Anna Skripka

Michler Scholar


Research Focus

Research areas: Analysis, Probability and Statistics

I mainly work on development of methods of high-dimensional and infinite-dimensional noncommutative analysis for problems arising in mathematical physics, noncommutative geometry, applied matrix analysis, and, more recently, statistical estimation.


  • MSE bounds for estimators of matrix functions, Linear Algebra and its Applications,  609 (2021), 231-252

  • Multilinear Operator Integrals: Theory and Applications (with A. Tomskova), Lecture Notes in Mathematics,  2250, Springer, 2019, XI+192 pp

  • Multilinear Schur multipliers and applications to operator Taylor remainders (with D. Potapov, F. Sukochev, A. Tomskova),  Advances in Mathematics,  320 (2017), 1063-1098

  • Estimates and trace formulas for unitary and resolvent comparable perturbations,  Advances in Mathematics,  311 (2017), 481-509

  • Spectral shift function of higher order (with D. Potapov, F. Sukochev), Inventiones Mathematicae,  193 (2013), no. 3, 501-538