastj/gtab041

"New Perspectives in German Studies: A View From the Margins," New German Critique, November 2023. 

Book Reviews and Review Essays

Review of Patrice Dabrowski, The Carpathians: Discovering the Highlands of Poland and Ukraine (Cornell University Press, 2021), History: Reviews of New Books, 50(5), pp.83-84.  

Review of Astrid Eckert, West Germany and the Iron Curtain: Environment, Economy, and Culture in the Borderlands (OUP, 2019), H-Borderlands.

"Hidden Metropolis: Modernization and Urban Culture in Eastern Europe," Journal of Urban History, January 2020. 

Review of Helga Mitterbauer and Carrie Smith-Prei, eds. Crossing Central Europe: Continuities and Transformations, 1900 and 2000 (University of Toronto Press, 2017), Austrian History Yearbook, April 2019.

Public Writing

"Ukraine's Long Self-Determination," New York Review of Books, December 7, 2022. https://www.nybooks.com/online/2022/12/07/ukraines-long-self-determination/ 

“The Crisis in Ukraine Has Disturbing Echoes of the 1930s,” TIME, February 28, 2022. https://time.com/6152294/ukraine-invasion-europe-1930s/

“Putin Knows That Controlling History Is the Key to Total Power,” CNN Opinion, April 4, 2022. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/04/opinions/putin-destroying-ukraine-history-archives-florea/index.html

“Putin’s Perilous Imperial Dream: Why Empires and Nativism Don’t Mix,” Foreign Affairs, May 10, 2022. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russian-federation/2022-05-10/putins-perilous-imperial-dream

Mara Yue Du

Associate Professor


Refereed Journal Articles:

  • “Toward a Nation Defined by State: Tattooed Loyalty and the Evolution of Yue Fei’s (1103-1142) Image from the Song to the Present,”  Journal of Chinese History, 8.1 (2024), 23-48.
  • “Unlimited Debt toward Father and Mother: Engendering State-Sponsored Generational Hierarchies in Late Imperial China,” Asia Major, 34.2 (2021), pp.93-125.
  • “From Dynastic State to Imperial Nation: International Law, Diplomacy, and Conceptual Decentralization of China, 1860s-1900s,” Late Imperial China, 42.1 (2021), pp.177-220.
  • “Bringing Chinese Law in Line with Western Standards? Problematizing ‘Chinese’ and ‘Western’ in the Late Qing Debate over the New Criminal Code,” Frontiers of History in China, 16.1 (2021), pp.39-72.
  • “Policies and Counterstrategies: State-Sponsored Filiality and False Accusation in Qing China,” International Journal of Asian Studies, 16.2 (2019), pp.79-97.
  • “Reforming Social Customs through Law: Dynamics and Discrepancies in the Nationalist Reform of the Adoptive Daughter-in-Law,” NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China 21.1 (2019), pp.76-106.
  • “Sun Yat-sen as Guofu: Competition over Nationalist Party Orthodoxy in the Second Sino-Japanese War,” Modern China 45.2 (2019), pp.201-235.
  • “Concubinage and Motherhood in Qing China (1644-1911): Ritual, Law, and Custodial Rights of Property,” Journal of Family History 42.2 (2017), pp.162-183.
  • “Legal Justice in Eighteenth-Century Mongolia: Gender, Ethnicity, and Politics in the Manchu-Mongol Marriage Alliance,” Late Imperial China 37.2 (2016), pp.1-40.


Peer-Reviewed Short Commentaries:

  • “Chinese Overseas, Southeast Asia, and Xi Jinping’s ‘Great Rejuvenation of the Pan-Chinese Nation,’” accepted by ISEAS Perspective, forthcoming.


Kristin Roebuck

Assistant Professor



Japan Reborn: Race and Eugenics from Empire to Cold War.  Forthcoming, Columbia University Press.

"Science without Borders?  War, Empire, and the Contested Science of 'Race Mixing' in Japan, East Asia, and the West."  In Who Is the Asianist?  The Politics of Representation in Asian Studies, eds. Will Bridges, Nitasha Tamar Sharma, and Marvin D. Sterling (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022).

"Remember Girl Zero: Asia-Pacific Patriliny and Female Slavery." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 81.1&2 (June–Dec. 2021).

Orphans by Design: ‘Mixed-Blood’ Children, Child Welfare, and Racial Nationalism in Postwar Japan.” Japanese Studies Vol. 36.2 (Sep. 2016)

“De-Provincializing Eugenics: The Persistence of ‘Race Hygiene’ in Japan after Its Decline in the West.”  In Asia and Africa across Disciplinary and National Lines (Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Press, 2015).

Mass Media

"Princess Mako of Japan's Commoner Wedding Suggests Sexism Will Doom the Royal Family."  NBC News (31 Oct. 2021).

"Akihito Bows Out, Ushering in New Era for Japan's Post-War Generation." The Hill (30 April 2019). 

"Japan, U.S. Face Legacies of Forced Sterilization." Global Journalist, National Public Radio (25 Oct. 2018). 

Maria Cristina Garcia

Howard A. Newman Professor of American Studies and Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow



  • State of Disaster: The Failure of US Migration Policy in an Age of Climate Change (University of North Carolina Press, 2022).
  • The Refugee Challenge in Post-Cold War America (Oxford University Press, 2017)
  • Seeking Refuge: Central American Migration to Mexico, the United States, and Canada (University of California Press, 2006).
  • Havana USA: Cuban exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida (University of California Press, 1996).

Edited Books

  • Whose America? US immigration policy since 1986 (with Maddalena Marinari), University of Illinois Press, 2019.
  • A Nation of Immigrants reconsidered: US Society in an Age of Restriction, 1924-1965 (with Maddalena Marinari and Madeline Hsu), University of Illinois Press, 2019.

Books in Progress

  • Origin Stories: Myth and History in the American Immigration Experience (under contract)

Select recent articles, book chapters, and public access articles

Derek Chang

Associate Professor

Edward E. Baptist


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