Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik

Assistant Professor



Maghreb Noir: The Militant-Artists of North Africa and the Struggle for a Pan-African, Postcolonial Future (Stanford University Press, 2023).

Articles and Book Chapters

“’Collecting Bosoms:’ Sex, Race, and Masculinity at the Pan-African Festival of Algiers, 1969,” Arab Studies Journal, XXIX, no. 2, (Fall 2021), 96-117.

““Between their hands a fabulous geography is born”: The Maghreb generation and the fight to decolonize and unite Africa’s minds,” in Visions of African Unity, Frank Gerits and Matteo Grilli (eds.), (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 237-259, invited to contribute by editors.

“The Quest for a Pan-African Groove: Saxophones and Stories from the Pan-African Festival of Algiers (1969),” World Art, 9 (1), July 2018, 1-14.

“Flickering Fault Lines: The 1969 Pan-African Festival of Algiers and the Struggle for a Unified Africa” in Monde(s), 2016/1 (N° 9)

Op-eds and Shorter Pieces

“Puigaudeau and Sénones: A Graphic Novel on Mauritania Circa 1933” in a special edition on Comix of The Markaz Review, August 2021, contribution solicited by editors,

“On Decolonial Studies,” or in French translation “Des Études Décoloniales,” Jadaliyya, April 19th, 2021,

Run naked towards the sun/Raise your barricades/Make your revolution: Poetic Revolution and Postcolonial Discourse,” Yoav di-Capua and Cyrus Schayegh (eds.), invited contribution to a roundtable in the International Journal of Middle East Studies, Volume 52, Issue 1 (Spring 2020), 161-6.

Academic Podcasts:

“The Mad-for-Maghreb Generation: the Maghreb in the Pan-African Cultural Project,” Maghreb in the Past and Present Series, Episode 55, recorded November 2018.

“The History of Pan-Africanism in the Postcolonial Period: The Pan-African Festival of Algiers of 1969,” Maghreb in the Past and Present Series, Episode 53, recorded June 2018.

Oral History Online Publications:

Contributor to PANAFEST Archives, Paris, France,, 2018-2020.

Ruth Lawlor

Assistant Professor


With Andrew Buchanan, “Hopes Foreclosed and a World Remade: The Long Endings of World War II”, in The Greater Second World War: Global Perspectives eds. Andrew Buchanan and Ruth Lawlor (Ithaca, NY: Cornell, 2025).

With Andrew Buchanan, Latin America, the Good Neighbor and the Global Second World War”, Antíteses (forthcoming)

The Stuttgart Incident: Sexual Violence and the Uses of History”, Diplomatic History Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2022: 70–96

The Wartime Battlefield of Sex”, Modern American History, Vol. 4 Issue 2 (July, 2021): 209-212

Contested Crimes: Race, Gender, and Nation in GI Histories of Sexual Crime, World War II”, Journal of Military History, Vol. 84 Issue 2 (April, 2020): 541-569

Working with Death”, AHA Perspectives, December 15, 2020

Justine Modica

Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow

Peidong Sun

Distinguished Associate Professor of Arts & Sciences in China and Asia-Pacific Studies; Associate Professor of History


Books in Chinese

Peidong Sun. 2013. Fashion and Politics: Everyday Clothing Practices in Guangdong during the Cultural Revolution(Beijing: People’s Publishing House).

Peidong Sun. 2012; 2013. Who Will Marry My Daughter? The Parental Matchmaking Corner in Shanghai’s People’s Square(Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press).

Edited books in English

Patricia Thornton, Peidong Sun & Chris Berry eds. 2017. Red Shadows: Memories and Legacies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Upcoming Books in English

Red DNA: How the Cultural Revolution Has Shaped the Xi Jinping Generation.

The CCP Mind: A Hidden Story.

Unfiltered Regard: French Perspectives on China from Mao to Xi(Under contract with Routledge)

Fashion and Politics in China's Cultural Revolution(Under contract with Bloomsbury Publishing)

Crossing the Three Great Walls: A Memoir

Juan Fernandez

PhD Candidate


"Masculinity and Misperformance: The Death of William Jones Among the Ilongots, 1909." In Indigenous Studies in the Philippines. Leah Abayao, Jimmy Fong, and Carolyn Podruchny, eds. (Forthcoming.)

"'From Savages to Soldiers': The Igorot Body, Militarized Masculinity, and the Logic of Transformation in Dean C. Worcester's Philippine Photographs." Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints. (Forthcoming.)

(With Sophia Cuevas Mable and Imelda de Guzman Olvida). “Where Peasants Are Kings: Food Sovereignty in the Tagbanua Traditional Subsistence System.” Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 8, no. 1 (2015): 27–44.

Lyrianne González

History Ph.D. Candidate


González, Lyrianne. Review. Sarah Coleman, The Walls Within: The Politics of Immigration in Modern America (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021), in Journal of American Ethnic History (Spring 2022).

González, Lyrianne. “Listening to Migrant Workers and Material Culture,” Cornell Public History Initiative, Website, Cornell University, September 2021.

González, Lyrianne. “Joy and Aspirations: How Black Female Farmers Revolutionized How I Approach Oral Histories,” Humanities New York Community Partnership Grant, Society for the Humanities’ Rural Humanities, Website, Cornell University, August 2021.

González, Lyrianne E. “Centering Climate Disaster: A Labor Immigration Driving Force.” Latin American Literary Review 48, no. 96 (Summer 2021): 119–22.


Mara Yue Du

Associate Professor



“Toward a Nation Defined by State: Tattooed Loyalty and the Evolution of Yue Fei’s (1103-1142) Image from the Song to the Present,”  Journal of Chinese History, 8.1 (2024), 23-48.

“Unlimited Debt toward Father and Mother: Engendering State-Sponsored Generational Hierarchies in Late Imperial China,” Asia Major, 34.2 (2021), pp.93-125.

“From Dynastic State to Imperial Nation: International Law, Diplomacy, and Conceptual Decentralization of China, 1860s-1900s,” Late Imperial China, 42.1 (2021), pp.177-220.

“Bringing Chinese Law in Line with Western Standards? Problematizing ‘Chinese’ and ‘Western’ in the Late Qing Debate over the New Criminal Code,” Frontiers of History in China, 16.1 (2021), pp.39-72.

“Policies and Counterstrategies: State-Sponsored Filiality and False Accusation in Qing China,” International Journal of Asian Studies, 16.2 (2019), pp.79-97.

“Reforming Social Customs through Law: Dynamics and Discrepancies in the Nationalist Reform of the Adoptive Daughter-in-Law,” NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China 21.1 (2019), pp.76-106.

“Sun Yat-sen as Guofu: Competition over Nationalist Party Orthodoxy in the Second Sino-Japanese War,” Modern China 45.2 (2019), pp.201-235.

“Concubinage and Motherhood in Qing China (1644-1911): Ritual, Law, and Custodial Rights of Property,” Journal of Family History 42.2 (2017), pp.162-183.

“Legal Justice in Eighteenth-Century Mongolia: Gender, Ethnicity, and Politics in the Manchu-Mongol Marriage Alliance,” Late Imperial China 37.2 (2016), pp.1-40.

Rachel Judith Weil



Academic Articles

  • Politics and Gender in Crisis in David Underdown’s “The Taming of the Scold".  History Compass.  11. 2013
  • The Public, the Private, and Feminist Historiography.  Histoire Sociale. Social History.  80:421. 2007
  • Thinking about Allegiance in the English Civil War.  History Workshop Journal.  61:183-191. 2006
  • Book Review Colloquium: Modernity and the Glorious Revolution.  Huntington Library Quarterly.  


  • A Plague of Informers: Conspiracy and Political Trust in William III's England.  New Haven: Yale University Press. 2013
  • Political Passions: Gender, the Family and Political Argument in England 1680-1714 .  Manchester ; New York : Manchester University Press. 1999


  • National Security and Secularization in the English Revolution of 1688.  After Secular Law. Ed. Sullivan, Winnifred.  Stanford:  Stanford University Press. 2011
  • Matthew Smith Versus the "Great Men" : Plot Talk, the Public Sphere, and the Problem of Credibility in the 1690s.  The Politics of the Public Sphere in Early Modern England. 2007
  • The Female Politician in the Late Stuart Age.  Politics, Transgression, and Representation at the Court of Charles II. 2007
  • The Family in the Exclusion Crisis: Locke versus. Filmer Revisited.  A Nation Transformed: England after the Restoration. 2001
  • Sometimes a Scepter is only a Scepter: Pornography and Politics in Restoration England.  The Invention of Pornography: Obscenity and the Origins of Modernity, 1500-1800. 1993
  • The Politics of Legitimacy: Women and the Warming Pan Scandal.  The Revolution of 1688-1689 : Changing Perspectives. 1992

Kristin Roebuck

Assistant Professor & Howard Milstein Faculty Fellow



Japan Reborn: Race, Sex and Eugenics from World War to Cold War.  Under contract, Columbia University Press.

"Science without Borders?  War, Empire, and the Contested Science of 'Race Mixing' in Japan, East Asia, and the West."  In Who Is the Asianist?  The Politics of Representation in Asian Studies, eds. Will Bridges, Nitasha Tamar Sharma, and Marvin D. Sterling (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022).

"Remember Girl Zero: Asia-Pacific Patriliny and Female Slavery." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 81.1&2 (June–Dec. 2021).

Orphans by Design: ‘Mixed-Blood’ Children, Child Welfare, and Racial Nationalism in Postwar Japan.” Japanese Studies Vol. 36.2 (Sep. 2016)

“De-Provincializing Eugenics: The Persistence of ‘Race Hygiene’ in Japan after Its Decline in the West.”  In Asia and Africa across Disciplinary and National Lines (Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Press, 2015).

Mass Media

"Princess Mako of Japan's Commoner Wedding Suggests Sexism Will Doom the Royal Family."  NBC News (31 Oct. 2021).

"Akihito Bows Out, Ushering in New Era for Japan's Post-War Generation." The Hill (30 April 2019). 

"Japan, U.S. Face Legacies of Forced Sterilization." Global Journalist, National Public Radio (25 Oct. 2018). 

Tamara Loos



Bones around My Neck: The Life and Exile of a Prince Provocateur (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2016).

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